TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home with cat. Prepared to graze in. Not quite yet - gotta run two errands which can be combined in one trip.

The bike did great on its little bit of a road trip. We had a lovely visit. Caught up, talked about lots of stuff, just like we had seen each other day before yesterday.

I wonder if I should drive a nail through her foot and keep her. What would cat say?

Gonna sleep well tonight.



I don't think it would have mattered. A gallop might have rendered her unconscious. It was so pronounced that all the women were giggling and teasing her about it.

It's a cross some of us have to bear.

Others of us not to that extent
It's a cross some of us have to bear.

Others of us not to that extent

The guys that were out there would just turn their back and smile. We figured the women were causing her enough embarrassment, no point in piling on. It got to the point we started feeling sorry for her.
The guys that were out there would just turn their back and smile. We figured the women were causing her enough embarrassment, no point in piling on. It got to the point we started feeling sorry for her.

This is when you adopt the Chin up, Tits out...Onward! mentality. :D:devil:
Home from the last round of errands.

The fucking gas pump wasn't quite putting out a gallon a minute. If I wasn't saving $0.35/gallon, I'd have left. Whooda thunkit?

There is no other news, save for ice cream for supper.

Not up for much longer . . . .

This is when you adopt the Chin up, Tits out...Onward! mentality. :D:devil:

She bore up to it well enough I suppose.

The whole episode did lend credence to the old saw, "If you want to know a woman's faults, compliment her to her best friend."
Whenever possible I back in. You get a good overview of the situation when you arrive and not so much when you get back in your car before backing out.

Also whenever possible I like to put that passenger side up tight against the curb so the guy that pulls in the space next to me can't ding my door.

So I did, as per usual.

Then I busted out laughing when I realized I just protected the entirely destroyed passenger side of my car. I've got new tin for the front dog house and I'm waiting on a rear bumper fascia but there's really nothing left to preserve on that side of the car. The driver's side isn't much better.
machinations past

screamed, the gb is too vile


the reich-wing must go​

to a politics board
then gb polite, happy


on the eighth day
the laurel said
let it be
when I find my self in times of trouble
progressivism calls to me
speaking words of wisdom

let it be

currently visiting the politics board

it is nasty
but yet


by progressive threads

progressive posters​
like howler monkeys
tearing others up/down
your butt hurt by the pound​

college campus 101 is clear and present
safe space
called for then

employ hate, anger, rage, groupthink and collective, repetitious thought
shout down shout at shout shout let it all out

now that they have their bastion

gb so nice
no reich-wing

progressively dreaming
on such a Christmas Day

it does tell the tale
Happy Sunday morning!!!

Enjoying the coffee while coming to and preparing to load up to hit the road. The car is fueled, which is always a nice feature. That way, cat can settle in quicker.

He's been fed, so that'll help.

Not sure when we'll be back.



When I find myself out in bars drinking,
doing things I shouldn't be,
engaged in risky business,

hurts to pee . . . .

Whenever possible I back in. You get a good overview of the situation when you arrive and not so much when you get back in your car before backing out.

Also whenever possible I like to put that passenger side up tight against the curb so the guy that pulls in the space next to me can't ding my door.

So I did, as per usual.

Then I busted out laughing when I realized I just protected the entirely destroyed passenger side of my car. I've got new tin for the front dog house and I'm waiting on a rear bumper fascia but there's really nothing left to preserve on that side of the car. The driver's side isn't much better.

I park half-a-mile away to prevent dings and I swear to Allah that when I get back to the truck
some A-hole has parked right next to it.


So I started taking up four spots, right in the middle baby!
Out of here.

Now, I'ma ridin' through some people's state, and they need to wave.

They know who they are. And they know who I am.

Off to Weasel Country . . . .

Revolting made a point that had not occurred to me before.
This was exactly like college! The main campus was not behaving
as the snowflakes felt it should, so they appealed to the Dean,
agitated, protested, and disrupted the lives of their fellow students
until they got their safe place(s) where they created a hostile environment
for anyone who thought college was a place for the free exchange of ideas,
not to mention the exercise of free speech. Now, if you visit the politics board
and you are not a Progressive, you are treated like a conservative invited
to the campus to speak to the few remaining students with open minds,
true curiosity and an intellectual yearning to be presented with new ideas.