TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Pretty sure I wouldn't go hunting with anything less than 6mm/.243.

Did I mention looking into a 6.5 Creedmoor? I've found a couple worth pursuing, maybe.


Typing around this cat is annoying this morning. How does such a little shit take up so much space?

To all of you enjoying snow...


... I still have roses blooming.

We don't have poachers here,
we just have off-record culls.
Heard back from an out-of-town friend. Haven't seen her in several years. She's a dear, really. We're doing lunch. Looking forward to it.

So, I tend to prefer non-adjustable magnification scopes. Like, fewer moving parts/things to break. For something for the 300-800 yards range, I'm thinking that 8x should be more than enough. Ideas?

The josh is alight. I have missed it.

I use iron sights. I was just trained that way.
I just cannot seem to wrap my eyes around a scope.
The new scopes of any sort of quality have come a LONG way Wat. Especially with regard to robustness. And virtually all of the better manufacturers have lifetime warranties.
I don’t know about deer hunting with a hornet.

Looking at the story, is says he was hunting (not necessarily deer hunting). In most areas I know, it's actually illegal to hunt deer with something of that caliber. That said, the most popular round for poaching is supposed to be the relatively quiet .22 rimfire, which will certainly do the job with precise aiming.

Funny story, anyways.
Once it's sighted, it should stay so.
The uppers only snap on one way.
I don't use it, I don't care.
A good red dot works well on the short range stuff. I'm good out to 300 with the AR. Anything beyond that is dicey
Yeah, I have a red-dot pistol.
It only seems to work under certain light...

So, I don't use it.
Yeah, I'm waiting for a little warmup before I try to diagnose lawnmower problems.

Then maybe leftovers, a long nap and some college football to sleep to.