TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Wat has always been able to get behind the Creative Reframing of terms. Not really, but it is fun.

Wat is not at work, he's at the Economic Improvement Zone. He's not working, he's Enhancing Lifestyles.

They're not weasels, they are Tiny Endangered Mammals.

And they're not lies, they're Facts Obfuscation for the Betterment of your Tiny Brain . . . . :rolleyes:

Being an artsy fartsy town that caters to hippies from the cities, we have a lot of junk stores. In those junk stores, there is always some company script from the local mining towns that scattered and left a mess back in the early 1900s. Only redeemable at the company store.

N.B.: We don't call them "junk" stores any more. Bad for marketing. They are now "antique" stores. Also, swamps are now to be called "wetlands" and a walk in the woods shall heretofore be known as a "hike".

In early 19th century England, mill owners bought a mass of assignats from the French government (who said they had burned them - liars!). The assignats were supposed to be backed by state lands appropriated from the aristos in the French revolution - but those lands had been sold to revolutionary supporters at very low prices (many paid for with worthless assignats!) so the assignats were worthless even in France.

The English mill owners paid their workers with assignats which could only be used to pay rents for company houses or to purchase groceries at the company store - at expensive prices.

The result is that there are more surviving assignats in England than in France.

The French value of the assignats at the time was made far worse by economic warfare by the Bank of England. The Bank of England printed millions of forged assignats that were indistinguishable from the genuine ones.
I read that as "asshats" and "assgnats". As such, I found it very entertaining.

Got my leak du jour sorted out. I'm breaking for lunch and the glue will be dry when I go back. Got an a/c to sort out, too. It flooded, and it's likely the filter, so it should be quick and straightforward.

Some water dribbled inside the wall when I opened the pipes. I thought it was the cold water side, which is logical since the toilet is plumbed to it. It was the hot side. Whatever. So I left the shop vac on blow with the hose stuck down in the wall bay. It should be dry when I get back, too.

No Jabbas in the trailer, so there's joy in the sewer . . . .



Home with cat. Grazing in on some Numbah Wun Fuckee. Damn fine eats. Got some ice cream for dessert, too.

The flood-causing apartment from yesterday got cleared up today, and fixed. I got sent back to see what the water was only half on. While there, I saw that the little girl has an adorable Tuxedo kitten. Same name as my tuxie.

Now I'm missin' my big kitteh.




Speaking of shit found at apartment complexes, the alleged National Coin Shortage could be solved by scrounging up all the coins left lying around. Especially coppers. You can find spots sometimes where folks obviously tossed change on the floorboards and then just kicked it out at some point.

No matter, Wat collects it, sorts it, rolls it, and deposits it. He then uses it for guns-n-motorcycle shit to stimulate (parts of) the economy, or squirrels to stimulate retirement. Which will be spent ridin'-n-shootin'.

Have you ever looked at one of those links promoting the 20 cheapest places in the world to retire? Did you ever wonder what happens if you move there and get sick? Yeah . . . no . . . .

Cup #2 . . . .




A friend of mine wrote a book about scrounging. He was an HVAC guy so it started with his bits and ends of wire and tubing and such. At some point he was early on the idea that pre-82 pennies were going to be (are now) worth more than face so he sorted his change nightly. This made him mindful of coins. Like Wat and his merry band of weasels, a lot of his work seemed to involve rehabilitation of places run down by miscreants and time. Mostly miscreants.

He noticed, anecdotally, that the change in parking lots goes down with the rise of affluence. Poor people can't be bothered to pick up.free money. That stuck with me so I've kept an eye out. Seems to be true.

When someone drops coins in a low end market, everyone watches it roll around. Upscale places people dive for it and are proud to shag it up for whoever lost it, like that returned dime is going to make the day of the lady 5hat got there in a Mercedes.

Back when I used to dive hardcore, I found that mid-price neighborhoods are best. The rich buy things that never need discarding, and the poor's stuff, while plentiful, was not worth having, new. People struggling to show up the Jones's have the best discards.
Good afternoon folks.

Yesterday out at the range some fellow shooters and I were having a conversation and the subject of the "peaceful protestors" came up. While we were discussing the situation one fellow who's usually kinda quiet piped up with, "You know, the older you get the less threatening life in prison becomes."
Happy Friday!!! Thanks be to Allah for a light work day today - changing cable box plates - and a three-day weekend. Perhaps I'll score some more steaks and let them marinate longer than I did last weekend.

Yes, poor folks are strange. They don't pick up change, a commodity I have never seen in affluent areas. Hell, even my co-workers can't be arsed. But then again, they're both fat boys who struggle mightily to bend over, so there's that. Which is why Wat gets to do the cable box covers.

Today looks to be the last hot day until Injun Summer. Tomorrow is a high of 81 and an overnight low of 59. Turn off the a/c and open some windows. Always good for an air change anyway. I reckon I'll have to see what jacket is close to the surface.

Damn fine coffee this morning . . . .



Happy Friday to everyone as well.

Weather looks to be about the same here as there Wat. Tad higher on the daytime temps but down in the low 60's at night. Time to start firing up the chiminea again.
It's going to be a nice day. The rain is drying up and temperatures should hit the low to mid 50's this afternoon.
Home with cat for a three-day weekend. Grazing on an ice cream snack before wandering up to see the Friday night gang. It'll be Italian for tonight's eats.

Well, Wat had wondered, "how lonh O Allah?"

The answer came. September 15th. I report to a new job on the 21st.





May you find a better class of weasels to ride here on at the new digs.
Grats Wat. Hope they live up to it.

After reading the news about the "peaceful protestors" and in particular reading their quotes, then reading what their supporters here on the board say it's dawned on me that they've changed the language yet again. Being called a Fascist doesn't mean that you're actually a Fascist. What they're damning you for is for NOT being a Communist. I can live with that. Further I think that that realization is going to be quite helpful in keeping a log. :)

It's the old abortion might have prevented Hitler argument. Never mind that it might've prevent Jonas Salk or Louis Pasteur.

The commies want you to remember that Stalin fought Hitler and the want permission to (mostly) incite violence against people they disagree with. Fortunately, few are equipped with the metal nor the mettle to take direct action themselves.

It's the old abortion might have prevented Hitler argument. Never mind that it might've prevent Jonas Salk or Louis Pasteur.

The commies want you to remember that Stalin fought Hitler and the want permission to (mostly) incite violence against people they disagree with. Fortunately, few are equipped with the metal nor the mettle to take direct action themselves.


I also wonder how all this "peaceful protesting" is contributing to criminals thinking they can buck police orders when arrested? Obviously we hear about the deadly results if the criminal happens to be black, but what about those of other skin tones?
Societal mistrust of police cannot be good. Think about the influence the OJ trial BS had on future juries.

I think miscreants of all colors are thinking that society is going to riot in their defense if they don't like how or why they were arrested

With Blacks, specifically in some instances it probably leads to noncompliance. You got a guy, possibly high who has been fed the nonsense about systemic racism, so he believes his crime(s) are being singled out and the cop charged with arresting him is part of an oppressive cabal. Then add in the narrative that cops are executing Black men and you can see where they could see their resisting arrest up to and including assaulting a cop is justified self-defense and a gamble worth taking because the cop was going to abuse them.

That is on top of the Ferguson effect which harms Blacks whether law-abiding or not more than any other group. Opposite of the broken windows theory of policing and stop and frisk policies that saved a lot of black lives from rash actions.

Nothing good is coming from fomenting enmity between the Black community and society writ large.
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Good morning.
It seems to have been a day or two since I last logged in.

As Bokonon says, busy, busy, busy...,
I have things to get done,
but I seriously lack ambition.

It really is time to get the pool closed up,
it was very chilly giving it a good cleanup yesterday
and the trees are already starting to drop leaves and debris...