TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

They had a silent witness segment on the radio just now. This one victim sounds like he was a mountain of a man and his name was Antoine. I wonder if it was Tony Rocky Horror?
Did it restore its viscosity?

That's kind of what I'm wondering. Whether cleaning the oil will prolong it's life slightly so that it burns less. So I set an odometer so I can track how much it burns. I've been buying factory Toyota oil filters by the case so I've got plenty.

I've been burning a lot last oil lately but that's partially driving have it because I've been hyper-mileing and while I'm screwing around trying to max out the gas mileage I'm not really stressing the motor much
I hadn't ever really thought about what a misnomer that program is. Should be the "Anonymous Rat Program." They offer rewards for information and supposedly you are not ratted out to the crooks for ratting on the crooks.

Maybe they accept tips in sign language? Notes slipped through the transom? Smoke signals?
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There is no honor among thieves...

That's exactly why Congress is held in such low esteem.

;) ;)
Change that from 'congress' to 'all politicians' and I'll agree.
The days of them serving the people instead of their own agendas is long over.

This is some nasty shit,

oh look, I am shocked and surprised,
someone heard the keyboard and decided,
oh, hey, now I need to go outside...

that means that, I too, shall have to go outside
because if I don't go tap the bottom of her ramp,
she will haplessly keep trying to get up the steps
that she can no longer surmount...

but at any rate, even if you get to feeling some improvement,
moving around and getting active just kicks your ass again.
Just heard a great line:

It was a very typical British sex scandal because it didn't involve any sex...
Douglas Murray
~tee hee~

The Redwave syndrome strikes again!
I posted a quote and the author's name was asterisked because
it is the same as Laurel and Manu's name, It took me back to the glorious revolution thread...

You would think that they were capable of learning.
The user knows what they typed.

It's like putting up a billboard with one of those arrows:

"We are here."
Good morning folks!

It's cold here this morning. I hope JS didn't have golfing plans, or if he did, he has his long johns out
My dogs are begging to go to bed but I have to make a run to town before I sleep. Saturdays which include errands mess up their sleep schedule; do they not realize they can sleep without me?
Also, I notice a certain young person from the North Woods is back. welcome back barbie.
It's cool here now in the mornings with warm, comfortable afternoons.

I'm just too sick right now to enjoy it.

Life can suck at times...

BB was gone? I didn't notice.

Good morning folks!

It's cold here this morning. I hope JS didn't have golfing plans, or if he did, he has his long johns out
My dogs are begging to go to bed but I have to make a run to town before I sleep. Saturdays which include errands mess up their sleep schedule; do they not realize they can sleep without me?
Also, I notice a certain young person from the North Woods is back. welcome back barbie.

Thank you! I drift...

BB was gone? I didn't notice.


Bite me! :p
Once, years ago, my friends goaded me (in a bar, of course)
to bite this cute young college girl on the ass. I did. Playfully.
Her friends came over all outraged but my buddies warned
them, "You don't want to fuck with him, he's a badass!"
They went away. Pussy college boys...

That's not how you get a cute little thing to fuck you.
By that, I mean two things: ass biting and backing down.
I’m pretty bony, you might chip a tooth anywhere else and I don’t want to get stuck with your dental bills!
My biting and bar days are long past...

I'm with George Thorogood on this one: I drink alone, yeah, with nobody else!
All....ahem...drifting....needs to be pre-approved. It says so right here in the thread by-laws. ;)