TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

We always knew that you ran a sensible household.

We're short some weasels. Good news is, Mister Very Important Sub-Weasel shitcanned the puto painters. Claims he has real ones. That, of course, remains to be seen as the only thing that is real that we have in abundance is . . . weasels.

The double-trip package deal seems to be shitting the bed. Gotta get this shithole ready to deliver the interiors on the first building. The one that's eaten our sack lunches. That's a-gonna piss off the Wat a bit, but whatahya gonna do???


The PM showed up while I was at lunch. Seems he has a cough-and-a-cold-and-a-sneeze, so he took it to the doc-in-the-box. He's got the virus. :(

The one that's "going' around." Not That One.

We had to redo all of what's been done on the outsides. Seems we jumped the gun. :rolleyes:

But we did get some painters. A couple of putas, too. Putas trabajando . . . .

My very sensible household thought I needed a break so they bbq'd for me tonight, steaks and corn on the cob.
Morning folks.

I think the worst of the flu shot is over. And just as the press is bragging that there's another for me in the near future. :rolleyes:
I got mine and had no discernible side effects. Also got my second pneumonia shot this year, all I got from that was a knot in my arm for a day.
I got mine and had no discernible side effects. Also got my second pneumonia shot this year, all I got from that was a knot in my arm for a day.

My reaction to flu shots varies from year to year. I think that's because when I still have residual antibodies floating around the reaction to the shot is almost nonexistent. Conversely a strong reaction would indicate that this years flu strain would have hammered me. It's a working theory.

Yeah, same here on the second pneumonia shot but that first one was a ball buster.
My reaction to flu shots varies from year to year. I think that's because when I still have residual antibodies floating around the reaction to the shot is almost nonexistent. Conversely a strong reaction would indicate that this years flu strain would have hammered me. It's a working theory.

Yeah, same here on the second pneumonia shot but that first one was a ball buster.

In my five years up here I ended up with pneumonia twice, so the doc said I should have the shots even though I’m below the age where they usually give them.

If it keeps me from feeling like I have an elephant sitting on my chest, why not!
Happy Thursday!!!

Nothing to pack for tonight. More silly shit at work today. We have incompetent floor fucks back to take another whack at it, and we don't have enough flooring to make that happen. Or maybe enough adhesive. I dunno, we'll see.

Who here wagers that Barbie is probably a greater menace at long range than most of the "men" around these-hyah parts? Most of the "hunters" I've seen might shoot 20 rounds per year and struggle to hold a bread-n-butter plate at 100 yards with all of their fancy optics. Hey Barbie, do you golf, too? Wats don't, but that a Wat for you. Junior likes his golf and he can shoot, too.

When you're going to drink coffee, drink coffee, don't golf . . . .



Overheard at the rifle range: Golf is called "golf" because all of the really good four-letter words were already taken.

There is always a lot to learn about shooting, and lots of practice what needs had.


I’m really good at 300, and decent at 600.

Beyond that I need a lot more work, still learning the math, but I’ll get there!
I'd have to wrack my brain to remember all the clicks for .308 at the various ranges.

It's been too long . . . .


I'm deadly at 500 meters.
That's all the longer the range was, because I wanted to try 1000 meters.
