TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

If only people would "take it seriously" and "do their part" to "stay safe."

It's basically the same idea as teaching teenagers abstinence.

CDC say 85% of Covid patients were consistently wearing masks when the CV contracted the disease. NYC studies during the peak showed that 2/3 of those infected were locked down in "isolation."

You get it at home or at the office if you are "essential." You have a small circle of trusted friends and family members who are "taking it seriously" each of them have a parallel small circle of trusted friends and family members who are "taking it seriously. Less the intersections of those small, "safe" groups it is an ever-expanding list of vectors.

You can't eliminate the intersectionality of associations that make up a community and it's ignorant to think you can.

I think that sums it up. I've been out and about and people ARE wearing their masks and with the exception of the Big Box stores pretty much keeping their distance. Local reports are more or less mirroring what you have pointed out re. the effectiveness of isolation. If you want to stay safe commit to living the life of the uni-bomber.
Nine feet seems rather precise. I'm curious how that happened to become your methodology?

I'm thinking it breaks down further? Like 18" firelogs maybe?

I actually identify quite a bit with a lot of your stories about muscle this or that here or there. When I was young I worked out like a fiend trying to book up to no effect. I got stronger but not bigger. I always had to use leverage and little engineering hacks to move things around because I didn't have the physical weight to push against. Middle-aged gave me just enough bulk that I can put a shoulder into things sometimes, but it used to be much like how I picture you doing things.

There’s a space of about 10’ between the barn and this gigantic oak tree that I have to get through to stack them in the back, and the old local guy with the portable mill loves them over 8’ so he has room to remove material to square them off.

I rarely muscle anything, I’m 98 pounds. I buy the proper tools for the job, like the grapple bucket for the Bobcat. Me being in excellent shape still isn’t very physically imposing! LOL
If you're going to live like the unibomber, don't write letters to your brother.

Maybe bomb him first.

Running late. Gotta scoot . . . .

Good morning, Everyone!

It has been a very windy couple of days; picking up various bits of things blown around and out of place The power flickered a couple of times yesterday, never went completely out

Oh the big WV poodle seems to be sound again. Apparently, it was just a bit of a stone bruise.
There will be a couple of calls made this morning. One to report the 2020 deer incident. I have named her Rona since she has inconvenienced me, if only in the short- term
We had some nasty winds yesterday the new roof held on perfectly though

Our deer issue stems from a bend in the road, it juts out for some reason with a small u shape, since a neighbour and I share it we agreed yesterday that he will take down all the trees there. Anything good he keeps for lumber and rest is cut into firewood which we shall split. His brother is a contractor and they can strip the whole area from the road with the big equipment.
Here in the backwoods, the majority of the roads i travel are 2 lane. Almost without exception there is a steep, wooded hillside on one side, leading to a wooded embankment to the river on the other. No speed is ever truly a safe speed, especially during the rut when the deer think of nothing but he-in and she-in. They are oblivious to everything and, as poor dear Rona, jump blindly into traffic in their quest for romance.
I invited a friend over to cull some of the antler rats. They were just a little too thick.
It's bow season here and this past weekend I got shamed into going out with a cross-bow. I had never even touched one before, let alone hunted with one.

It's not my thing. I'm a bit ascared of the thing because it's always ready to fire. All I could think about was putting one of those pointy blades through the top of my foot.
There’s a space of about 10’ between the barn and this gigantic oak tree that I have to get through to stack them in the back, and the old local guy with the portable mill loves them over 8’ so he has room to remove material to square them off.

I rarely muscle anything, I’m 98 pounds. I buy the proper tools for the job, like the grapple bucket for the Bobcat. Me being in excellent shape still isn’t very physically imposing! LOL
That makes sense. I was thinking that 9' was more than standard stud length. My neighbor was a landscaper and is working his way into amateur arborist by taking down dead trees with a climbing harness and a chainsaw. He brings home random pieces of wood and then puts up an ad for free wood. Strangers come and make a lot of noise when I'm napping taking away the wood. Some of the wood is really beautiful and I wish I could get him to bring bigger pieces but that's not practical. I would get a sawmill if he could. I've thought about buying a power splitter splitting all of this wood, stacking and drying it and selling it. In Arizona I could probably dry it in a few months. I would need to rent a construction lay down yard somewhere to stack the wood

I think I have implement envy.

"That bi7ch Barbie has ALL the tools!"

I'm suddenly picturing an array of pink Bobcat attachments.

Speaking of chainsaws, I bought an ancient Homelite XL-98 set up as a chopsaw:



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No pink implements, usually black powder coat. :p

I don’t have that many, just a few practical ones like the forks and grapple.

I still want the backhoe attachment!
Home with cat. Grazing in. His Fussiness is under the chair. This one has no wheels, so no cats get squished.

The plumber came out today with his little JCB track hoe. It's the small one, and it looks very practical. As it turns out, they could have dug up this bit of sewer with a #2 shovel. It has a loader and rubber tracks. The rear boom will offset to one side or the other, like the big machine. We all marvelled at its wondemousness. I think that we should take up a collection and get Barbie one for Xmas.

The painters. Worst subs evar!!! They have even beat out the Brazilian football fuckers, albeit not by much, and that's sayin' somethin'. I asked the PM if'n I could shoot 'em, and he said yes.

He said he'd approve it if'n I expense the ammo . . . .




I don’t need another machine, but if you’re shopping...

This would work great on mine, and I have the tracked model so it would be more stable and versatile.

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Happy Tuesday!!!

That does look to be a useful tool. For disposing of useless tools. And weasel carcasses.

Draw inspection Tuesday. Thank the gods they don't last long. Especially when getting things done there is more like root canals.

Hit it on the coffee this morning.



Painters are the worst. The crew I worked on wore white, would only paint in white and cut the paint 50-50 with water. The monotony of it, especially apartment painting made me miss the roofing business.
Good morning.

Heading out a little later to pick up a few things that the moron hordes depleted from the shelves on Fri night and Sat. AM.

"Oh my GOD!!!! They're closing down the beauty parlors. Let's do a run on the grocery stores!!!!!!"
I just read about new toilet paper shortages.
Keep the people afraid and you can exercise great control...
Already started to see the shortages again here last week when they talked about closing schools again.

Luckily I was paranoid before it was trendy!
They all bought guns.

This is what happens when you hand $1200 to people who have no idea what to do when handed $1200, plus an extra $600 a week to people used to clearing $350-400, lock them down, and then start televising chaos.
They all bought guns.

This is what happens when you hand $1200 to people who have no idea what to do when handed $1200, plus an extra $600 a week to people used to clearing $350-400, lock them down, and then start televising chaos.

Stop exaggerating. Those were all "peaceful" demonstrations. :rolleyes: