TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I'm quite content not having huge critters in the woods, or on the roads. Until Thor mentioned them, I hadn't even thought about bison.....lawd a mercy.
I'm quite content not having huge critters in the woods, or on the roads. Until Thor mentioned them, I hadn't even thought about bison.....lawd a mercy.

I believe in live and let live, unless the freezer is empty.
Pretty much the same, except for coyotes. I’ll happily send them to meet their maker. Evil little shits!

I am quite fine with the coyotes eating the feral cats in the 'hood. We have a too many feral cats. I wonder if the lynx will eat a domestic cat?
I am quite fine with the coyotes eating the feral cats in the 'hood. We have a too many feral cats. I wonder if the lynx will eat a domestic cat?

No feral cats around here, maybe they ate them all. I still put them down every chance I get.
Pretty much the same, except for coyotes. I’ll happily send them to meet their maker. Evil little shits!

I'm pretty sure they got one of my barn cats a few weeks ago.
Then, a neighbor who lives about a mile up the other fork told me she'd counted 22 in her yard. Her brother is planning on a sneak attack pretty soon.
No feral cats around here, maybe they ate them all. I still put them down every chance I get.

There was a $35 bounty on coyotes when I was a kid. I collected a couple. They don't seem to be pests in the 'hood now, so I'm fine with 'em.
I'm pretty sure they got one of my barn cats a few weeks ago.
Then, a neighbor who lives about a mile up the other fork told me she'd counted 22 in her yard. Her brother is planning on a sneak attack pretty soon.

22 coyotes? Do you want to borrow some 330 Conibears?
Yep 22 coyotes. She's the last house up that fork. How many traps do ya have to spare?

Only a few conibears, but I have a pile of #3 longsprings and coils. Locking snares will work well but they screw up the hides.
I am quite fine with the coyotes eating the feral cats in the 'hood. We have a too many feral cats. I wonder if the lynx will eat a domestic cat?

Funny, I never associated coyote's with Alaska. No reason not to, they'll exploit any territory that'll feed them.

Taking the pelts out of prime is hardly worth the effort of skinning the damn things. The milder winters in the East degrade the pelt quality which is reflected in the fur auctions. "Back Woods Barbie" has a good chance at prime pelt, I don't think the winters are severe enough in West By God Virginia.

Last year wasn't so good out here. It got cold enough but didn't stay that way long enough. Through the Rocky region north of Denver did alright though.
Funny, I never associated coyote's with Alaska. No reason not to, they'll exploit any territory that'll feed them.

Taking the pelts out of prime is hardly worth the effort of skinning the damn things. The milder winters in the East degrade the pelt quality which is reflected in the fur auctions. "Back Woods Barbie" has a good chance at prime pelt, I don't think the winters are severe enough in West By God Virginia.

Last year wasn't so good out here. It got cold enough but didn't stay that way long enough. Through the Rocky region north of Denver did alright though.

Coyotes are best in early winter. And up here, they're fairly large.
Coyotes are best in early winter. And up here, they're fairly large.

Here they don't start priming out until later in Jan. with the season going through Mar. Western heavy pelts were avg. $77 at the last auction. Eastern and Central coyote went unsold.
No good deed goes unpunished. I had the time because I got my self-imposed goal by 1:00 tonight for the week.

I swung into a Jack in the Box for a snack and there's an old<er than me> dude patiently advancing behind a line of cars on foot in the drive thru. I see this in skid row, but not thisoarea since it was down the street from where I (mostly) grew up and you don't see a lot of transients because the city will "help" transport you over to Phoenix to get some "help" so you aren't sleeping under somebody's bushes on our good end of our fine little city. They wouldn't serve him for "his safety" (really it's so you don't freak out people trapped in their safe cars in a drive thru. People do not realize how vulnerable they are in a drive-thru line until you see someone on foot next to your vehicle. You have got no place to go and you can't even open your door. So I told him to jump in my car and he could order from my car. Jack in the Box wasn't annoyed at me circumventing the policy and were thankful... they just didn't want to get in trouble due to the cameras and all of that.

Turns out he's a Scottish, retired mining engineer. He's worked all over the world South Africa Australia and so forth so we got talking mining. I think he's in the early stages of Joe Biden syndrome. I think his recently departed wife used to kind of keep him on track but he's a little bit lost but fairly functional. I'm not sure when but his truck broke, I'm not sure where- we didn't get involved with his broken truck because his plan was to get back to the Catholic Church which opens at 5 a.m. He's a good Scottish Catholic and he goes every single morning. So he knows people. I think it's like Johnny at the Legion for him. He was on what used to be my end of town because he took a city bus that way with a mind of grabbing a transfer a getting up to the credit union grabbing some cash and then getting back to the Catholic Church by 5 a.m. this was only midnight or so I'm not real clear I'm what is plans were over apparently he was just going to hang out on a bus bench until in front of the church until 5 a.m. the problem is the buses don't run as far South is he needed it to go and they don't run that late at night (keeps down the riffraff) and they weren't making a return trip so now he was stuck on "my" end of town about 5 mi from the Catholic Church and about 3 mi from the credit union. He couldn't remember the name of the Catholic Church but I correctly guessed when he remembered "Our Lady of . . .something" and he just assumed I'm Catholic because I would know where the Catholic church was. Anyway I took him on his errands and dropped him off and then went back working towards my goal which I achieved shortly thereafter.

I hadn't mind that I would go reward myself for having head a pretty decent week. Going to awhile since I've done much socializing what less engage and any debauchery so I had something in mind and then I get a call from Damon.

Damon's got a flat tire. He sort of convenient if I was going home because he was a few miles north of where I live. However I'm 42 minutes from him because I'm nowhere near home at the time. Like most people these got various motorist assist options available to him through this program in that program and nobody wants to fix the tire for him and his spare is flat. "We'll why is your spare flat?"

Apparently, the last time he got a flat he put the donut on drove to the tire shop where they pointed out that he had a drywall screw in his donut. Somehow it had enough air to make it there. They told him he couldn't fix it.

So I go pick him up and drive him a good distance because he's in the nice part of town where there are no 24-hour Hispanic tire shops and I take him to a 24-hour Hispanic tire shop. Apparently our find government has made it illegal to sell used donut tires and the only place you can buy them is from the dealer. It's also apparently illegal to repair them or perhaps it's in insurance thing because the theory is your supposed to only drive them 60 mi in if they've been driven on once you have to assume that they are not usable. Which explains why he wasn't able to get it fixed the first time. So I'm going to repair the tire using a plug-in if that doesn't work I'll see if I can find him a used one from somebody parting out of car in there backyard. Next best option is to just fine him a steel wheel and tire little work as a spare.

As we are driving away I sent him a text. You're not going to want to hear this but your right headlight is out as well.

He's very upset about his bad luck with the car. He's not in a place where he's likely to want to hear that piss-poor planning results in poor performance. I can't imagine driving for a living without a spare tire. Back when I used to drive a fleet car they pulled all the spare tires out because they didn't want us getting hurt changing them. They wanted us to call the shop and send a guy. Well I worked up in Wickenburg and Whitman so it was going to be an hour and a half from "the guy" to get to me so I just searched through the yard until I found a spare and a jack and all the parts I would need and assembled a factory kit so my car was one of the few that had a spare.

Here's the thing they would actually send the guy with a donut. So he's going to drive an hour to me to get a donut he's going to put the donut on which I'm going to the end driver the shop where they're going to put a real tire on. Stupid ass system I've ever seen. So if I can put the donut on myself I can cut that time loss in half. I worked out an understanding with the guy where I would send him a phone pic of my VIN tag which is what he has to turn in to get paid. So he loved it when I had a flat because I would make him some money for zero work. Because I did a lot of for wheeling and my Prius I had a lot of flats. Relatively speaking. In my Prius I'm running a factory alloy instead of a donut with a slightly smaller than Factory tire so I can barely squeeze it in to the trunk that was never design for a full size spare. That way I only have to change the tire once and I can run out at all night or even for a few days if needed until I can get my other tire repair to replaced.

When he is talking about his bad luck what he doesn't understand is how unbelievably fortunate he has been in that this hasn't already happened to him. You can't drive tens of thousands of miles on city streets and count on never getting a flat.

He's about to pay $55 for an oil change cuz he doesn't have ramps to do it himself.

I don't think it's just that he grew up in Philadelphia in an area where a lot of people didn't really have cars, I think after cash for clunkersl, there's going to be a whole generation of kids who never wrenched on a car. Modern electronics doesn't help.
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Well. . .he may have a point about bad luck with the car. Woman just pulled out in front of him. Car is totalled. . .