TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The sunflower feeder gets filled all the time, or at least it did.

It’s dead now.

I just got a brand new bag of sunflower seeds. But, I want to see some more frost and no neighbors bitching about bears before the feeder get filled. The feeder is on my deck and I don't need to invite yogi there.
I just got a brand new bag of sunflower seeds. But, I want to see some more frost and no neighbors bitching about bears before the feeder get filled. The feeder is on my deck and I don't need to invite yogi there.

I may just not replace the feeder and dump the rest of the seed out in the wooded area. Let them scavenge!
Happy Friday!!!

So, we got a list of stuff the Gran Jefe wants done for the walk on Tuesday. One unit complet and the other seven with some post painting goodies in them. All of this is doable - provided that The Puta gets on board with it. El carnicero de madera. I'm so over this fucker. We won't have them up the road. They have batter wood butchers but the plumbers suck monkey nuts.

Feeling a bit better. As long as it stays like this. We'll see.

Coffee is a good and necessary start.



Good morning all.

Looks like you're running into the perennial problem Wat. Expecting the best work from the lowest bidder. It happens, but not often.
Funny, we always have one who(m) I could happily choke. You know, rip out their larynx and fuck them in the bloody hole.

My co-worker asked where "that cunt" is yesterday. I know to whom he was referring.

If we can just keep this down to a runny nose, we'll be okay today. I don't know. We'll see.

Like these fucking weasels are gonna get seen . . . .




Limped over the finish line.


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I may just not replace the feeder and dump the rest of the seed out in the wooded area. Let them scavenge!

High temps are going to be below 20°F next week and lows will be in the single digits. After a week of that, the feeder will be filled.
It's officially weekend, made it with no bodies to bury. Yay me.

I was thinking of building a small raised bed, putting a pole with a platform on top and letting whatever birdseed fell grow? Has anyone tried this? I saw it on the web but there wasn't
much detail

Limped over the finish line.

Congratulations!!!! Fan-fucking-tastic.

Home with cat. Grazed out - couldn't be arsed.

Broke the transfer to the landlady. She's out trying to round up her runaway beagle bitch. We'll talk more.

The cold seems to be abating. Still not perfect, but much more gooder. Thanks be to Allah . . . manifold blessings . . . great mercies . . . .



I think tomorrow is a drive to the cabin to get my backcountry skis. I'll take some other supplies up and leave them.
Happy Saturday!!!

Looks like we get some rain today-n-tomorrow. Of course, we have some open ditches for the foundation "waterproofing" that His Majesty The Architect/Barrister requires. And the weasels can't stay on the concrete and not walk on the piles of dirt, and then it's easy to track where they went when they wander inside. Not like they're much on following directions anyway.

Which is part of what makes weaseling just so damned much fun.

Coffee keeps more of them alive for longer, so . . . .



Happy Saturday indeed.

We got warm and windy in the forecast. Of course out here forecasting wind is a no brainer. A forecast of "No wind today" would truly get folks attention.

The usual Sat. shopping is to be done. Easy in'N'out. The store is virtually empty until 9AM so I can cruise.
Did I mention I wrecked The Mighty Prius?

Yeah that happened.

Got it more last back in shape in a couple of hours
Last edited:
No, you're a silly fucker, but I get it. I've never made past 240K, so you're double me and then some.

Let's got for 6, shall we?

It's all like herding weasels.

Speaking of which . . . .

Here at the weasel corral. No weasels . . . yet. It's always Weasel Time, which means, it's always Hammer Time.

BTW, I answered (in my own fashion) the pre-edited version of the fender post. More Hammer Time, too, I reckon.

Looks like it'll start raining here any time. And it's about 40, but at least the wind isn't blowing.

Got some small tasks to do, too, which will make the day go by . . . .



Yes, I appreciate that. I figured less weasel bait (or 'bate) was called for.
I haven't seen much 'bating going on here lately.


Yeah, I know, lame but it still managed to stagger in the door.

The [lywood that was s'posed to have delivered Thursday shipped yesterday and is slated to be here . . . 3 December. The boss will be less than thrilled.

Lunch with R. Nice experience. He's a really good guy looking for an answer or two.

Damn cold is still lingering. Damn. Damn cold!!! :mad:

It's not warming today, not much at all.

Some sun would be nice . . . .

Did I mention I wrecked The Mighty Prius?

Yeah that happened.

Got it more last back in shape in a couple of hours

¡lmfao! :D that'll teach ya to not do meth and drive uber. and wtf is that last sentence s'pose to mean :confused:
Mentioned my wild birdseed idea to the guys and they dragged to an old capped well that I didn't know was there.
We'll build a box around it, seed it and never have to worry about hitting it with the mower.

Coffee was never "just a beverage," and it's a sacrilege to believe or to say that. Grounds for banishment to Islamic Hell.

You know, where the fires burn hotter and Eternity lasts longer.

We got a bit of headway made today, but the painters will ultimately kill us. It's not so much that they suck, but that they really suck and are slow as molasses in February up near Thor. Not every asshole who owns a paintbrush is a fucking painter.

But every scheisskopf who owns a computer can post on the GB, so . . . .
