TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The temps are finally getting cooler here, but nothing unmanageable.
My team won the big game, so yea!
The dogs are sleeping in.

Ole Johnny had to spend turkey day in the horsepitle. They snatched me up on Wednesday and let me out on Sunday. Just like my old days of going on a bender except the bed was more comfortable. I missed turkey dinner. I think I had ice cubes, but I'm not sure. I was pretty outta my damn head.

Anywho... I'm back to about 90% health and have to stay at home or in my office (no human contact - which I'm ok with) until I have 24 hours with no symptoms. I suspect I may have this cough the rest of the year...

The bad news is that I missed the first day of deer season :mad:
Savage safely and feel moar gooder, too. Soonest. Non-waving yesterday is forgiven.

Home with cat. Grazing in. It's a bit chilly and it sneauxed all damn day. Not much to speak of, but enough to see on grass and unmoved vehicles and the like. It'll be crunchy in the morning.

Couldn't get anyone motivated to save my ass today. Including my co-worker. His sense of urgency isn't the same as mine. Swear to Allah, I'm not going to miss this guy. He's gotten somewhat Jabba-esque.

Except for being a fatass. That he isn't.

Happy Tuesday/December. Cat slept all night and is napping in my lap. It's a type-around until the heat cycles again, when he'll move his cat ass to the heating vent.

Gonna be cold this morning and colder tomorrow morning. Not sure where I'll be today after this walk thing.

There will be diff'runt weasels on the other job. Oh boy!!!

Meanwhile, coffee.



Hey good morning, we had tiny flurries yesterday, nothing that ever had a chance of sticking, but it did signal the arrival of temperatures that aren't going to climb much above freezing.

And speaking of temperatures, with the grand Biden victory of 2020, I really expected some cooling of the hatred, but alas, I was as wrong as wrong can be as open seething and disdain has turned into a desire for a measure of vindictive verbal revenge. I should have known; these people were just as angry under Obama as they were Bush and Trump. And the kick in the ass was that their guy had the temerity to run as a "uniter." Is he so fucking senile that he has no idea who his voters are? Does he still live in Happy Days time, or is he just living in a happy daze...?

But, what the hey, he has dogs and he's going to get a cat.*

This is the kind of President that we can be proud of!

(Of course, every morning he's all Groundhog Day, "Really, I'm the President? How the hell did that happen? Did Barack die?")

* Of which we are now going to be picking up the tab for their care and feeding. Thank you President-Elect Biden! Will that Beaus's new job and six-figure income or will he continue to be the conduit, er, uh, Ambassador to China and the Ukraine?
Good morning folks. Tad chilly here as well....................but no sneaux.

Glad you made it through the worst JS. Except for missing opening day. That borders on cruel and unusual.
I already had the Wuhan Clan inoculation the old-fashioned way. I think the shot would be redundant.

I'll probably only keep the sigline for as long as it has amusement value to me.

;) ;)
I already had the Wuhan Clan inoculation the old-fashioned way. I think the shot would be redundant.

I'll probably only keep the sigline for as long as it has amusement value to me.

;) ;)

I think I may have as well. I'll wait for a bit.

Of course by the time the vaccine is widely available it'll probably have already swept through the population. Then, of course, the new administration will take credit for something it had nothing to do with. :rolleyes:
Snowing today and I have to go to the DMV. I'm gonna get my RealID... so I can ride an airplane... Not that I plan on riding an airplane. That was the sales pitch I was given just before the tale of woe that would befall me should I not comply with the government's "Show me your papers!!!!" mandate.

I even shaved so I'll be pretty.

I'm always nervous when a government officiant types my information into their evil computer. There may be some offense I committed and forgot about lurking in there.
We are getting our first big snow of the year, there are about six inches on the ground
and it's still coming down. The news is full of accidents as people try to remember
how to drive again. Days like this I appreciate having my job on the same property.

Snowing today and I have to go to the DMV. I'm gonna get my RealID... so I can ride an airplane... Not that I plan on riding an airplane. That was the sales pitch I was given just before the tale of woe that would befall me should I not comply with the government's "Show me your papers!!!!" mandate.

I even shaved so I'll be pretty.

I'm always nervous when a government officiant types my information into their evil computer. There may be some offense I committed and forgot about lurking in there.

I thought you were going to "just say no" to RealID?
Home with cat. He's holding down the floor register. Grazing in. This has to be the worst bag of "lettuce" I've ever bought. It's a stringy bitch. Fucking compost. I bet the goats would eat it.

The boss says, I'm too ingrained into this job. Our project. He says I know it better than probably anyone else. That may well be true. Anyway, I'm staying put. Now, my co-worker can shift himself into Adapt Mode.

The old computer fucked up again this morning. I got its replacement by accident. Jeff Bezos fucked up. So, I opened it up and here we are. It was supposedly lost in delivery, so they refunded the Wat-person. It arrived a week later and has been sitting and waiting for me to return it.

I guess I'll have to chat them up and pay for it . . . . :rolleyes:

Not too likely.

I reckon, congrats on us for knowing what a brace is. And what it ain't.

Ice cream!!!

Good morning folks.

In a surprise move the weather liar has blessed us with sneaux this AM. That was NOT in the forecast yesterday. Just another piece of evidence that our weather liar makes the forecasts after the fact.

Regardless, it's Range Day Wednesday!
Happy payday Wednesday!!! It always feels kinda funny paying the mortgage on a house we're not in when we do it, but whatever. At least the future rental empire is current economically.

It's a whopping 21* out there. There's a cat on the air vent.

Unwrapping my head from the transfer talk. Remember to breathe.

Need a refill of anti-homicide juice . . . .



I think I may have as well. I'll wait for a bit.

Of course by the time the vaccine is widely available it'll probably have already swept through the population. Then, of course, the new administration will take credit for something it had nothing to do with. :rolleyes:

That's an absolute given. I am still of the school that we need to develop herd immunity, but what do I know, I only have a Science degree and not a passionate belief in my preferred political polity positions. All those board "experts" who inform me that I should be terrified, that people like me are the problem and who also, incidentally, viscerally hate Trump really do tax me so. Not only do they tax my patience, but by advocating for lockdown-shutdown, they tax me economically; they've even managed to create some Soviet-style shortages in the local markets. Welcome to Progressive America where freedom and economy take a back seat to political science.