TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Straits are a narrowing. Like Lit Jeenyuses and their straits of "thought." Notice how loosely terms can be used. I mean, why shouldn't we buy or not buy guns-n-ammo? After all, magazines are a protected species.

I am calling 46 Uncle Joe, like his predecessor in history, named by no less a luminary than FDR. There will be fun had with this at Chez Wat, and most of teh st000pids won't know what the joke is.

Winter coyote hunting it is. Sniper rifles, come to A's place. They were bought as hunting rifles anyway. Besides it'll be good practice for humans.

Well, bipeds . . . .


Spanbooger sez they should drop the term "socialist" from their vocabulary. So t'was reported anyway.

The term "stalinist" has such a nicer ring to it, and it brings with it the aura of authoritarianism which Bidenette lacks.

Respect mah authoritah!!!!

Off to whp up some weasels . . . .

I cleared an area last week to plant some trees for coppicing, it will be mostly mulberry and osage orange but I plan to some apple and birch in there as well.

Your election was interesting this round, I can't remember the last time citizens won an election.

Time for me to go get more coffee and pretend to get more work done, have fun everyone.

I need to get a brush-hog out to the cabin and clear some of the underbrush.
Home a bit early. We only had one batch of weasels. The floor football fucking monkeys didn't show up.

It was a lovely day here. No clouds, warm, sunny. Hard to beat, especially for this time of year.

Gonna catch up with my new buddy here in a bit and visit.

Fucking Irish!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Home with cat. Dessert for supper. Who cares?

Leaving the window open to see if'n I hear any woods critters howl during the night. Got a 30-cal. That oughta turn one inside out, especially if presented with a Portuguese headshot.

Off here in a bit . . . .

Yesterday was everything that I ever ask out of a Sunday this time of year.

The Chiefs won.


Weather does remain nice and I simply cannot complain about it.
Dogs remain stubbornly obnoxious and show few signs of
pulling an Alex Trebek. But seriously folks, how many
threads does he really rate in death?
He got none in life...
I fell asleep early reading and slept well, so I am good to go on minimal caffeine.
Today, the coffee is just for the pleasure of the thing.
Happy Monday!!!

Wat may have to get his hands dirty this week. Our weasels don't seem to understand the nature of this thing of finishing this building, or they just are that fucking slow. Either way, they struggle to achieve completeness. A few tasks, Wat is picky enough about to insist on doing himself because they aren't up to snuff, but now we're in a crunch. Trying to figure how we can do better.

The washing achine guy is s'posed to come today to fix the house washer. Clothes aren't an issue - yet. Cat puked on a pillow, so that adds a bit to the laundry baxit. He's sitting in the closet next to it, on a cooler. No telling why, besides "beacause I can."

Kinda like this coffee . . . .



I love to laugh at dreaming dogs. It doesn't bother them in the slightest.

The stinky dogs here get douched today. De-skunked. They're not bad, really.

Cat's not much of a hairballer. He pukes sometimes - food. Maybe he overate or maybe his stomach is sour. If this is the worst of it, then he can stay here forever.

Off to slave-drive some weasels . . . .



Nice weekend to get the tree stand in fighting form. The "fighting tops", as it were. Today I'll go throw out a few hundred pounds of corn.
No snappers Nicky boy or I start posting massive amounts of penises

My chemical order cleared customs yesterday and should be here in a couple of days,
the stumps shall provide me with some entertainment this weekend.