TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Lack of sleep, too much coffee and no breakfast (yet).

I am craving fast food now though.

Maybe a Hardy's run for breakfast.
Most excellent biscuits!

I peeked into the Politics Forum after a long hiatus. It made me think of that scene in Crocodile Dundee when he arrives in NY, turns on the TV, and "I Love Lucy" reruns are playing. :rolleyes:
I haven’t looked in that forum, it has dramatically cut down in the hate spewing in this one though.
I peeked into the Politics Forum after a long hiatus. It made me think of that scene in Crocodile Dundee when he arrives in NY, turns on the TV, and "I Love Lucy" reruns are playing. :rolleyes:

I haven’t looked in that forum, it has dramatically cut down in the hate spewing in this one though.

Never looked, don't care.
Never seen Crocodile Dundee...

It just sounded insipid and a waste of time.

The Politics Board is a huge fucking sheeple pen...
I.e., the Crocodile Dundee of all our boards.
I think it has something to do with the ongoing lack of Hollywood originality
and the stupidity of people who will go to a movie theater
and pay to watch a load of crap...

Life is too short.
They have to make something to fill the avalanche of media services. It’s all just content at this point, chewing gum for the mind.
It was, I was referring to the trend of remakes and sequels you alluded to in your post on a lack of originality.
Sometimes I think they have been making the same six movies since 1960.

The only thing that changes are the characters and locations.
I can get that on the Hallmark channel...

Special effects have replaced dialog.
That's why I watch a lot of TCM.
50 deg. headed for 75 later.

Time to start getting ready for the reg. Breakfast with the Feds Friday. Or alternatively our "Fuck the Governor" breakfast. She's starting to get frustrated over the fact that no one cares what she has to say anymore.

"I love it when I plan comes together." George Peppard

I plan to quit last night at 10 and I hit myself imposed goal at 9:56. Going to run this morning until noon or early afternoon take a 4-hour nap and then run all night.

As a little experiment I changed the oil filter but not the oil at 3200 mi. The fresh filter definitely cleaned up the appearance of the oil.