TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Good Morning, folks!

It looks to have the makings of a pretty good day. I went to bed much too early last night and am up much too early this morning. But for us lowly shift workers, you know, the kind who keep unfortunate souls from dying when their luck turns on them, well...days off are for rest, aren't they.
In the meantime, the coffee is good and I am planning to take full advantage of what promises to be a beautiful day. The dogs have run their perimeter and seem content with their findings, and the horses will be happy to see me in a few.
Yes, and no.

Funny thing is, as big an animal person as the landlady ( we should call her A) is, she's all for culling the fuckers. Hell, I ain't never eyeballed one up close-n-personal.

If she wants to spot, Wat'll be happy to bust caps. Might even teach her how, if need be.

In other news, here's a clip of pR0n with Ennio Morricone music as the score. How decadent!!!


My philosophy is if you're sleepy, go to bed. If you wake up early, you just start things earlier. The coffee doesn't know what time it is. Well, the big pot does, but it's always set to some time zone on Venus...

My spell check makes some amusing, but nonsensical substitutions.
I use the backroads to get over to the next town and there is a barn with an AK47 mounted over its double-doors. It really makes a statement.

A barn with possible mounted coup instead of a mounted head.
I don't think the mounted heads hold up well in the weather,
but the AK is all but indestructible - a sign of
indomitable spirit.

A barn with possible mounted coup instead of a mounted head.
I don't think the mounted heads hold up well in the weather,
but the AK is all but indestructible - a sign of
indomitable spirit.

It’ll hang in the barn, not on it. She wants the skull wrapped in a carbon fiber pattern.

She’s a strange one.
I don’t watch football so I’m out of that discussion.

Note: Not as any sort of political statement or boycott, I just find it mind-numbing.
Once a week, I like to settle in with an adult beverage for a little mind-numbing.
Besides, it's more fun than trying to watch, oh, say, politics...

You get to see the sausage making.
Wait until Jan. to cull those critters Wat and learn to tube skin. The buzzards still get their share and the pelts will go for $20-$30, pays for the ammo.
I have no aptitude for football. It's just people in tight pants chasing an egg shaped 'ball'.

Oh there we go: people in tight pants?
or not... was just a random thought.

or we could talk about random thoughts
I have no aptitude for football. It's just people in tight pants chasing an egg shaped 'ball'.

Oh there we go: people in tight pants?
or not... was just a random thought.

or we could talk about random thoughts

Just think of it as ballet with unfeigned violence. :D
Straight jackets?

What about gay kinksters? Do they have a rainbow jacket for that sort of thing?
LOL okay no strait jacket talk then

or we could talk about posters who go off and do other things and post before they refresh the page.