TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Happy Saturday!!!

This is Wat posting too damned early of a three-day weekend, but with the windows open, the a/c off, and the fans running. The cat is quiet, the coffee is damned good. The laundry is on, and a plan is taking shape.

Wat has a few things to get sorted out so he can wander down the road for three weeks at a time. It might make most sense to work this week and then take off the second week to get the house in order, putting it "in storage," so to speak. My request will be approved, no matter what.

Musing over Jabba senior's comment yesterday that I've done "an excellent job" on this shithole. I reckon that what I did was keep us outta trouble with property management by keeping most of the fucked-up a/c's sorted out for the summer. Hell, that just kept me outta Jabba s000per's line of sight . . . .



They probably budgeted for more outright replacements than you used.
They probably budgeted for more outright replacements than you used.

There's a group of former SF guys I hang with that figured out how many tunnels/bridges would have to be blown to isolate the west coast. Surprisingly few as it turns out. It's not part of some grand plan on their part, they're just doing what they've been trained to do.
I need to quit eating the jerky when I'm home. Might as well cook a steak what I'm home.

New batch I'm experimenting with teriyaki I put soy sauce, brown sugar, mirin, honey, ginger, and garlic
I drove I-70 through Kansas once, and I promise that I left it intact.

Slow time getting rolling. About there.

Cuppa #3. A rarity, a real treat.

Okay, off to get this day into gear . . . .



Making some headway today.

Only spent $50 so far. :rolleyes:

Grazing a bit, then relax for a bit, and then Run a couple of items over to Mom's.



Home with cat, and grazing in on some sumptuous Numbah Wun Fuckee. IT was so good the other night, why not some more?

Took the big bike out for a wee road trip. It was a lovely afternoon for it.

Stopped and got a Coke and killed it right there in the store parking lot. While crossing the driveway to get to Zelda the motorcycle, some goof stopped to motion me past. I never go past - their cars outweigh me by a factor of ten, at least. While shaking my head no, the bitch behind me backed into me with her fucking 'Yota. She got a piece of The Mind of Wat. "I'm so sorry, sir, I didn't see you."

Yeah, because that makes everything okay . . . . :eek::mad::rolleyes:



I derive real satisfaction from fixing things. The boots have little ridges that give a little grip, but still alow a shuffle. Hard, Vibram soles haven't a scratch, despite putting them through the paces on some crushed granite and some rocky inclines.

The car used not a drop of coolant in two weeks, and barely a quart of oil every 1,500 miles. The lower front grill that I considered simply deleting looks better replaced I decided. I didn't bother to install the fog light upgrade, but I've got 'em if I yearn for a project sometime.

Worked that slicer blade some more with the diamond files. Much improved.

I've got a vintage 35mm camera with a custom-fitted leather case that the stitching has fallen apart on. thinking of working on that for no reason. I don't intend to use it.

I've pared down what is at the ready at home. Nice to be able to find things again.
Hey, good morning all...

Finally got garbage disposal installed.
By Buddha's beautiful bouncing brass balls
getting the old one out was the worst of the job,
that sucker was rusted in place and I finally had to
not just take a hammer to it, but a hacksaw to the screws.
Damned good thing they are mounted in such way as to be accessible.

Cool weather continues with pool and painting still on the project list for...


What is this camera you speak of?
I remember when I was first gifted a Brownie.
Now I carry a computer with me. Change is funny that way...
Good morning everyone.

Gratz on the grinder job SC.

This weekend is summers last hurrah it seems. Today and tomorrow's highs will damn near hit 100. On Wed. the high is forecast to be 66.
Now I know why none of my handymen
wanted to go near it at a reasonable price.

Surgeons are cheaper
and both think they are divine...

I can foresee some future day where you'll have to fill out an application so the plumber can determine whether you're worthy of their services.

It's already almost come to that.
There's a checklist to determine if you have an emergency,
and of course, the rates for an emergency are so much higher than regular rates.

If you don't have an emergency, mañana never comes;
it's only a day away...
Eventually they'll figure out that they can add a "Hazmat" premium to any drain side jobs. :)
Like the mechanic's extra charge for oil disposal
that keeps his oil change price competitive...

;) ;)

... on paper.

The funny/ironic thing is that there are a lot of deep green thinkers
whose economics go no further than, "SEE! We told you that the extra
cost would just come out of profits because the price remains the same!"
Happy Sunday!!! May Allah shine his light upon each of you. If that doesn't suit you, plan to spend eternity in Islamic Hell as your reward for pissing Allah off, for he is a petulant god.

Wat strongly recommends against garbage disposals, for a multitude of reasons. Mostly, they fuck up the drains. Also, it's one more thing to go wrong. Compost instead. If you insist on having one, replace them in kind. Then there's only twisting it off and on, the drain and the electrical connections. Replacement is a breeze then.

Gonna go out and fuck with some grass before it warms up. Besdies, it's Sunday and there's a church across the alley, and they should get to have to listen to a small 2-cycle engine screaming its life away. It's either that or I can crank up both bikes at once.

Coffee is good today . . . .



I do compost, but you cannot compost meat products,
it draws critters and you can't give them to the dogs,
it makes them fat, plus I'm on a septic so it helps
prepare them for decomposition much like
chewing aids in digestion.

Is Allah a toothless God?

:D :D :D
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Used to be, having a disposal on a septic system was a bad idea.

And I hadn't considered the drawing of critters thing. Worst I get here is possums-n-coons an' sich, but I leave the cans out by the alley under the skreetlights and they tend to stay away. Then again, I throw away precious few meat scraps.

I think I figured out whey my vacation hours looked (to me) to be a week short. I think I got docked last year for the time I was gonna take that I didn't. I'll have to axe HR next week.

The cat is napping on the clean clothes. How feline of him.


I actually don't put that much down it,
which is probably why the old one lasted so long
and I have fat dogs. I feed chicken and pork scraps
to the chickens. I want fat chickens when they stop laying.

I mainly run it after doing dishes, because I found out
that a dishwasher is an inefficient pain-in-the-ass, so
I ripped mine out when I remodeled for the cabinet space.

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I do think that dishwashers get dishes cleaner from a disinfectant standpoint simply because they get the water hotter than you can stand to put your hands in.

And, yeah, a lightly used disposal will probably last longer than the street corner hooker kind.

Got a lot of things to knock out here, and they won't do it themselves. Thing is, there's no one here but me, so it's not like I have any help. No matter, it's also quieter.

And if I don't get it done, there's no one to nag . . . .

