TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I made more breakfast burritos for the freezer tonight, scrambled eggs with
some dry spices and shredded cheddar in wraps. Cooking for coffee is just
asking for a visit from the fire department.


You should consider that piccie for a siggie, Endrie. Yeah, I know . . . .

Home with cat. Grazing in. Stopped to score coffee on the way home.

It was gray and low 50s all day. It drizzled this morning but that didn't amount to much. Rain on Wednesday.

Another quiet night, which also means no complaining . . . .



I’m avoiding coffee this morning in the (most likely fruitless) hope that I’ll fall asleep at some point.
Happy Tuesday!!!

We got a bit of sun today, maybe. We'll see.

We can always hope. We'll have weasels, too.

Meanwhile, coffee . . . .



Good morning all.

It's still sneauxing but has slowed down considerably. Mother Nature didn't plan this project very well. She didn't do any proper ground preparation. Going from 70-80 deg. days to 4+" of sneaux is not good preparation if you want the snow to really muck things up. All that stored thermal energy is now melting the sneaux faster than it's falling. :)
Got my semi-annual tune up at the VA yesterday. The nurse came out to the parking lot in full hazmat gear to take my temp. Made me feel a bit self-conscious about my hygene.

I'm in great shape... if I were 20 years older. I can't see. My pressure (the bottom one) is too high. I drink too much and dip Skoal. I can't hear, my sugar spikes (according to something called an A1C) and I'm a bit.... chunky.

At least I have a nice personality.
I'm hungry and irritable and in a sleepy little town* should have some good Mexican food, it's taco Tuesday. It's noon. There's one car in front of me. On taco Tuesday. At a Mexican food restaurant. I'm pretty sure I know what he ordered and I know what I'm going to order. It's my turn to order- he tells me I'll be with you in a minute. Three minutes later I drive off.

Next place there's two customers in the drive thru. Line isn't moving. On taco Tuesday. Where you know what the customers going to order.

Third place is a Carniceria. Most of these places will cook the meat for you. This one, true to form, has a little cafe area. Two customers seated together with no food. I see a girl behind the counter then I don't see her. No one acknowledges me. So I leave there. Still hungry.

It's noon. You have a restaurant. You should be expecting hungry people for lunch. You should be ready to serve them. It's probably because I forgot my hat for the first time in years.

*on the dying main street of the town that is also the fastest growing town in America.
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Happy non-payday Wednesday!!!

Our painters are fucking us over. We did manage to get a delivery date for our interior doors. Saturday morning. This was Wat's doings. Call Wat that you have his shit and will deliver it whenever, and he'll give you the earliest moment possible, and people to unload, too.

I agree, it was the hat.

This coffee is the bomb jont . . . .



I don’t envy you, always hated dealing with certain subcontractors.

Drywallers, painters and tile guys were always the worst for me.
Good morning folks.

It's the hat, or lack thereof. :)

Believe it or not, it's hard to get good taco's here. Made up for by the fact that you won't find better Tamales anywhere.

No range today, the road will be mud soup so we closed the range until things firm up a bit.
"They" told me that I had months to live. It's years later.

“They” are bad about that sort of thing. I was one of them little bald Make-A-Wish kids way back when, the things those people said when they thought I couldn’t hear or wouldn’t understand were horrible.