TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Hey folks!

Got my first deer of the season last night!!

IT was a BIG doe!

Got it with my car...but hey! any port in a storm...right?!
Oh, the poor dear!!! And what of her babies??? Oh, the h000manity!!!

Home. Grazing in. We tried a cat visit. The huge male got aggressive, so no more of that any time soon. It's funny to see what amounts to Jabba the Cat waddle after a slender and lithe but much smaller cat with hopes of catching him. Nope, ain't never gonna happen short of complete ambush.

We're gonna struggle to get the remaining units painted by Tuesday morning. It's like the Latino ute has been runit by 'Murrikan "culture" or something. They talk too much, work too slowly, and play shitty music.

They could at least listen to Cypress Hill or something . . . .


Happy Sunday!!!

That deer thing reminds me of Walter White when he ran over those two guys and told the auto body guy that is was a deer he hit - and there was "meat" caught in the headlight bezel or some such nonsense. Filet of meth dealer.

It's raining pretty heavily here and has been for awhile. Was awake and then must have dozed back off because there was a dream going on when the alarm went off. And Wat very rarely dreams.

But very often makes coffee and drinks it.



Yes yes yes, Wat is a fan of the tousled look as well. It's nice to see their appreciative eyes when you bring them coffee in bed.

Wat posted you a couple of nice keisters back up the page (or the previous one).

BTW, love your avvie.

Cat says hello . . . .

Yes yes yes, Wat is a fan of the tousled look as well. It's nice to see their appreciative eyes when you bring them coffee in bed.

Wat posted you a couple of nice keisters back up the page (or the previous one).

BTW, love your avvie.

Cat says hello . . . .

The one in the white knit stockings above is awesome, and thanks!

Happy holidays and all that!

But you're an HHH personality, and that's what really matters.

And you like cars-n-guns-n-chickadeebutts.

Which reminds me, I need to saddle up and wander out the door.

These fucking weasels won't torment themselves. Remind me never again to insist on Sunday hours.



But you're an HHH personality, and that's what really matters.

And you like cars-n-guns-n-chickadeebutts.

Which reminds me, I need to saddle up and wander out the door.

These fucking weasels won't torment themselves. Remind me never again to insist on Sunday hours.

I'll remind you but I don't think it'll work. ;)
Good Morning, folks!

To use Wat's vernacular, y'all are some silly fekkers. As to the incident, I am fine, as is the car, actually, just a wee bit of damage to the front fender. If the flaring weren't popped out about 2 inches, you'd think any damage was a trick of the light. Still, it'll cost a couple of thousand to fix, things like this always do these days.
The poor dear deer, I suspect may have a broken back leg. She caught the fender with the hoof end of the back leg. Or, if the stars aligned for her, maybe just a sprain, but they are such fine bones creatures...
We all need some silly in our lives!

As to the deer impact, glad all is well. I’ve seen some ugly ones around here, saw one come up and go through a windshield.
We all need some silly in our lives!

As to the deer impact, glad all is well. I’ve seen some ugly ones around here, saw one come up and go through a windshield.

That happened to my niece and her husband a few yrs ago when her son was an infant. They were in his jacked up pick up when one ended up in their laps, more or less. Further jacking up the truck, but not in a good way. They weren't harmed; just the deer and the truck.