TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

About fucking time!!!!

The cat is fine, thanks for asking. I managed not to die. Zelda is fine, too. The p000ter took a sabbatical. Mechanical issues - simple. Forty dollars later and here I am. Don't everyone pass out at the same time.

Good to see Backwoods indeed. Her be a keeper.

Thanks for leaving me a fun read. I reckon I'll have to keep allayaz . . . .


The horses only wanted 40$ worth of peppermints? We'd have paid more, but don't tell 'em.:D

Welcome back!
That's kinda like my too-little cat. He an look Rather Pissed.

He really isn't. It's just a look.

Thank you.

All is just as Allah intends . . . .


No, those work for Wat, but he calls them weasels.

Now, why is it that the popular kids blurtie-blurt thread has twice as many posts as ours but we have over 80% as many views???

I suspect that the answer is: Vast Intellect.

But it could also be Tit Pics . . . .

Welcome back Wat. Glad to hear that almost everything went well. No wrecks, trampleings, or clawings.

Aren't you glad your government was there to help with your 'puter? :D
Que scifusa of them, really. Not like I would have expected differently.

The biggest poodle came over and butted me gently in the back to let me know that he wanted me to pet his nose. He really wanted peppermints but I was frosh out. Poor poodle.

He did try to outsmart me at the yard gate the other night, but I was ready for him. He turned like he was going back and then slipped back past me. I made sure the gate was open enough for him because it wasn't the first time. I got him going backwards, then he juked left and I beat him to it. So he juked right and I still got there first, so he gave up and went back. Heh.

Happy Birthday, Leslie West!!!


No, those work for Wat, but he calls them weasels.

Now, why is it that the popular kids blurtie-blurt thread has twice as many posts as ours but we have over 80% as many views???

I suspect that the answer is: Vast Intellect.

But it could also be Tit Pics . . . .


They only pretend they don't care about you, Wat.
As a side note. I went to the range today to 'fine tune' the new scope. I got it dialed in @ 300 yds and was shooting 0.3 MOA groups. And this was with factory ammo!!!

The next step is to load up a mess of the 208 gr. ELD-M ammo and dial it in even better before I hit the 1000 yd. range again.
About fucking time!!!!

The cat is fine, thanks for asking. I managed not to die. Zelda is fine, too. The p000ter took a sabbatical. Mechanical issues - simple. Forty dollars later and here I am. Don't everyone pass out at the same time.

Good to see Backwoods indeed. Her be a keeper.

Thanks for leaving me a fun read. I reckon I'll have to keep allayaz . . . .


About time you dragged your butt back in here.

Great pic, the bike is meh (not a fan of the blacked out look), but that ass...
About time you dragged your butt back in here.

Great pic, the bike is meh (not a fan of the blacked out look), but that ass...

I agree with you on both the motor coating and the ass.

One is holding the heat in and the other showing the heat off.
I agree with you on both the motor coating and the ass.

One is holding the heat in and the other showing the heat off.

Probably doesn’t hold any more heat in than chroming it (though I have no actual facts to back that up), it just doesn’t look as nice to me. I like them shiny!
Probably doesn’t hold any more heat in than chroming it (though I have no actual facts to back that up), it just doesn’t look as nice to me. I like them shiny!

No facts here. Ever! I also like chrome on bikes.

I will leave the bike riding for the others. The drivers and roads near DC are best negotiated on four wheels.
The effect of paint is practically negligible.

Most of the heat dissipation is done by convection. Air flowing throught the fins, not radiation.

Heat transfer from metal to paint is not very good, but heat transfer from metal to air is even poorer, so air can't keep up anyway even with the paint.

A black body is best dissipating and radiating heat, but only in the infrared spectrum not in the visible spectrum, (what it looks like to us), Nevertheless manufacturers paint engine in black when it comes to cosmetics, so when it comes to only radiation, (motorcycle is not moving), a black engine maybe be, theoretically, a little better dissipating heat. But obviously not enough to make manufacturers rush into painting all air cooled engines in black.

Hmmm. Thanks to hugo ('92 Zephyr 750) for that tidbit.
Happy Friday!!! That was an ass pic. The bike was incidental.

In and out.

Gotta weasel between showers. No bike today.

Maybe later. You kids have fun.


Morning all. It's Breakfast with the Feds Friday!!!

All switched over to heat now, let the snow fly.
"I love it when a plan comes together." George Peppard as John "Hannibal" Smith in The A-Team

I am not loving today.
I just made an appointment to get my Driver's License Real ID complaint! I'm such a good citizen.
An Appointment....

Every private business is open for business. The Government is still basically shut down.

It's good to work for the government.
Yayati was famed for his six-pack. In his own words. Of course, I think it was PBR.

Looks like more rain headed in this evening. The PM is outta here. I still have some Latinos here working on paint and drywall. We should have plumbers tomorrow, thanks be to Allah. We might get some of this shit done this weekend.

Good thing is, the PM has backed down on the schedule. A lot. Shit is behind, and we're missing material. Apparently, Top Manglement has figured out that there really ain't a fucking thing any of us can do about it, so we have reworked our goals.

Gonna be a quiet night around the homestead, possibly with some Numbah Wun Fuckee.


