TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The mighty Prius that could may need to be pushed for the last 1,000 miles before I hit half a million.

It has been going through coolant again so I did another head gasket treatment but this time I did the quickie version where you don't have to remove the thermostat. Seemed to make it worse.

It's really really hard to get all the air bubbles out of this very complicated coolant system. It's got a mechanical pump and an electrical pump, a coolant control valve, a thermostat and a thermos to hold hot waterl. The system is monitors temperatures and puts hot water in the thermos for later. (Because the gas engine cycles off, frequently.) Any of those places as well as the heater core can get air bubbles in them and if you get air bubbles- the system basically doesn't work.

I'm starting to suspect either a clogged heater core or a problem with the coolant control valve. It tries to decide where the hottest water is, and send the hottest water where it's needed.

I use a spill proof funnel gadget to kind of help tease the air out of the system and while I'm watching it the whole system just about boiled over and filled up the thing almost to the rim. I turned the car off the coolant goes back down into the system. Eventually I was satisfied that I got most of the air out. Similar to other times when I've done this- that seemed okay.

I got the small one a third of the way home and I got the red triangle of death. I drove quite a bit further like that because we were not in a good spot for cell phone service or really any services . . got it to a gas station opened it up and re-bled everything. I lost quite a bit taking the radiator cap off but by the time I put everything from the coolant overflow tank and 16 oz more it was topped off. So I wasn't really losing any other than the portion being forced into the overflow tank.

After I got her home I ran all night with no heater on. When this whole problem started last time it started in the winter and it started with poor heat in the cabin first. Long before it started showing up missing coolant.

After running all night I left it alone decided not to mess with the radiator cap. Which, by the way, I replaced last night- just in case. It's the third radiator cap that I replaced this year, "just in case."

This morning I still haven't messed with the radiator cap or checked fluid level but there is zero in the overflow tank.

After the head gasket treatment I also changed the oil and added an oil treatment. Right before I got the red triangle of death I was just thinking about how very smoothly the car was running. Prolly jinxed it.
Wat got pulled on the way into work this morning. It was the sher'rf's department, not the POE-lease. Long story short, they guy apologized for his demeanor and issued a "warning." It was more like a plea, of sorts. Wonder what the folks with bad papers, bad records, and t000d do?

The floor boys are getting some shit done, slowly. One of the crews didn't return. They seemed incompetent. Poor fuckers prolly won't get paid for their meager efforts.

Rain is headed our way.

When I move, especially in the small towns, I go out of my way to meet the head of whatever local law enforcement I’ll be dealing with.

It never hurts, and makes it easier when they get reports of lots of gunfire at my house. :)
I'm looking into what it takes to kill coyotes legally.

Looks like $150.

I'm thinking that I may become a poacher first.


Since the heater seems to be involved I tried running without a heater. Everything was fine.

Switched on the heat full <Prius> blast. The heat is not the best but that's to be expected with a Prius. . the engine is off half the time. Running hard on the freeway the cabin got fairly warm.

Everything fine with the engine.

Zero coolant loss.

I guess it fixed itself, which is the best kind of car mystery.
Since the heater seems to be involved I tried running without a heater. Everything was fine.

Switched on the heat full <Prius> blast. The heat is not the best but that's to be expected with a Prius. . the engine is off half the time. Running hard on the freeway the cabin got fairly warm.

Everything fine with the engine.

Zero coolant loss.

I guess it fixed itself, which is the best kind of car mystery.

Plug a hair dryer into the piggy lighter...

Then again, is that even still a thing? I don't think I have one...

But I do have ports for one... in two places, the dash and at the end of the armrest
where the passengers can get to it.


The goal was 500,000 miles. I'm 650 miles short.

I'll push it if I have to.

. . .and I miss my '57 Karman Ghia. Which was twice as rare as a 57 corvette and four times as rare as a 57 Thunderbird.. .
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I got 750K on the S10. Just sayin'...

Of course that was purchased brand new and accompanied over the years by
an almost anal devotion to basic maintenance like regular fluid and filter changes.

Plus manufacturers take more pride in their trucks than their passenger vehicles.
Mercedes used to award badges for certain mile thresholds. They even had a million mile badge. The 240D and 300D's used to hit the 500K milepost with regularity.
I had a Buick that didn't make it to 100K.

I wrapped it around a tree (and walked away).

It had too much engine for too little experience and too much 3.2 beer.
Happy Tuesday!!! Happy B-day to jarheads here and there, too.

Oddly, I get the dedication to the wee car. And it's trying hard to make it, too, such as mechanical things do. I find it peculiar that we become attached to our machines and that we award them souls and personalities. My brother couldn't trade in his last ride without going to say good-bye to it. My last one? Gone and good riddance. I must have been a slave trader in a former existence.

Psyching up for another day of weasel herding.

Coffee is mandatory . . . .



The "Baby" Mercedes don't seem to last too long. The SEL's would last forever too if you followed the maintenance schedule. They had a habit of swallowing valves if you didn't change out the timing gears/chains on schedule though.
The "Baby" Mercedes don't seem to last too long. The SEL's would last forever too if you followed the maintenance schedule. They had a habit of swallowing valves if you didn't change out the timing gears/chains on schedule though.

It burnt through two superchargers in the first 25k miles, when it finally cooked the valves I gave up on it.

A “kompressor” without compression is a sad thing...
I've been lucky I guess. Only one real lemon over the years. That was an '80's mini Buick with the V6. I picked it up for one of the kids and got rid of it ASAP. A real piece of crap.