TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Like blind hawgs finding acorns???


Outta here . . . .

He may hit some sneaux when he gets to the Alleghenys. Or rather some sneaux may hit him. But he's not riding Zelda so it should be fine
It's your house if you want to decorate go ahead.
I have a friend who has a wooden display stand, she puts different ornaments on it all year long.
Currently they are halloween based but her leprecauns are my favourites
Christmas. When I was at the store yesterday they already had Xmas displays up. Are we skipping T'giving this year?
Most years I don’t really celebrate holidays as it’s just me.

Thought maybe I’ll try it since the house isn’t empty!
Christmas. When I was at the store yesterday they already had Xmas displays up. Are we skipping T'giving this year?

This year they may be calling it Thanksmas or Christgiving, who knows. Gotta get those sales some how.

Barbie, do it! make it elegant or gaudy or somewhere in between but do it!! Oh and take pics to share:)
There's going to be fallout, it happens after every financial disaster but the only way to fix it is to keep moving forward. And Belli is right, at least the masochists get to be happy
By endlessly burying positive strides and continually dragging goal posts around with breathless pronouncements of rising this or that cherry-picked metric they managed to drag this nonsense all the way to the final seconds of the last quarter.

I knew that deaths would be sharply declining by now because that's how these things run their coarse, but I underestimated the gullibility of the public to induced, mass hysteria.

Saw a huge crowd of slightly drunk, young Halloween revelers in the wee hours at IHOP. They were getting to-go orders and clustering in little groups by the closeness of the associations. This group over here is "safe" because they have been cloistered for the duration, as is that group and that one. You could see the overlap, and they had all been to a big party where no doubt they were hiding inside "to be safe" while they "are all in this together."

It's like college students shocked that any of them come up with an STD when they are only actuve with close friends and friends of friends. . . all of whom are "careful."

As they got their food, the parting words were always, "be safe!"

Just about everyone I see every night at some point says "be safe out there." Now to be fair people been telling me that for the last 10 years because I'm either driving heavy equipment or dodging drunks on the highway but that's not what they mean.

There's absolutely no way for the last several months of being "essential" and working a thousand plus hours with thousands of strangers that I have not been at some point exposed, likely on multiple occasions. Other than not licking door knobs and wearing the ceremonial garb, there are no actions that I have been taking (or could take) that would make any difference at all.

I tried it never adjust my bandana in public but inevitably it slips, obscures my peripheral vision, or gets out of place and I have to adjust and not one person ever looks even mildly concerned about that.

Kubuki theater.
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Home with cat at the cat's house. He has all kinds of food to eat. He was a good boy, for the most part. He just has to scream sometimes.

And BT did wave. I have "photographic evidence."

There were some High Water signs up on the drag coming home. The kind that appear when rain has been copious. My bucket was/is dry.

All thanks be to Allah for his manifold blessings and great mercies . . . .



Happy Monday!!!

The roof is fine. Man, what a load off. It's chilly out there, but I should be able to get the front part the rest of the way primed, and I may be able to first coat it in silicone tomorrow. That'll depend on the dew. Can't have any wet bits under that stuff.

Off to see the sleep people this morning. First thing. They're electronic appointment checker text gizmo keeps checking in. Like, yesterday afternoon. Yes, Allah damn it, I'm coming. I guess some patients just no-show. Probably the ones with nothing else to do. :rolleyes:

Coffee first . . . .


