TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Slower than a speeding train. ..

My head gasket in a bottle trick got me about another 20,000 miles but I'm starting to push coolant into the overflow tank again. I was driving about five miles out into the country and I'm going to be driving five miles back shortly so I was taking it really easy to keep that radiator nice and cool so I can check it when I get back to town.

I got caught and over-taken by a train. That's embarrassing.
Slower than a speeding train. ..

I got caught and over-taken by a train. That's embarrassing.

It wouldn't be in the UK or Europe. Scheduled trains run faster than the road speed limit of 70 mph and Eurostar and the TGV, or other high-speed lines, would outrun a Porsche... at a standard 200 mph.
Today is a sad day for racist fucksticks in america.

There shall be many tears shed. Many sweet sweet tears.:)
I've worked on my big poodle's foot. I saw nothing out of the ordinary so maybe he's found a rock to step on wrong. A watchful eye will be kept.

Barbie, let's put some chains on that bad boy and see how far he can go.
Oh, there are rules for remoteness.I suppose that makes sense being as how there are many factors that could kill a body in thorland
Oh, there are rules for remoteness.I suppose that makes sense being as how there are many factors that could kill a body in thorland

Just like anywhere, I suppose.

I've worked on my big poodle's foot. I saw nothing out of the ordinary so maybe he's found a rock to step on wrong. A watchful eye will be kept.

Barbie, let's put some chains on that bad boy and see how far he can go.

Some folk have driven Toyota Tacoma pickups to BRW along the rollagon trail. Just don't mess up.
I do have an SUV with a set of Mattracks (don’t ask), but I’d rather not need them to go buy bread! I’ll stick to places where there’s at least a little civilization.
I do have an SUV with a set of Mattracks (don’t ask), but I’d rather not need them to go buy bread! I’ll stick to places where there’s at least a little civilization.


Arne knows what Mattracks are.
Just checking on the gig-economy workers and their hourly counterparts.....looks like no one committed hari-kari....

I haven’t gotten to use them in snow yet, only driven it once and that was just on a trail before it got put back on wheels.

I’m hoping I can get it out this winter, though!

A friends son-in-law put a small set on an RZR. What a disaster in the powder snow that was. Snow flying everywhere. Plus, it was too wide for the snowmachine trail to their cabin. Kid couldn't be told and had to learn the hard way.
Home with cat. Grazed out at a Mixikun joint. The food was decent and the service was lame. You gotta be piss-poor not to get at least 20% from Wat. He didn't.

There is a rumo(u)r afoot (not a lame big poodle hoof) that Wat may or may not have sprung for another "sporting rifle" in the wake of the day's "news." And mags . . . and ammo . . . while the gittin's good.

The co-worker stayed in town this weekend, so he'll let the yayhoos in in the morning and then bolt and Wat can amble in a bit later. We'll see if he sleeps.

Insh'Allah . . . .



I've got to start getting ready for today's breakfast gathering. I wonder what the topic of discussion will be? :rolleyes:

You used to gleefully tell us about what y'all talked about afterwards at these Friday morning Denny's breakfast meet-ups with your government insider pallys.

What happened with this one?


Someone busted out their alt collection, it must be some sort of celebratory response.


The weather here continues to be everything you could ask for out of November and then some. The roses are in full bloom, the mums have gradually died out, so when I go out for lunch today, I just might pick up half-a-dozen pots or so and place them about the yard for quick planting.

The guy two ponds down died recently, so his deer feeder has gone empty which has cut down on the deer traffic in the yard. I somewhat miss them, but they did too often stop by the gardens for a quick "dessert." His wife passed away about a year ago, so if there's any truth to religion, hopefully they have been reunited in a better place. I don't know...
I caught a big old buck on a couple of the trail cams, 12 point. Pretty sure from his movements he’s bedding down in the cedar swamp.

I honestly think I’m going to leave him be, no use for a trophy, might be more interesting to see what sort of contenders come in.
Yeah, who wants stringy old meat? To me, hunting has always been for the food (and the fun of being outdoors) and have never once felt the urge to take and mount a head, a bird, or especially a fish. To this end, I like the doe tag.

Good thinking, let'em be until he's past prime to pass his genes along. The big game ranch folks down in TX. figured that out long ago. The various state game and fish commissions are still trying to play catch-up on those sound game management practices.
Yeah, who wants stringy old meat? To me, hunting has always been for the food (and the fun of being outdoors) and have never once felt the urge to take and mount a head, a bird, or especially a fish. To this end, I like the doe tag.


I take the occasional doe for the freezer, the meat is better tasting, at least to me.

I let the girl have the head from the 8 pt I took a couple of weeks ago, she wanted to have a euro mount done with it.
Happy Sunday!!!

The critters, including the landlady, let Wat sleep in as much as he was going to. Sleep wasn't all that sleepy, but it was pretty restful, so it was much better'n nothing. But the landlady did say that she considered coming to get me at the dark-before-dawn because there was a herd of coyotes near the fence on the neighbor's land. She wanted to feed the buzzards.

Wat's stuff is slowly sneaking up here. Yes, we have a thirty, so they ain't gonna limp away from that. Oughta bring the scoped 223 bolt gun, maybe. She thinks they are brave. All the cats stay inside anyway.

Got time before work to install this new windscreen on the bike, and light to do it by. And coffee to prep up on . . . .


