TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Something I read today:
For the record, despite Kamala Harris's career-climbing affairs, she finds it bizarre that Mike Pence won't meet with women without his wife present. Oddly, if other men followed his example, Kamala Harris wouldn't be in Congress.
Home with cat. Grazing in.

We may very well be getting covided at work. Shit is backing up. Some of this is good because we have subs - well, the wood butcher - falling behind. We're behind on interior doors. Add to that, the windows and exterior doors are taking their sweet-ass time getting there, too. Anyway, I'll have a chat with the PM tomorrow and we'll try to sort this shit out.

The other super's wife tested positive. He tested negative, but he was going in today for another one. Oh boy!!!

Ain't nobody got time fo' dat . . . .



Happy Tuesday!!!

Looks not to be quite as cold as was threatened yesterday, but we do have fog. Imagine that!!! It rained yesterday and then fog today. Seems to be the formula around here.

We gotta rehash the schedule this morning, it seems. The boss won't like it, but we just can't get material in a timely manner. And Life goes on.

Meanwhile, coffee, so there's that . . . .


Good morning everyone.

Yeah, getting material/supplies is getting to be a bitch these days along with the associated price increases. I have to wonder how much of those increases/delays are actually artificial?
I'm not wondering. The delays are, I think, as a result of covid-skeerts drop-offs in production. The price rise is a result of gouging and supply/demand.

I'd like to have my country back, please.

I wonder who we have to kill to get it back.

Anyway, these fucking weasels won't see themselves . . . .



Well, I've been down for a few days.

Nasty shit.

Maybe the morning will be better.
I haven't even felt like drinking coffee...
Hi there, Gentilemen. Home with cat. Got some grub from the grub dog and came home and made a huge salad. I was past due for one. The cat is exploring something. And sharpening his claws.

The subs are restless because of a lack of material. Hey, it is what it is. The drywall guy is not making great strides. The roofers are pulling off until we get new roof decking. Mah . . . .

Looks like I might not get my co-worker back for a few days. His absence is throwing a kink into my travel plans. Looks like my trip to the airport may be courtesy of Uber. The flight will cost less. But it'll still be cheaper than my last flight to collect Zelda.

Actually, that was Barbie. I cunt keep mah h000rs straight.



I'm just killing time.

I hurt too bad to read anything serious and you can only play so much solitaire.
Yeah, dem's facts.

I'ma call it a night. I'm over it.

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I may end up playing mobile mechanic tonight. Just got a call from Damon his car won't start. I think it's the starter solenoid he's hoping it's the battery. Pain in the ass to change the battery in that car. P.O.S. UAW-made, government motors vehicle.

Guy is between a rock and a hard place. Bought the car several years ago because they were spending 400 a month on taxes to get his girl to work. He figured $400 a month for a car payment was better than that. I don't know how how many miles he's got on that thing but I'm sure it's a ton. He still owes one more year so almost $5,000 on a high mileage five-year-old car.

I think he just got ripped off by a mechanic recently that's why I was helping him with his brakes on zero sleep last weekend. He had a serpentine belt break and somehow take out the alternator in the process. Okay i buy that more or less. I'm not sure why that repair bill was $1,700. So he's broke, the car is down, and he's got an appointment with the repo guy if he can't make $400 by Friday.

I've never made payments on a car, and I would never consider it. I bought 220,000 miles so far for less than five of his car payments. I've seen a couple of Priusi lately for less money than he's going to spend in the next year just on car payments.

He didn't grow up in a culture knowing anything about cars or money for that matter. Without being preachy or condescending, I've tried to talk to him about where he should go from here in the future about vehicles and he still got some wrong headed ideas that I'm having trouble disabusing him of.

In other news, I'm about to buy my midlife crisis car minus the hot rod drivetrain back.
Good morning everyone. It's Range day Wednesday!! :)

Actually I was out there yesterday too. The road SUCKS. At least the first part before the turn-off to the range. If you continue on the first road you come to the power companies solar farm, a farm they're in the process of expanding. And that means a LOT of heavy, as in semi's, traffic on the road. Needless to say the road is more like a test track for tanks now. The county is supposed to maintain the road but wants the power company to pay for it. The power company says, "Hey, it's your road. You fix it." So nothing is done. :rolleyes:
Happy non-payday Wednesday. This kind keep the other kind from bumping into each other.

My opinion would be, hey power company, you fucked up a good enough road. It's 100% yours - and we'll make sure that you fix it, too. Love, county. I've heard tales of that, plus a hefty fine to go with it.

The trip to the airport is getting stranger. Something will become apparent, but I'm just not sure yet. So the cat has a running fit, the old fool.

And I gots coffee . . . .



Roadside assistance gave him a jump, so- battery. Glad I was wrong.

Now he has to leave it running, go home pick up the girl, pick up a couple of sleepy kids, drop the girl off at work, find himself an all night autozonez and triy to con them into helping him with the battery like we did last year. That battery replacement on a Chevy Malibu is a bitch. So much so that AutoZone's official policy is they don't help with replacing those batteries. Still might be playing mobile mechanic, but at least it will be under hood instead of under car.

Came home for a snack, which really means a nap. The Cat pushed his way in and was head-butting the bag-o-catfood. I went 5i feed him, he had some left. Cats like to be fed just to see if they can make you. He seems to know what a fridge is, and stood up on hind legs to investigate the onion I was slicing. He's a big cat when you see him inside. He's got a loud purr which he only does inside as he tries to negotiate a sublease.
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Cats don't like to be able to see the bottom of the food dish and if they do, they proceed to act like they've never ever been fed. This one always has at least two dishes going with a variety of victuals.

I suspect that I've owned my last Shebbie.

Now, I will do a vehicle note, but they get much more than the payment amount. That way, they don't hang around too long.

Okay, gotta get ready to go weasel . . . .

That does seem to be a cat thing. A less than overflowing bowl seems to make them insecure.
I have seen an overflowing dumpster make the feral cats happy.

Especially if the natives have just tossed out last night's chicken bones.

It's another absolutely gorgeous day here. Nary cloud to be seen. Still trying to work out my trip to the airport on Friday. Something will become apparent.

Not many weasels today. Of course, materials are . . . .



Okay, that's funny.

I musta had enough because I'm not looking for a pig farm.

Yet . . . .


The teach a man to fish approach is yielding results. He used to live it mile south of me but now he lives basically in West LA as Phoenix grows that way.

His girl decided she don't want to go to work so he went ahead and parked the car and turned it off. This morning low and behold it started perfectly fine. I told him that he needs to start carrying jumper cables and possibly a starter pack but for today he better get himself down to Autozone and get that battery tested.

The battery is no good. I never understand that how batteries can be no good but hold a charge when they feel like it. He was thinking of getting it to a mechanic and I told him:


No tools. I told him borrow some from autozone and get started if you get stuck call me and I'll come bail you out. He called, frustrated which I don't blame him. Last year when I tried to help him with it I couldn't figure it out and we got some guy at autozone to do it. Even watching him I couldn't figure out exactly how that battery supposed to come in and out. I loaded up my tools and then he called back he finally got the old battery out. He was worried he wouldn't be able to get it all back together again but he must have 'cause he hasn't called back since.
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Happy Thursday!!!

Today, we get the PM. Except, he'll have to be there to be a we. Except the subs. Wait, they don't count . . . .

Pretty sure I don't like the latest phone update. Sweat to Jeebus, it was to sensitive before, Now, it's not sensitive enough. WTF???

The coffee is gettin' 'er done, thanks be to Allah . . . .



Good morning everyone. It's Range day Wednesday!! :)

Actually I was out there yesterday too. The road SUCKS. At least the first part before the turn-off to the range. If you continue on the first road you come to the power companies solar farm, a farm they're in the process of expanding. And that means a LOT of heavy, as in semi's, traffic on the road. Needless to say the road is more like a test track for tanks now. The county is supposed to maintain the road but wants the power company to pay for it. The power company says, "Hey, it's your road. You fix it." So nothing is done. :rolleyes:

They didn't build that.
