TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Snowing today and I have to go to the DMV. I'm gonna get my RealID... so I can ride an airplane... Not that I plan on riding an airplane. That was the sales pitch I was given just before the tale of woe that would befall me should I not comply with the government's "Show me your papers!!!!" mandate.

I even shaved so I'll be pretty.

I'm always nervous when a government officiant types my information into their evil computer. There may be some offense I committed and forgot about lurking in there.

I wonder if, in Progressive America, I'll eventually need one if I want to travel from Missourah down to Arkansas. Checkpoints at the border to stop the illegal flow of goods and cash, not to mention to protect everyone from the latest annual "flu epidemic."

Good morning folks.

In a surprise move the weather liar has blessed us with sneaux this AM. That was NOT in the forecast yesterday. Just another piece of evidence that our weather liar makes the forecasts after the fact.

Regardless, it's Range Day Wednesday!

Allah bless range day even though his followers are of the AK school of pray and spray.


I haven't turned on the local news yet, but I think we'll be colder than Alaska again today.
Allah bless range day even though his followers are of the AK school of pray and spray.


I haven't turned on the local news yet, but I think we'll be colder than Alaska again today.

Picking a "weather" fight with Thor again? :D
Commensuration in our shared misery, which, btw, is the name of the state where I reside: Misery.

:D :p
We're at 41 and sunny today, keep those cold temperatures to yourselves.
The floors are mud coated from paws and boots and melting sludge
The coffee is still flowing and the boss is being a bitch so everyone is leaving me alone today.

Picking a "weather" fight with Thor again? :D

I usually just report the weather in my tiny part of the state.

About 32°F, here now. But, the communities I follow on my phone weather app are between 3°F and 37°F. There's a shitpot of warm air flowing in from the Pacific right now. Temperatures will be dropping by the weekend.
I now have 10 factory alloys, 9 factory TPMS sensors and one working, communicating with the Prius aftermarket sensor. 9 good tires. 8 were mounted.

Mounted the ninth tire on the new Prius and "borrowed" a good tire/rim/sensor from the little beast that could.

When I got the new Prius the TPMS sensor light was already on. So adding a different rim/sensor on there isn't going to help this situation until it all gets reprogramed so now I'm trying to have a shop untangle all of that.

Be nice to just delete that entire portion of the system and go with rubber valve stems and a manual tired check.

The new Prius is not a "touring" model as they call the base level model so I was surprised to find that it had a backup camera because as far as I knew that was only available on the touring model.

. . .just got seen- two of four sensors are dead. $150 will turn the light off.
Had a very nice lunch at a good sit-down Mexican food restaurant.

Got car back.

First problem is my on button no longer works. You have to insert the key in the slot. My proximity key doesn't work. . .the brain is no longer communicating by RFID.

This is not an improvement.

Second problem is that although I now have four working sensors that are communicating with the scanner they aren't communicating with the car and there doesn't seem to be anyway to make them do that. .

-so the light is still on.
Had a very nice lunch at a good sit-down Mexican food restaurant.

Got car back.

First problem is my on button no longer works. You have to insert the key in the slot. My proximity key doesn't work. . .the brain is no longer communicating by RFID.

This is not an improvement.

Second problem is that although I now have four working sensors that are communicating with the scanner they aren't communicating with the car and there doesn't seem to be anyway to make them do that. .

-so the light is still on.

If you're in the neighborhood there's a place called Frank and Lupe's on the NE corner of Indian School and Marshall in Scottsdale. Real good food served there. Muhammad Ali used to go there for lunch a couple times a week until he got too sick to go anywhere. There's also a very interesting barber shop on that corner run by a Russian immigrant family if you ever get haircuts. :)
I only concern myself with the weather where I am.

Which would be somewhat like "whether" . . . . Or maybe "wherther." Regardless, fuck the rest of it, bloody.

Home. Grazed in.

Off to bed . . . .

I ate at Arribas on Camelback but I'll definitely a try Frank and Lupe's sometime.

The internet knows everything if you can just dig it out. I found out why my key is not talking to my car and fixed it. I don't know if fixing that portion of the problem we'll have any effect on getting those sensors to talk to the car but it seems like a step in the right direction
We're at 41 and sunny today, keep those cold temperatures to yourselves.
The floors are mud coated from paws and boots and melting sludge
The coffee is still flowing and the boss is being a bitch so everyone is leaving me alone today.


We thawed out too! I think I need one of those, but I have to wonder if it is a photoshop job.
I now have 10 factory alloys, 9 factory TPMS sensors and one working, communicating with the Prius aftermarket sensor. 9 good tires. 8 were mounted.

Mounted the ninth tire on the new Prius and "borrowed" a good tire/rim/sensor from the little beast that could.

When I got the new Prius the TPMS sensor light was already on. So adding a different rim/sensor on there isn't going to help this situation until it all gets reprogramed so now I'm trying to have a shop untangle all of that.

Be nice to just delete that entire portion of the system and go with rubber valve stems and a manual tired check.

The new Prius is not a "touring" model as they call the base level model so I was surprised to find that it had a backup camera because as far as I knew that was only available on the touring model.

. . .just got seen- two of four sensors are dead. $150 will turn the light off.

You need to change your handle to A Priori...

;) ;)
Had a very nice lunch at a good sit-down Mexican food restaurant.

Got car back.

First problem is my on button no longer works. You have to insert the key in the slot. My proximity key doesn't work. . .the brain is no longer communicating by RFID.

This is not an improvement.

Second problem is that although I now have four working sensors that are communicating with the scanner they aren't communicating with the car and there doesn't seem to be anyway to make them do that. .

-so the light is still on.

Not in the attic!

Happy Thursday!!! Post payday Thursday, where the bills are slewn, money is juggled, and wants are contemplated.

Had to call the county to sort out the bogus tax bills. Wrong jurisdiction. Thanks, USPS - not!!! When you changed my post office "name, you fucked me in the shitter. Mostly cuz dumb fucks cunt follow simple instructions. Makes for extra work.



Every post office has at least one employee in charge of creating clusterfucks. It's a union gambit designed to provide job security by proving the need for said employee to be retained to deal with clusterfucks.
To really fuck things royally, you need the IT department.

Truth is, if the county IT was worth diddle-fuck, it wouldn't allow tax bills to go to my address because it's in the city.

I mean, dumb as my GPS thingie is, I can't look up addresses in another zip code to get directions. Can't happen. They must have no data base of their billable addresses. Reckon it's too fucking much like work.

Which reminds me, I have some of that to get after. At least we have no more putos de pisos, so there's that.

You, I learned the hard way, can give a dBase to a petty bureaucrat (or lowly office secretary) but you simply cannot make them understand how to make proper use of it. Hell, these are generally people who are confounded by a spreadsheet.
I thought you were going to "just say no" to RealID?

I did for a couple of years, but my Driver's License expired last month and there's no other option. If you want to drive on the Government's roads, you need to be compliant.

Now if we could just tie RealID to voting. :rolleyes:

Just get it over with and give every newborn a bar code on their forehead. As the little bastard goes through life, the government can just add rights and privileges to the profile. ...and demerits on their permanent record.
I did for a couple of years, but my Driver's License expired last month and there's no other option. If you want to drive on the Government's roads, you need to be compliant.

Just get it over with and give every newborn a bar code on their forehead. As the little bastard goes through life, the government can just add rights and privileges to the profile. ...and demerits on their permanent record.

We're almost there anyway. A chip with the SS# in it. We can one up the Nazi's with their tattoo's. :rolleyes:
I did for a couple of years, but my Driver's License expired last month and there's no other option. If you want to drive on the Government's roads, you need to be compliant.

I opted for Real ID because I like to use the local military land for recreation and it's required for entry.