TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The Election

Part of me wants Trump to lose just to stop the madness of the Left,
then the rational part of me takes over and I realize that these are
people who are vested in the religion of moral busybodyism and
a win will just make them crazier as they begin to resume the
fundamental transformation of this country via a
modern variant of the religious crusade...

Packing the court will be Kamala's
first act as de facto President.
Part of me wants Trump to lose just to stop the madness of the Left,
then the rational part of me takes over and I realize that these are
people who are vested in the religion of moral busybodyism and
a win will just make them crazier as they begin to resume the
fundamental transformation of this country via a
modern variant of the religious crusade...

Packing the court will be Kamala's
first act as de facto President.

Second act. The first will be an "assault weapons" ban by EO.
If they take Congress, I think the [Red] Green Agenda is first;
got to keep the shock troops placated...

;) ;)
I was out hunting in the "public" forest yesterday and the Tree Police seemed to turn up everywhere I parked. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I recently became embroiled with the big whigs down state over the local land manager's decision to lock a gate restricting access to 4,000 acres of state forest.

I may have to stay on private property the rest of the season.
I was out hunting in the "public" forest yesterday and the Tree Police seemed to turn up everywhere I parked. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I recently became embroiled with the big whigs down state over the local land manager's decision to lock a gate restricting access to 4,000 acres of state forest.

I may have to stay on private property the rest of the season.

Of course you made it to a list.

The [Red] Greens don't think you can responsibly use the land,
but because they can, they can put of their own little cabin.

In Walden's Forest

The local land manager is a tyrant!

His boss is 200 miles away and has never been to this part of the state. I've threatened judicial involvement in the dispute. Which, I shouldn't really care as there's plenty of other land around. It's a matter of principle though.
Another goal: Expanded public taxpayer benefits for our "undocumented citizens."

No borders.

No walls.

We have the same problem out here with the Nat'l Forest Service and I wouldn't be so quick to blame the local guy.

The problem is $$$$$$. Right now the government, federal that is, owns 35% of ALL the lands in the US and have been adding more year by year. (At least they were until Trump was elected.) At the same time their budgets have been either the same, or reduced, year by year.

My point is simply this, the government(s), state and federal, can not take care of the lands that they currently own. So they've been slowly shutting down access to those lands so they don't have to take care of them. A great many of the wild fires that are being blamed on "climate change" are in reality a result of poor land management.
This guy locked the gate that provides 4-wheeler access just as hunting season started. He said he didn't want motorized vehicles in there - which effectively puts those 4,000 acres off limits for deer season because you need a 4-wheeler or side-by-side to get a deer out.

I own 100 acres that adjoins the state land and that access road (it's really just a trail, not a paved road) is the quickest way to my land. I can still get to my 100 acres but it's not as convenient.

There's no doubt in my mind that he and his buddies will be in there deer hunting and locking the gate behind them.
This guy locked the gate that provides 4-wheeler access just as hunting season started. He said he didn't want motorized vehicles in there - which effectively puts those 4,000 acres off limits for deer season because you need a 4-wheeler or side-by-side to get a deer out.

I own 100 acres that adjoins the state land and that access road (it's really just a trail, not a paved road) is the quickest way to my land. I can still get to my 100 acres but it's not as convenient.

There's no doubt in my mind that he and his buddies will be in there deer hunting and locking the gate behind them.

The trick is proving it.
Trail cams are what started this whole mess.

One of my buddies got his picture taken cutting the State's lock off the gate. He got a summons to explain himself and the defense is that the local land manager had no authority to put the lock on there without a public hearing.
Government (at all levels) has more money than it knows what to do with.

...but I don't want to go political.
They also have more debt than they know what to do with as things currently stand.

Young people are voting in droves for even more debt to be spent
on things like social justice and "saving the planet."

They just don't know what they are doing
to themselves and their future...
Overnight temperatures are finally nice but this will be our 144h day over 100° American.
Guess who lost another travel mug or three?
They disappeared during the move.

Too bad we don't do that with politicians and petit bureaucrats - take them somewhere and leave them. Like, pig farms. With or without three rounds to the head first. You know, little 22s running around like Ms. Pacman . . . .

Home with cat. Grazing in. No critters outsmarted Wat this evening.

My co-worker came back to work today. He's steering clear of the smokers, but the rest of us are fair game. The good news is, my rie to the airport tomorrow afternoon is back in place. It'll be Road Trip Biking this weekend getting Zelda up hyah.

Allah damn right I'm looking forward to this.


