TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home with cat. Grazing in. Gotta go shopping tomorrow on the way home. A bit more choosy about the lettuce.

Had to take a road trip to pick up some work goodies. Screws. For the roofers. Yeah, they used up last weekend's batch, almost. Anyway, the cashier as I was ringing out surprised me by asking me a political question, apropos of nothing I could tell. We both agreed with my answer and had a wee bonding moment. It was kinda sweet.

Now, about those tits. They're all real. They look like tits and act (mostly) like tits. They're 98.6* and covered in Real Girl Flesh. Some were grown at home and others in a laboratory, but they're all tits. No fakery.

Gonna be working all weekend again this weekend.


When things are slow, the very best way to prompt a phone call is to kick my boots off, tilt my chair back, and close my eyes.
Good morning folks.

Yet another lock down day.

I note with interest that many media outlets are reporting that whose who get the Wuhan Flu vaccine are going to be given a "I got it" card. Anyone want to bet on whether having, and producing on demand, said vaccination card will become mandatory in order to do nothing more than go about your daily business?

"Papers please."
Indeed. This entire episode has been not just lesson to government, but opportunity, and it goes hand-in-hand with the abject desire to nationalize and socialize health care because who controls your access to health care and regulates your health by establishing accepted norms in diet and activity controls your life and curtails your "pursuit of happiness" and it increases their self-congratulatory sense of having made a positive difference in not just the cost of health care, but the health of society as a whole. This is something in which the most ardent and militant moral busybodies can also bask in the glow of even though they were not elected, but the electors; they "built" that! We see that in multiple threads where they blast everyone aghast at the lockdowns and other mandates, including those who would go to church instead of joining a crowd to protest the police, Trump, injustice...,

There's a reason all of these Democrat leaders want to keep their states/counties/cities locked down and it's not to flatten the curve or to stop the spread, but to increase and consolidate their personal power and the power of their office for their (presumed Democrat) successors. Too bad that in many of our largest cities, they don't have the same attitude towards black on black gun violence and the deaths that occur due to that.
Happy Friday!!! We can haz rain, it seems. There be wet big poodles out there.

This whole thing is textbook Goebbels/Goering Big Lie. It may be much closer to time to shoot the bastards than anyone wants to acknowledge. I've had the flu, and I recovered. Several times, in fact.

Cops/LE are already big enough dicks without extra "empowerment" to check for flu cards. That would just lead to further random abuses. Not like they're aren't more than enough already.

I'ma abuse this-here cuppa coffee . . . .



Joe Biden is going to "ask" us to wear a mask for 100 days.
People here go apoplectic over the idea that some places don't have mandates.


There's not a business in town that has not modified their sign/policy.

No shirt
No shoes
No Service

I was getting mice to feed the snake yesterday and I encountered a young man with no mask.
Did I confront him? No. To each his own.
At any rate he had that look, you know, Down's or autism, and he was with someone with a mask. He was smart enough to infer what the mice were for, wanted to know what kind of snake I had and informed me that he wanted to get a boa. I never once felt like he was threatening me or a threat to me. I just made sure I kept a little distance.
Because masks worked so well in 1918. Ask the Dodge brothers.

It was teck-no-logy learnt from poison gas attacks in Dubya Dubya Wun.

But don't worry, Trump'll find a way to win yet. Just you wait. Til Hell freezes over.

Off to oppress a few weasels.

Maybe Biden will force industry to make real protective (bulky gas) masks and provide us all with subsidies to buy them and replace the dubious cloth and paper masks. My mask is a fashion statement featuring my favorite sports team.


In a world of black black and white masks, I'm a standout bright red.

I did see a guy in the grocery who had a wolf-teeth looking mask. I complimented his choice.
Christmas Star or Sign of Festivus?

The two largest planets in the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, have fascinated astronomers for hundreds of years. But the two gas giants will do something next month not seen since the Middle Ages -- they will look like a double planet.

The rare occurrence will happen after sunset on Dec. 21, 2020, the start of the winter solstice.

“Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to one another,” said Rice University astronomer Patrick Hartigan in a statement. “You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky.”


Back in 1614, German astronomer Johannes Kepler suggested that a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn may be what was referred to as the "Star of Bethlehem" in the Nativity story, while others have suggested that the "three wise men" could have been a triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. But it's unknown if the “Christmas Star” was a real astronomical event, like a planetary conjunction or a comet.

;) ;)

So I went to sprinkle a little onion powder on my pot pie. I forgot that the bottle was a flip-top, so I took the lid off. I drowned my pie in onion powder. It's a good thing that I could blow the bulk of it off. It was still a bit, oniony...
It's been a shitty week at work. Five alarm fire shitty. For the first time in years, I ugly cried on my drive home. For those that don't know, you do that in this line of work to get it out of your system so that by the time you get home, your family won't know how bad it is. They have enough to worry about.
I'm heading off to bed and hope to sleep.
You all take care.
It's been a shitty week at work. Five alarm fire shitty. For the first time in years, I ugly cried on my drive home. For those that don't know, you do that in this line of work to get it out of your system so that by the time you get home, your family won't know how bad it is. They have enough to worry about.
I'm heading off to bed and hope to sleep.
You all take care.
Home with cat. Grazed in. We had a slow day at work. Like, take a nap and listen to music kind of slow.

Best wishes, BT. You're a good sort, and anyone who is mean to you deserves and has earned three tours of Islamic Hell.

We were talking about Truth today. It was decided that, there's kid gloves truth, bare knuckles truth, and brass knuckles truth. There there's 1000% internet posted Tr000thie-Tr000th, but we digress. This is Lit, so we're all aware.

A brace of brass knucks might be in order . . . .



It's been a shitty week at work. Five alarm fire shitty. For the first time in years, I ugly cried on my drive home. For those that don't know, you do that in this line of work to get it out of your system so that by the time you get home, your family won't know how bad it is. They have enough to worry about.
I'm heading off to bed and hope to sleep.
You all take care.

~good thoughts and prayers~
This thread reminds me everyday, that ~wow~, they really used to make cars and we are still making women, well. Too bad we've fallen off when we comes to the beauty and art of cars outside of a few that few will ever be able to afford.

The temperature has really moderated, so yesterday seemed like a good day to get the suet out so that the insect eaters would not come to starving. It gets above freezing in the afternoons, and there is still a bug or two, but colder days are just around the corner.

My word of the week comes today from Melville:

Noun. archiepiscopacy (plural archiepiscopacies) The form of episcopacy in which the chief power is in the hands of archbishops. The position or dignity of an archbishop.

He has on a couple of occasions sent me scrambling for the dictionary to make sure that I was interpreting a word correctly by context. I read an abridged version of Moby Dick when I was a teen. I would have never finished this version and I wouldn't finish it, but I paid a dollar for it and I am going to get my money out of it come hell or white whale.
Happy Saturday!!!

Yep, up and coming to for yet another exciting work day at the project. We have floor weasels today - crew #3. Let's hope it's the charm.

It's warming back up. A bit, anyway. May go riding tomorrow if work and things permit. We'll see.

Meanwhile, coffee is in process, so . . . .



Just started cup #2.

I cleaned out and de-iced the deep freeze yesterday and got rid of the outdated vegetables and pulled out some old meat (some of it mystery meat) for the dogs and chickens. I found an intact .38 round in the frost/ice. I'm still trying to noodle that one out. I might try to shoot it later today. You never know.
It's a dreadful book to inflict upon what passes for educated today. I doubt if many here who consider themselves paragons of posting could even make it through the deadly depths of that ancient tome of fiction.