TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Thank you.

I may need to rededicate to getting and keeping this shit down in the acceptable range. Which ain't easy for the high speed and low drag crowd. Maybe she'll have some ideas. More shall be disclosed.

I'ma change the oil in the car and take a whack at installing the mini fairing on the little bike, and maybe tilt the bars back five eighths of an inch. I may even take a look at the forward controls, too, to see what effort is required there. This is before drrr.

I'm tackle a bit of roof afterwards, when it's warm.

I just left the "Politics Board." Those people are angry now despite being full of confidence that they are going to win. Stand the fuck by if they don't win...

It's already hate and loathing in Literotica.

I did drive-up voting yesterday afternoon after a doctor's appointment. I can now put all of this behind me.
Got the oil changed in the car. That means more in my world than who(m)ever wins the erection.

Either way, we get Numbah Wun Fuckee, and not in a good way.

Closer and closer we draw night to the day when we have to shoot the motherless cunts just to get by.

They can have all my guns. Ammo first . . . .



Man, I haven't voted for somebody in decades. Now, I have voted against a shittonne of motherfuckers.

Home from the hospital. Them wenches kept me in there for nigh on 75 minutes, what with checking stuff and examining. I feel examined.

And the b/p was acceptable today, so it may have been White Coats yesterday, and coffee too close to exam time. We'll keep a better eye on that.

Grazing in for lunch.



It's a sad thing to have to chose the lesser evil. Sadder, that the winner of the election believe people actually voted for them.....

Home from the hospital. Them wenches kept me in there for nigh on 75 minutes, what with checking stuff and examining. I feel examined.

And the b/p was acceptable today, so it may have been White Coats yesterday, and coffee too close to exam time. We'll keep a better eye on that.


I wonder why my BP is always high when measured by the nurse at my doctor's surgery.

Perhaps it is her FF seamed black stockings...
I wonder why my BP is always high when measured by the nurse at my doctor's surgery.

Perhaps it is her FF seamed black stockings...

They should hire uglier h000rz to work there, or we should quit looking.

Hell, I'd rather look. Fuck the b/p. It'll go down . . .

when I'm dead . . . .

Roof patch check-up. Added two more, so check.

Fix the downspout openings. One was wet, but the dry one is done, so check.

Fairing installed on little bike: check.

Or is it Czech???



45-70 Government, beautiful rifle.

Hunted once with a guy who "preferred" a trapdoor Springfield in 45-70. He won the coin toss and missed the damn moose. Can you believe it? Moose was amazed and didn't jump. When he fumbled his 2nd shot cartridge into the weeds, the moose took a step, and I ended the moose hunting. He didn't appreciate that, but I sure as hell wasn't chasing a moose farther away from the vehicle. He had his chance. We never hunted together again.
My chuckle for the evening. My 13 yr old, mostly deaf, JR caught the rat she's been stalking out at the barn. She came prancing down the aisle way with the dead rat in her mouth. Once she passed all the humans to make sure we saw her, she took it out of the barn and dropped it. Her job successfully completed, she was ready to go inside and take a nap.
Happy Wednesday!!! I see that the squawkers still have shit to squawk about. My precinct is truly Satan's Playground. Cunt win fer losin'.

I'm of the opinion that .45-70 Gummint is a bit much cartridge for rat. I like trapdoors if'n you're shooting some kind of antique gun shoot, but shoot a modern one with a bit moar pressure for best results. At least, that's what I concluded nigh on 20 years ago when I was shopping the things.

Something is ailing the dryer. It runs, it gets hot, and the filter is clear, but it isn't drying the clothes. Swear to Allah, I don't know what I'ma gonna do with that hunk of shit, but I'm sure that I'll think of somethin'.

Meanwhile, the coffee maker was an outstanding investment.



Check the blower and the exhaust duct on the dryer, if it’s getting hot something is interfering with airflow.

It finally got it on this last go-'round. Maybe a trip outside to be sure it's blowing would be in order.

Got a possum in the duct once. The cat found it and a .22 "pill" sorted it.

Another job not for .45-70.


I do. It's a trapdoor. Black powder only.

Truth is, the barrel vaguely resembles a sewer pipe.

Checked the dryer. The hose has crud in it. A friend was using it while checking on the house. Maybe full of lint and condensation. More possum seems unlikely. I'll replace it when next at home.

Finishing packing . . . .

That’s why I hate those flex hoses, I had them put in the hard aluminum vent when I had it installed.

Once every few months the handyman runs a chimney brush through it, never have any issues.
Make sure the "friend" has been informed NOT to use the dryer until it's fixed. Fires happen.
Dryers are cheap compared to most appliances,
maybe it's time to just replace it with a more energy efficient model
