TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Sometimes, trouble is a good thing.

Introverts like me don't make friends easily, usually an extrovert finds us, decides they like us and kinda just adopts us. That's the case here, we've been friends for over forty years, she drags me into situations and places I would never go on my own and I try to slow her down. I love her to bits and don't know what I would do without her and if she's serious about wanting to retire and finally settle down I would love to have her here.

And no snow where I'm at, just more rain.
Absolutely pouring rain this morning. I think there's a hurricane or something down south. Nothing good has ever come from the south.
I've got an early appointment with the doc this morning so he can make an extra $5 from medicare after seeing me in the ER a couple weeks ago. I was hoping for telemedicine, but no. Then, a quick trip to show the young engineers how actually crack open a book to find the answer for stuff that isn't on the internet. Damn, I miss my library.

Once that crap is done, it's off to the cabin for a long weekend. There will be a tiny bit of snow up there, but not enough to warrant snowshoes for packing the trail to the outhouse. Maybe there will be a few spruce grouse for the dinner table? What there will not be is news or internet. Relaxation time.
Home with Crazed Cat. He's tearing around again. Funny to watch old critters act like young ones. Unless it's some old guy hitting on young wimminz. Stopped and got some salad fixin's and whipped one up. So, grazing in. Got a load of laundry in, too.

The Latino guy (roofs) assured me today that Trump will win. He explained why. Then he showed me pics of his firearms. Frankly, I loved it. All he needs as a ANV battle banner to round out the collection.

Stopped in to see the HfD clothing sales wench. She's perfect for the job: gregarious, bubbly, enthusiastic, cute, and has big tits. Can't get a feel for whether she's attached or available - or maybe content as is. We'll see, I reckon. She'd make a delightful dinner date, methinks.

Did I mention tits? I certainly hope so . . . . :rolleyes:



Hey, she might own the place Wat. If you don't ask, you won't know.

My appt. for tomorrow has been canceled. I can't say I'm disappointed other than when I reschedule I'll have to get another Wuhan Flu test. It's not a terrible test, but it's not pleasant either. The test I took came back negative so there's that.
Hey, she might own the place Wat. If you don't ask, you won't know.

My appt. for tomorrow has been canceled. I can't say I'm disappointed other than when I reschedule I'll have to get another Wuhan Flu test. It's not a terrible test, but it's not pleasant either. The test I took came back negative so there's that.

“The Ron Jeremy of swabs!”
She might.

She might be Ron Jeremy's ex, too.

We did mention exes one day.

Maybe I should axe . . . .

Happy Friday!!!

Damn the intrawebz be slow this morning.

If'n Wat gets around to buyin' a place in dah woods, it's gonna be south. Fuck awl dat sneaux nonsense. Of course, there will be humidity, I'm sure. Damned if'n you do . . . .

But there's coffee.

boonies don't have reliable interwebz, a decent generator will ensure the coffee maker does it's job

morning all, what kinda trouble are we getting into today?
Good morning!!!

There's always something about anywhere you go. Earthquakes, floods, hurrycanes, tornadoes, something. Here I'm about 50 miles south of a super volcano. I figure if that sucker blows it'll be quick anyway.
Home with cat. Not sure what supper will look like, but it'll be a Grazing In Speshull.

We had some workers today. We might have gotten a bit done. We have some slow fuckers, that's for sure.

I thought of something clever to post and then it slipped my mind. I did get a call from a guy we're helping, checking to make sure that he's not losing his mind. Sometimes, we need reassurance. He's fine, because Allah said so.

Gonna be a quiet evening.



Purt close.

Junior wants a true left-handed 1911.

$4600 and a 9-12 month wait. FFS!!!

Hostile banana . . . .

Morning folks.

Proof positive that there's a market for everything. Is the rifling reversed too? :)

On the Randall it was, not sure about the Cabot.

It’s the only way to keep the recoil against the palm rather than the finger side of the grip, having it torque away would make for a funny feel when firing.
Happy Saturday!!!

Thanks for the tip. It's obviously a splurge item. I hadn't considered the rifling, but that makes sense, too, for a true lefty version. Junior can do a rapid fire reload on an M1 faster and more competently than most righties I know, and he never seems to miss a beat.

Looks like a nice day today. Last day of work for a few, but I will go home and that task-bastard there will put me on the roof again. It'll cool off here for a couple of days and then be warming up again when I get back.

We be coffee-ing ATM . . . .



Anytime, Wat!

Also, if you check with Cabot they do mirror image sets, might be a thought for you two, you’d have matching pistols, one left and one right handed.

You’d actually save a bit as well, you can get into them for about $7k for the set, and there’s the whole novelty value. Think of it like bonding! :)
That would be funny, father-n-son handguns.

It would remind me of Bruce Willis in Last Man Standing.

I wonder if we could fire 34 rounds from each before reloading . . . . :rolleyes:


