TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Good news on the ride Wat.

Got all of my "todo" list checked off for the day. Lazy evening tonight.
The cat sleeps all day.

He spends the evenings and mornings in my lap. Napping.

Then I go to bed and he crashes with me. On me.

We should be so lucky . . . .

Happy Friday!!!

Busy day today. Herd the weasels and then fly home.

Busy weekend riding back. First world problems. No, fun shit, really.

But first, some anti-murdey juicy juice . . . .



Too bad we don't do that with politicians and petit bureaucrats - take them somewhere and leave them. Like, pig farms. With or without three rounds to the head first. You know, little 22s running around like Ms. Pacman . . . .


Is this a My Blue Heaven reference?

Vincent 'Vinnie' Antonelli : Richie loved to use 22s because the bullets are small and they don't come out the other end like a 45, see, a 45 will blow a barn door out the back of your head and there's a lot of dry cleaning involved, but a 22 will just rattle around like Pac-Man until you're dead.

;) ;)
Good morning.

The insomnia is getting pretty bad,
I slept all of three hours last night.

Now I'm drinking the highest octane coffee that I have.

Yes, it was, but I couldn't remember the source.

But I still prefer three larger calibres to the face.

You know, no open caskets.

Wat won't let them have water bottles in the units . . . . Less trash my way.


Food and drink outside of breaks is highly unprofessional imho...

Vincent 'Vinnie' Antonelli : I never touched a gun in my life.
That and that alone forever doomed me to middle management.
I need to fuel up the truck today. For some reason, it's one of the chores I despise. You stand there with nothing to do, and get charged $80 for it.
Grab a breakfast burrito first.

Then you have something to do.

I think that as the gas price has gone up,
the pump seems to have slowed down.
It could just be my imagination...
I eat McDonald's food two or three times a year. I like the Egg McMuffin and the McRib when they have it. But my local McDonald's has one of those two-lane drive-throughs. It confuses me.

(...related to the breakfast burrito suggestion)
I eat McDonald's food two or three times a year. I like the Egg McMuffin and the McRib when they have it. But my local McDonald's has one of those two-lane drive-throughs. It confuses me.

(...related to the breakfast burrito suggestion)

Not a fan of McDonalds.
There are so many better options out there.

I guess I just don't have a hankering for three kid's meals.
You know, for the toy. That's still a thing, right?
Happy [Gilmore] meals?
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We have McDonald's, Burger King and Arby's. The shut down was good for them, and bad for the several diners around town. Classic American Diners. Buckwheat cakes, scrapple, strong coffee...

McDonald's kills far more people per year than the covid. Yet business was booming. Ironic.
The nearby town is sort of a crossroads/shopping district
which leads to all sorts of choices in fast food and dining.

I have to confess: I am a Wendy's addict.
I carry a towel for my lap though;
shit be greasy, but good!

No Wendy’s or Arby’s here, just McDonald’s, Burger King, and a combo Taco Hell/KFC place.

We’re deprived.
Arby's is pretty good. Ours is staffed with meth heads though and you really don't want to eat what they prepare. We used to have a KFC, but it got meth'ed too and the franchise was pulled.