TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Storm Warning - Hunter Hayes

Good Morning!

It's the beginning of another week, so bedtime nears for me. I supposed I'll be expected to work a full week this week. Having a couple of days off in the middle of last week might have spoiled me for full time work. Unfortunately, barring a major lottery win (which would require me play the pesky thing) I see no alternative
Christmas. When I was at the store yesterday they already had Xmas displays up. Are we skipping T'giving this year?

That's trend that has been materializing for years now; it's the competition of retail and the pressures from the internet.
Hopefully you are socking away a lot of money for the day when you decide you've had enough of it.
I would advise young people to do so, but they don't listen to old people, what the fuck do they know? Someone even has to show them how to hook up the TV and DVR.
Wat buys silver for the Rainy Decade, in case there is any barter left besides strong-arm negotiation. If no, then brass-n-lead will work just fine, too.

What kind of gun do you plan to buy should Uncle Joe win? Wat is thinking of an AR or two. If anything goes, they'll be first, so handguns should be around for a bit yet. Allegedly, he hasn't said much about them, but . . . . He'll have better luck packing fudge than packing the court. :rolleyes:

Sleep doctor down. All is well, except my bp seems elevated. Good thing the ticker folks are tomorrow. Better living through chemistry.

The cat isn't losing sleep regardless.



No new guns right now, do have some materials for explosives on shopping list though.
Some stumps need to go bye-bye before anyone gets any bad thoughts.

Home with cat at cat's house. Heat is running. It's chilly tonight. The light bill for last month was $23.05. Three lights, two clocks and the furnace.

Went to breakfast this morning at a store I've never been to. There was Diner Guy in there. We all know the type. Lots of stories, all boring, and full of opinions - like several Lit posters rolled into one. They always fail with Wat when trying to embroil him into the chat. Something about the eyes.

Off to bed. Gotta get moving early to go vote the old fashioned way. On Election Day . . . .



I was looking for the All's Quiet on the Western Front quote and I found this:

"It's quiet...too quiet...
[Gunshot. Bullet whizzes past his head]
Now, suddenly, it's too loud. I preferred it when it was quiet."
— O'Malley, Red vs. Blue

No idea what Red vs. Blue is but apparently it's some kind of a TV show. How apt.

Completely unrelated to the potential upcoming civil unrest. . .it is really quiet out here tonight. I don't mean as in there's no one around, although that seems to be true; I mean it's silent. Preternaturally so.

The temperature was a perfect 72° and everyone's air conditioners is turned off. I wouldn't think that I can hear those when I'm not near one but apparently there is some sort of general hum that is currently absent.

Kind of like back in the day when you would let the TV go off air and you would get that white noise and snow on the TV. You would wake up on the couch realizing you fell asleep watching TV and it seems quiet, until you turn the TV off silencing the white noise and you realize that now it's trully quiet.
Happy Tuesday!!!

Waking up at 0430. Reckon that fasting may be a good idea because of the doctor visit later. In case they want blood. Watch them not.

I wonder what the queue will be like. We'll find out here in just over an hour.

At least it's gonna be warmer . . . .




The process is fucked.

It's still legal, so it must not do any good.

As we figured . . . .

You know, I post what I run into. I find caches, so to speak. I only discard the ones I don't like at all.

So, all y'all get what you get.

h000rz are h000rz, after all.

Wats would know . . . . :rolleyes:
