TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Stop on the way, buy a feeder mouse and let it loose in your car.
Give the cat some in-trip entertainment.
I just went out the back door and spooked four deer.
They are staying close to the house.
Hunting season.
I would hope they would return to their ghetto (the surrounding forest).

After all, Dad won't be hanging around (unless he's on a gutting rack or his head is on the wall).
I would hope they would return to their ghetto (the surrounding forest).

After all, Dad won't be hanging around (unless he's on a gutting rack or his head is on the wall).

Just think, you could be pioneering a WIC program for deer. :D
Home with cat in our home away from home.

He was restless the whole way. Never really settled in. Something was bothering him, I suspect, and I don't know what. Sometimes he fusses going through the mountans, so I figure that is his ears. Anyway, we got here and he had a snack and barfed it back up and is peaceful and content. Sleeping on my fleece jacket, the asshole.

Grazing in on some crap.

I got a sneaking feeling that I'll be staying here. Good thing is, I brought the new rifle so's I can sight something and zero it. Heh . . . .

Whenever possible I back in. You get a good overview of the situation when you arrive and not so much when you get back in your car before backing out.

Also whenever possible I like to put that passenger side up tight against the curb so the guy that pulls in the space next to me can't ding my door.

So I did, as per usual.

Then I busted out laughing when I realized I just protected the entirely destroyed passenger side of my car. I've got new tin for the front dog house and I'm waiting on a rear bumper fascia but there's really nothing left to preserve on that side of the car. The driver's side isn't much better.

Your car, not unlike literally everything else in your life, seems to be continually falling apart. :nana:
Happy Monday!!!

Yeah, I'd stay here happily. I'd go to the other place happily enough. But we have a "wintry mix" kinda morning. That's when there's sneaux and some other slop. I really need to get an ice scraper for the new car.

I changed the apnea machine hose-n-snoot-cover last night before bed. No idea if it makes a difference, but the snoot cover did seem to fit a bit more snugly.

The coffee is better than adequate today . . . .


