TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The Morning here should turn into a half decent day.
Will there be any cooking in the Time house? That remains to be seen.
Time outside with the pups. The medium sized dog is a mix. She sees a squirrel, stands stock still for few seconds, then heads for the trees. She does this four legged hop/run like a deer (sort of) when she's excited. It amuses me no end when she does this. I've never had spaniels, but I wonder if this is just how the Good Lord made her, or if it's an indication of her DNA. Is this a Springer Spaniel characteristic?
People can look all they want as long as they don't touch.

My pups are loving this new place, the fenced area is huge so they can run to their puppy hearts content. The downside is I'm not far from a highway and this morning someone left a carrier with three kittens in the ditch, they're fine I found them in time but the shelters are full and I don't know what to do with them. Both my dogs are high prey so can't take them in and with the coyote's turning them into barn cat's isn't an option.
Bread machine is going, cake is baking, chili in one crockpot and potato soup in another
Just need to make more coffee now

Turns out, the coffee making morphed into coffee, huckleberry pancakes, and bacon. Maple syrup aged in bourbon barrels was a nice touch on top.
Home with cat. Doing laundry. May snack later. Probably will nap.

Had some workers today, thanks be to Allah.

Rode Zelda. One kid asks me, "is that a 600?" "No, Honey, it's a 2,097." The look in his eyes . . . .




Happy Monday!!!

We get gray today and tomorrow and then wet later in the week. Unless they decide to bring the wet earlier, which could happen.

The cat is being a poor actor with the other house cats, hissing and then acting like a madcat and a bit of yowling. Glad I'm already awake.

And with coffee, too . . . .



I may have t make some chili next week when I drag back from home.

If I remember to bring my crockpot.

Of course, I might go out and get a second one for here.

We'll see . . . .

Good morning folks.

Some trivia for you. The '58 Chevy Impala was on a different chassis with totally different sheet metal from the 'A' pillar rearward. A "one of" as it were.

Currently 35 skyrocketing to a high of 40. Downhill from there with rain turning to sneaux.
Never liked the '58.

In fact, the only tri-five I like is the '55.

The '57 Ford is a better lookin' car than the Shebbie.

Of course, the '56 DeSoto looks gooder'n alluvvum.

The 50's and early 60's were the halcyon years of the US auto industry. Everyone offering different designs and drive train packages every year.
Ahh for the days when there were liberals you could have an honest discussion with. Long gone now it seems.
Gray matter doesn't work until the caffeine kicks in, maybe that's what lit needs, more coffee

Our cabinets are gray. I don't particularly like them.

The help finally showed. Awfully fucking nice of them. I hope that the gray skies don't make them feel skeert.

Somebody needs to carry his/her ass out and score some brekkies.

Now . . . .



Nice paint on that '55.

The sneaux be comin' down. Started as mini-sleet this AM and has transitioned to heavy wet stuff. As the temp falls that will turn to powder.

I have to get a Wuhan Flu test tomorrow so I'll be breaking the cables out. Oh what fun. :rolleyes: