TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!


How does the bitch know?

It must be some sort of an internal clock.

At any rate, I shall go back to bed as soon as she settles down.
Bitches know things.

Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! The cat stayed with me all night. That was a nice bit. He also urped on the bedspread, which wasn't so nice. He's an old cat, and old cats do things like that. Hope he's not coming down with something.

We get more heat and less rain today. And plumbing leaks. And the Jabba senior no-more-subs edict. And Jabba s000per sitting on his arse. And Jabba junior going slowly and taking breaks. Meh, it's all in a days work here at the coast.

The coffee is gettin' 'er done . . . .


Spiritual Thought for the day: Don't be/act like an asshole.

Here in the sewer. It could be range day here, but there are only tenants to waste. Most just don't know any better.

Too bad we can't target shoot in the high lines right-of-way at lunchtime.

Maybe if I asked NASA really nicely . . . .



High overcast. Dripping rain. Typical morning during moose season.
Spiritual Thought for the day: Don't be/act like an asshole.

Here in the sewer. It could be range day here, but there are only tenants to waste. Most just don't know any better.

Too bad we can't target shoot in the high lines right-of-way at lunchtime.

Maybe if I asked NASA really nicely . . . .

Damn shame there aren't any decent riots to attend for an evenings entertainment.
Girlfriend in building #13 unit #202 got a new washer/dryer. She connected her hoses and then turned on the valve. Without holding it while she turned it.

The 25-year-old CPVC broke off in the wall. Shit is brittle as all diddlefuck.

It had been running for 20 minutes by the time I got there and turned it off. Girlfriend downstairs is having a cow. She doesn't do adversity worth a damn. Guess she comes from a Perfect World.

And this one is 100% on maintenance. We don't even have a plumber in this flood, thanks be to Allah!!!



Home/scrotel13. The Patel Palace. Grazing in. May catch dinned next Wednesday with the APM.

One leak after another this afternoon. Got the shower valve straightened out. Wallboard repairs in the morning, and then a bit of paint and put it back together. The other leak is in the wall. Supply lines. Wat cut the wallboard out flawlessly, with a Sawzall. Flawless because the pipes were up against the wallboard and they're not leaking from being cut. It was damn close, but a miss is as good as in the next county.

Jabba s000per says that Jabba senior told him that he, senior, tested positive for the bug last week. And he said that his other test for the bug was negative. I kinda wonder which one of them is lying, and the likely answer is: both of them. :rolleyes:

I got a reject letter from one of my applications. They forced me, on their company site where one applies, to list a dollar value of salary sought. I'm sure that the figure I asked for is too high, and I was thinking it was too low. No matter . . . .



Under the heading of sometimes it pays to be a garbage picker. I was hanging at the LE range this AM and happened to look in the trash barrel. And there were 200 308 casings in there along with the boxes they came in. Federal Match brass. It's not often someone leaves match brass laying around so I picked it up just to tidy the place up don't ya know?
What a tragedy, forced to scarf some Federal match brass. I think I have a few (hundred) rounds of that meself.

I've 500 162 grain AP pulled USGI bullets I should load. Hot. I could never decide, .308 or .30-'06. Maybe half of each.

We have a guy who lives at the job, and he plays semi-pro football. He's a nice guy, and we chat. He told me today that he hopes to be in as good shape as I when he's my age. I thought that it was kind of him to say.

Off to bed soon. I'll pray to Allah not to kill me where I sleep for no damned reason at all.



The much feared "Red Commander," with a storied history of derring do.

You know with a name like that, the crying Antifa pussy gave it to himself.

I had a roomate who was a great raconteur. I came to feel like I knew the characters from his small hometown. He tells a story of this guy that decided that he needed a nickname. He was constantly telling people, "Call me 'T-Bone' . . .everybody calls me T-Bone." No one ever called him T-Bone.

I worked with the guy like that. He had been a drill sergeant in the army. Not a gunnery sergeant mind you, a drill sergeant. He was always telling people, "Call me Gunny, everybody calls me Gunny." Nobody called him Gunny. His last name was Bailey which would have been a much cooler nickname and he probably could have gotten people to call him that.
Under the heading of sometimes it pays to be a garbage picker. I was hanging at the LE range this AM and happened to look in the trash barrel. And there were 200 308 casings in there along with the boxes they came in. Federal Match brass. It's not often someone leaves match brass laying around so I picked it up just to tidy the place up don't ya know?

It always pays.

I just disassembled and put on my modest iron pile the futon frame I scrounged from nearby when I moved in. I just scrounged a much more robust bedfrane that has some height to it so I can use the underside for storage. The idea of buying a bedframe would never occur to me. Wouldn't know where to buy one. Obviously somebody does, because you can find them at the end of any month at any big apartment complex.

Good morning.

Nothing else that has transpired

can deal with the in and out dachshunds.

They wake at the same time, but refuse to shit at the same time...
Happy Thursday!!!

You can find all manner of stuff at apartment complexes around the end of the month. Bear in mind, some of it comes with tenants. Wee 6-legged fuckers in many cases. Most is also in need of repair and/or deep cleaning. Hint: take nothing upholstered. Reason: bedbugs. We've been lucky on bedbugs here. So far.

Looks to be hot-n-humid today. Also looks to be the week (next week) when the a/c can get turned off. The electric bill wouldn't mind, and fresh air is always better.

This coffee is damned good today . . . .


Good morning everyone.

We're starting to cool off here as well. Short run to to store this AM but other than that it's going to be a lazy day. I suppose I should really sort out the brass I collected recently. I've got 4 ammo cans full that the PJ's left and three medium sized boxes. Getting the steel out is easy, the aluminum is a little more a pain in the ass although neither will be in the PJ's leavings. Sorting the 9 from the 40 from the 45 is just tedious though.
Speaking of shit found at apartment complexes, the alleged National Coin Shortage could be solved by scrounging up all the coins left lying around. Especially coppers. You can find spots sometimes where folks obviously tossed change on the floorboards and then just kicked it out at some point.

No matter, Wat collects it, sorts it, rolls it, and deposits it. He then uses it for guns-n-motorcycle shit to stimulate (parts of) the economy, or squirrels to stimulate retirement. Which will be spent ridin'-n-shootin'.

Have you ever looked at one of those links promoting the 20 cheapest places in the world to retire? Did you ever wonder what happens if you move there and get sick? Yeah . . . no . . . .

Cup #2 . . . .



Coin shortage?

I used to empty my pockets of small change once a week and add it to a box for my grandchildren to give to collection buckets during our local carnival.

This year, thanks to COVID, our carnival is cancelled, so I bagged up the change, deposited it at my bank and gave the equivalent to a local charity's collection box in their shop - £7.50's worth.

The UK changed the shape of £1 coins a few years ago. The Treasury estimate that there are still £180 million of the old coins still missing.

Edited for PS: Useless information.

In the late 18th and early 19th Century official issue pennies and halfpennies were in short supply because so much copper was used to copper-sheathe the bottoms of Royal Navy ships. Hundreds of companies issued their own token versions, often with advertising slogans, There was a problem. Most could only be redeemed at the company's HQ wherever that was and only in complete pounds i.e. 240 pennies or 480 halfpennies. Many shopkeepers kept divided trays to sort the various tokens and travelling people would buy the tokens at a discount - usually 20% before going to the HQ of each company to redeem them. The tokens are now collected. I have a few dozen and they are interesting industrial history. They are much more attractive than the government issue whose pattern didn't change for decades.

The same thing happened in France in the late 1920s. The Association of French Chambers of Commerce issued their own low-value coins which circulated until the 1950s.

Napoleon III five and ten cent coins were the same size and weight as UK halfpennies and pennies. When I was young you might often get one of them in change and they usually ended up being used to 'spend a penny' at a pubic toilet because shopkeepers would refuse them.
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Something I read about old coins a few years back indicated that an awful lot of coins simply seem to go missing.

And then there are those finds that "they" make sometimes. There was a story about the strongbox from a stage coach which was either stolen or otherwise lots. Someone found the box and its contents, which included some numismatically interesting gold.

When I used cash regularly, I frequently rolled and deposited coins. I doubt that I've done it in a couple of years now, and I really am getting a heavy change drawer, so I should.

Need to start moving here . . . .



Being an artsy fartsy town that caters to hippies from the cities, we have a lot of junk stores. In those junk stores, there is always some company script from the local mining towns that scattered and left a mess back in the early 1900s. Only redeemable at the company store.

N.B.: We don't call them "junk" stores any more. Bad for marketing. They are now "antique" stores. Also, swamps are now to be called "wetlands" and a walk in the woods shall heretofore be known as a "hike".