TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Happy Sunday!!!

Slept in - forst time here. My ass was tired. The cat helped. He knows all about it.

We have rain this morning. I have plumbers in 90 minutes for maybe 4 hours tops. And the couple who invited me over a couple of weeks ago have repeated their error in judgment, so I'll be getting fed. And there's laundry sl000shing around in the washer.

Too bad I can't just go back to bed . . . .



I am about to have my worsher make some slooshing sounds. One more load of laundry should have it all done up for a few days.
The coffee is/was indeed good this AM.

Looks like Wat needs a short tutorial on horses BT, you wanna start. :)
It sounds like the lead mare (I seriously doubt there's a stallion involved) is sorta dominating Wat right now. Basic horse handling is a skill everyone should have. If certain politicians get their way we'll be back to horse and buggy in no time flat. :D
It sounds like the lead mare (I seriously doubt there's a stallion involved) is sorta dominating Wat right now. Basic horse handling is a skill everyone should have. If certain politicians get their way we'll be back to horse and buggy in no time flat. :D

Seriously. If Trump wins, BT won't even be able to vote again!
It sounds like the lead mare (I seriously doubt there's a stallion involved) is sorta dominating Wat right now. Basic horse handling is a skill everyone should have. If certain politicians get their way we'll be back to horse and buggy in no time flat. :D

I've handled just about every kind of horse flesh the Good Lord put on this earth. Some was gentle as an old dog, some was pure wild cat. Most fell somewhere in between. I loved 'em all. They have a psyche of their own.
Got home about three hours ago. Grazed a bit. Took a nap.

It's still looking like it might spit a bit, but it may well be done.

The worsher is done. Waitin' fer the drahr to finish up.




So, if you can hang 40 on the Cheaps, they lose.

Who knew???

Wait, the Kansas City Football Team . . . .


Afternoon folks.

Yeah, they all have their habits but they're still herd critters. Get control of the herd leader and you control the herd. Sorta like humans in a way. :)

DeSoto. One of my grandfathers was a Mopar guy and always drove DeSoto's until they dropped the nameplate. Bought new every other year. He drove Chrysler's after that.
If'n I was a Wat, I'd keep a pouch of chewin tobacco in my pocket for when the equines get a little adventuresome. Most of them like the taste and will look for the pouch and even follow the owner of the pouch.
I forgot about that trick. My father always carried Beechnut. I remember the first time I begged him into letting me try it. Foul stuff.
The chaw is handier than carrying apples or carrots, it doesn't go bad, as far as the horses are concerned. The apples and carrots should be cut up so's the big ole hairy heads don't get choked(don't happen often, But I've seen it happen and the vet bill is atrocious), and that shortens their shelf life for bribin material.

Do Wats take notes. I wonder?
I don't know, he's probably lurking. The chaw has the added benefit of looking right with a HfD rider. Having a pocket full of carrots or such might look a little lame. :)
I do believe so.

Priming up a mess of brass and getting it ready to go. I'll rig up the press and run them through tomorrow.

Under normal circumstances I'd say I have plenty of the fixin's but these just aren't "normal" circumstances these days.
It is a brave new world finding all the necessary ingredients these days.
Happy Monday!!!

The critters' mama says they like peppermints, and I bet they come individually wrapped - like "Life Savers" - and are a pain. But I may try them. Hain't done no chaw in a month of decades. In a horse's age and then some. We'll see.

Looks like a pretty day, and we look pretty good for the walk-through. Cat is resting on his folded blankie. It's his new fave spot.

I need to get another thingie of coffee. The landlady did me a favor by buying some super sale stuff in my brand. But it ain't my flavor . . . .



The guy that used to be my relief had some brake concerns. I think we could have gotten away with turning the rotors but he had his two small ones with him I had mine and with them under foot it just made the most sense to just change the rotors out.

I showed him how to do it on the first side with the idea that I would encourage him to do the work on the second side. Turns out I didn't even have to suggest it he insisted. He does all the transportation for the family takes his girl to work even though he's often driving through the night. She called a couple of times wondering when he was going to be done which struck me as a little less than helpful since he was both babysitting and working on the car at the same time. I'm not sure exactly what her situation is I'm assuming that she might have been working and concerned about getting picked up so there might have been some reasons for all of that so I just kept completely out of that. He didn't seem that bothered by it so there probably was some reason for her concerns.

I had just finished a marathon. Worked 4am to afternoon. Went home, unwound for an hour, slept four, then worked evening till 9am. The ex was on my side of the planet and saved me an hour down and an hour back. Got 20 minute nap before crawling around with an inadequate jack in a gravel yard. Probably good that nobody died especially with kids under foot

Anyway ...the sound of how proud he was when he was telling his girl about how he had finished the second side all by himself made the whole thing worth it.
The hills have been here millions of years, but every hunting season they get steeper and steeper.

I've stopped shooting at critters down-hill, because I don't want to climb back up.