TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I don’t really drink, wine with dinner and occasionally Patron shots if it’s a fun night out, that’s about it.
Other than owning a cat, I think I might like this Was person. The thread seems fairly amusing but I probably need more coffee to fully appreciate it.

One doesn't own a cat, cats own you. I've got one trying to leash me. He's been inside a lot now.

Alas, it can. Diabetic. That really sucks, but processed sugar isn't all that good for you anyway. I have to settle for biscuits like the ones at Hardy's. That's my version of pure sugar!

Biscuits are straight glucose. The enzyme pityalin in saliva converts simple starch to glucose before you even swallow it.
My truck took offense and this morning had a flat to repay me for my negative comments. Rather than fix it I'm having two new one's put on.

I don't drink alcohol either, I prefer to watch others make fools of themselves so I always volunteer to be the driver
Did I mention it is now illegal to repair temporary tires or sell perfectly serviceable used ones? Dealer only, new is your only option. Some cost as much as $600. Any guesses on who got that legislation passed?

Damon's was minty fresh except for the drywall screw he picked up the one and only time he used it. Turns out, the last shop was not allowed to repair it, not that is was not easily repairable.

I plugged it. I hope I don't get arrested. Now he has a spare, if he gets his car back. . .

This free gas station air would only go to 40 lb so I'm in line at Discount Tire to get them to put another 20 pounds of air in it because I don't know where the air chuck is for my anemic little air compressor.
Update: what is it with tire pressure gauge manufacturers I cannot seem to acquire one that is actually accurate or even close.

Turns and I got 77 lb of air in that tire and my gauge read it as 40 lb. That is not a reasonable margin of error
We can still repair tires here, and I like to replace my tires in pairs so I donate any singles that are still servicable to a program that helps low income people. They match different used tires to get them through a few more months and the garages install them for free.
We can still (for now) repair actual tires and sell used actual tires. It's the "temporary use" ones (donuts) that are verboten.

Here, used tires are resold at "Lanterras" in the barrio. Used to be $15-20 installed. Now it's $40-$60 depending.
I think you've captured the essence of this thread there. :)

Back to the range today. I've got a few little tuning tasks that I need to address before the weather turns and it looks like it's turning this coming Mon. Also agreed to meet a couple of friends out there as well.
I think you've captured the essence of this thread there. :)

Back to the range today. I've got a few little tuning tasks that I need to address before the weather turns and it looks like it's turning this coming Mon. Also agreed to meet a couple of friends out there as well.

I do try!

Have fun at the range, crappy weather here today so the only way I might shoot something is if a coyote actually knocks on the door.
Went out to start loading up my kit and that damn neighborhood skunk is back. Some dogs never seem to learn.
As soon as a new administration was installed that wasn't going to throw millions of dollars at any "study" that put the words "climate change" in it somewhere the daily cries that the sky was falling ended. You still get throw-away references in every weather report and the true believers still worship amongst themselves but it does not dominate the headlines.

Twelve days until the daily, desperate search for a dark cloud to swaddle every silver lining on the Kung Flu ends.
I resemble that remark ;)

Hope everyone's magic bean juice is doing its job this morning, day four of cold dark, and rainy here.

No rain is forecast here until the weekend is half over.

The coffee is good this morning. Then again, the coffee is always good when I make it in the morning. And, if it was poor coffee, I'd drink it anyhow.
Poor coffee is still better than no coffee.

Indeed so. Except when people fru-fru it up. I'm not a fan of flavored coffee with exception of a bit of whisky or rum poured into it. A barista once put vanilla in my coffee and after one sip, had her pour it out, wash my mug, and refill with black coffee and two espresso shots.
I normally drink a Kona blend without any of the fixings.

In a pinch I’ll drink whatever the waitress is pouring as long as it’s not decaf!
My normal at home is French roast from one of the local roasters. If I'm paying for Kona, it's not going to be a blend, it will be pure Kona and dark roast. Milk and sugar do not go into my coffee unless it's Irish coffee at the Buena Vista in 'Frisco. I'm known to drink diner coffee when in a diner.
About fucking time!!!!

The cat is fine, thanks for asking. I managed not to die. Zelda is fine, too. The p000ter took a sabbatical. Mechanical issues - simple. Forty dollars later and here I am. Don't everyone pass out at the same time.

Good to see Backwoods indeed. Her be a keeper.

Thanks for leaving me a fun read. I reckon I'll have to keep allayaz . . . .




My coffee is black, good or bad if someone sneaks contaminents into it
I will likely spit it out on whoever thought it would be funny.

Wat we missed you! Have a cat

So, I left Little Shit out here when I went to fly back home. That was a teetotal clusterfuck, but we'll leave that all alone. Anyway, I got back mid-afternoon last Sunday, and did I ever get yelled at by His Majesty.

He's a funny little shit.

I missed all y'all, too. Funny how that happens.

And the band played on . . . .


