TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

I'm slow, you answered my question while I was typing the question.

I need higher octane coffee to keep up with you all.
You mean "cackleberries" don't ya?

It was the hat for sure

Barbie is correct as always, food is food

I vote for BT to cook since Justa has broken bacon

And I'm heading out for a day of shopping and to meet a friend for lunch

I won $2 on the MegaMillions last night. I guess I'll go ahead and take the rest of the day off.
Shopping for Breakfast Twinks??? :D ;) :rolleyes:

We have wire butchers. The wood/drywall butchers work late and then show up late. Makes me wonder about the doors. Wat will unload them . . . for a Hella-price.

No siding. We can haz rain.

Ordered a new cycle windscreen. LOwer than the other. It shipped from a big city to the tiny burg same day and got here next day. Way to go, FedEx!!!

"They" told the madre of my (¡cinco!) niños that she could not conceive. I would chalk it up to my inherent virility, but she came equipped with one already.
Also, who needs a special bacon grease canister when a lard can is perfectly serviceable?

Such fancy people,<tsk tsks>
I've noticed that no matter what container you save your bacon grease in, it manages to crawl up and over the sides. I believe there is a market for Teflon lined containers.
Night before last was chilly. I had -just- gotten used to the AC not droning on incessantly (like my posts) and it did not occur to me I would eventually need heat. Which has been in a storage locker for the last 8 months. I had one undersized unit I use and it's good enough for the bedroom and I tell myself that the kitchen area being a bit brisk is bracing.

In my vintage stuff I had a cool metal-framed electric heater that I bought without caring if it is useful. Looked like just a reflector, but turns out it has a small blower, and works.

I retrieved all that, a Polish-made lined trench, my good leather jacket and a windbreaker at the shivery dawn yesterday. I experiment it with we're do plug what in where and it appeared that the heaters were not going to trip a breaker.

I made sure they weren't going to burn the place down and left, not knowing if I would come back to a tripped circuit breaker or a nice toasty warm bed. Toasty warm!

I remembered a hat, but forgot to take a jacket. Fortunately I had forgotten to bring those three coats in from the car so I actually did have a jacket. Not sure about the multiplicative, but forgetting twice canceled each other out, or something.

I got an assignment last night to a facility that I had requested I be blacklisted from. I got into it with a manager there who made the mistake of flipping me off from the other side of a locked glass door. It was a nice glass door and I figured it didn't deserve the beating that the manager deserved so I let the glass door live but I figured if I ran into that manager again it was going to get rather ugly, so I figured the safest thing to do was to volunteer myself to not volunteer there.

Obviously no one did that because I got assigned there again. Mind you I haven't been back there in a year and a half probably. The reception desk was quite friendly I took care of business and then I inquired about the manager knowing that at this point I hadn't run into him, I look completely different now, and was on the way out the door anyway. Turns out the guy was fired. Which he definitely deserved but I assumed would never happen, so I hadn't even specifically requested it.

Apparently, my meager services were more valuable than his. Ha!

I can't think of another time in my decades on earth that I ever really saw anyone get what was coming to them. I understand the concept of Karma but I've never seen it happen.

Perhaps Allah has decided to grant me some beneficence as I've been more mindful as of late.
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Allah both loves and rewards those who serve him and humble themselves before him. Humility - you know, that most lacking of Lit characteristics.

We have paint cunts. JUst two. They're doing the semi-gloss. About fucking time.

The plumbers are dragging ass, but the wire butchers are making the rest look bad.

I'd like to see more Karma in action. I can name a few, Allah, if you're looking for wayward infidels to punish. Insh'allah, of course . . . .



I reckon that I'll squander for two more ARs on Wednesday should we get an Uncle named Joe.

I guess that handguns will e around for a few more months, but not many.


Shopping for Breakfast Twinks??? :D ;) :rolleyes:

I have a male friend who keeps me supplied. An old friend is in town and staying with me for a few days she wanted to see the new place and she's in love. We are discussing building a new house on the property so she can retire here, the trouble we could get into again :D

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Happy Thursday!!!

Trouble is relative. One person's trouble is another person's good damn time. Of course, a life sentence isn't as scary as it used to be, so it is losing its deterrent effect.

Three more days and then a trip home to get a couple of check-ups and to take another whack at that roof and to check the house. And to keep Road-trip Cat in condition.

Coffee first . . . .



Yeah, but I have windows and I've got my long range rifle all tuned up. :)

The sneaux has been replaced by mud. In that we're in a warming trend that should continue for a few more days until the mud becomes adobe.
None of the fluffy white stuff here yet, but mid 20’s at night and low 40’s during the day.

I’m not ready!