TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!


Isn’t that the guy from that vampire show?

Home with cat. Stopped to get some NUmbah Wun Fuckee, figuring I'd give this place another try on the off chance that they had an off night last time. Seems I am rewarded for my intuition.

I'd post a picture of Junior for you wimminz to drool over, but that's not gonna happen for a multitude of reasons.

The painters showed up to work at three. That's 1500. WTF??? I think we need to get a new crew. Slow production and half-assed work ain't gittin' 'er done.

The cat agrees . . . .



With a cheery wave to the waitress as she left, this girl says, "Bye, Felicia!"

I had to ask.

Yep, the waitress is actually named Felicia.
Lazy damn dog ya got there. This is the time of day that all the interesting critters are out and about. That dog should be out in the woods scouting.
Happy Rainy, Foggy Saturday Morning folks!

Ooops hope I wasn't too loud.

My dogs meet me at the door wanting their morning run/perimeter sweep.
Seems like everyone is sleeping in today.

I've got to run out and replenish my gas and do some grocery shopping.

For the past month we've been in the high 70's low 80's during the day, 30 deg. cooler at night. Now we have 2 days of sneaux forecast starting Mon. evening. No transition, from balmy to blizzard overnight.
Thank-you for the eye candy Thor, it is much appreciated.
I think it's better when you look and walk away, too much information ruins the illusion.

We were 71 yesterday, no snow here and probably won't be for a long time still. Keep that white crap to yourselves.

And my pups are currently sleeping too, it's the time of year when they have to choose wet and rainy or soft and warm, the sofa by the wood burning stove is their current favourite.

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Happy Saturday!!! Got kinda busy with some silly shit at the house and didn't post nuffin. But I'm here at work and have already made weasels nervous, so it's time to give them a minute to fear the Other Shoe's Dropping.

The painters are today's joke du jour. There might be another one along soon. They say they'll do this-n-that, and all of a sudden, Wat is from Mizz000reh.

Speaking of, he ain't that damn from from it as we speak.

Damp, cooler, and generally gray. Good day for breakfast-for-lunch.



Another day winding down and coming to a close.

Got the outside stuff winterized. Disconnected the hoses and such. Yet again the insulated cover for my outside spigot has gone missing. I think there are gnomes that eat the damn things every year.
Thank-you for the eye candy Thor, it is much appreciated.
I think it's better when you look and walk away, too much information ruins the illusion.

We were 71 yesterday, no snow here and probably won't be for a long time still. Keep that white crap to yourselves.

And my pups are currently sleeping too, it's the time of year when they have to choose wet and rainy or soft and warm, the sofa by the wood burning stove is their current favourite.

Was a nice Cub and brace of packrafts.

It won't be long until winter comes down the mountain.
Home from the weasels. Cat had a lecture for me. Got grub out for grazing in.

These paint weasels I don't get. They just don't get their asses to work. They threaten to work late but don't bring lights. We need the place painted so we can hang fixtures so we can have light. They brought a second sprayer. Make one go home then. Finish my fucking work already. Silly fuckers.

Looks like more clouds tomorrow. And some rain. I'm kinda over the rainy bits, but it'll be a few more cloudy days yet. Go figure.

It's gonna be a quiet night in . . . .



Happy Sunday!!!

Slept in a bit. Weasels start late of a Sunday, and Wat doesn't blame them. Sunday Work is a first world problem.

Looks like clouds today and a tad warmer, so we might go with Zelda today. That would be more fun.

More coffee first.



Morning Wat.

I get to finalize my winter prep. for the sneaux that starts tomorrow. :rolleyes:

Women always complain about men staring at their tits but then go out and buy T-shirts with the printed messaging strategically placed so the HAVE to stare at their tits to read the message. Mixed messaging there I'd say.
Morning Wat.

I get to finalize my winter prep. for the sneaux that starts tomorrow. :rolleyes:

Women always complain about men staring at their tits but then go out and buy T-shirts with the printed messaging strategically placed so the HAVE to stare at their tits to read the message. Mixed messaging there I'd say.

It’s easy to catch men staring at my tits, the magnifying glass is a dead giveaway.
Good Morning, peoples! It's still somewhat precipitating out but it's not really cold, just cool. I have a chopped up work week coming up this week. It should be interesting.