TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

When my grandfather died almost 40 years ago, he owned a car almost exactly like this one. In fact, it could be this car, I suppose. How many of them could there be left? Note the right hand drive. His was, too.

He hated that bit. It was rather a pain in the ass for a car without turn signals when you're sitting on the wrong side.


Fucking online firearms sales!!!

What you'd like is either out of stock or marked up to the stratosphere.

Where to start with the blame . . . .

:mad: :rolleyes:

That is going to come back to bite many establishments in the ass. I understand the notion of supply and demand but some of the price hikes go far beyond mere market forces.
That is going to come back to bite many establishments in the ass. I understand the notion of supply and demand but some of the price hikes go far beyond mere market forces.

For example, Cheaper Than Dirt . . . isn't.

Mostly, the selection sucks monkey nuts.

Or rather, the lack thereof.

I may start blowing more money on ammo again, like in '16.

If you can find it. :rolleyes: I'm fairly well set on most stuff, including the reloading supplies. Other items not so much. Most powders, and ALL that I use, are virtually unobtainable and have been for months. Same with primers and bullets. Although some stuff is starting to trickle back into the supply chain.
Happy Monday!!!

Got an a-mail yesterday about some ammo I had wanted to order, that it's back in stock. I found it elsewhere.

It's going to be warm this week. Hope to get out of here Friday morning, but that might not be possible. To be determined.

The fate of others depends on the healing properties of this-here cup of coffee . . . .



Morning folks.

Some of the shortages make little sense. Bullets for example (not cartridges, just bullets for reloading). There is no raw material shortage involved and at least two of the manufacturers are hiring.
I run a gun shop and I get that a lot of places are just going outrageous with their prices but in a lot of cases, our distributors are jacking up their prices on things pretty heavily so we have no choice but to raise prices. But some of these $50\box for 9mm is just absurd lol

Exactly my point.
Belated good morning. Up late watching football, slept in a bit.
It's December, the cold continues and the coffee is good.
That's all I got. Goodbye Blue Monday!
Maybe businesses need to start shaming the suppliers
Post a note something like "Our supplier XXX is a dickhead
who is gouging us and we have no choice but to raise our
own rates to try and survive. Thank-you for understanding"
Enough people are inculcated in the belief that all business above the level of sustenance mom & pop retail is evil that that measure would not work. Most everyone else actually understands how business works.
I know, I'm just in bitch mode this morning.
Every business is being hit with this right now
including mine and there is nothing I can do to
make it any easier on our smaller clients. They
are good people and to watch their small
businesses struggle or fail is hard.
I feel the frustration. You know that I am in the school of thought that said we overreacted and that overreaction was exacerbated by political considerations (at least here in the US and we tend to be someone to emulate.).
Home with cat. Grazing in. Nothing special.

We had another decent day at work. Getting the last of teh st000pids knocked out in our first building. More appliances arrived today, and more will be in tomorrow. Thanks be to Allah. Thursday is looking a bit pressed but quite doable. It'd be easier if my fucking co-worker would get on board. We had to give the loaner back.

The dogs are outside barking their fool heads off, at what, I wonder. If'n I thought it was at Creatures of Mischief, I'd slip outside with this-here dot thirty and grease something. Or at least see if I could give it a go.

I'm glad they haven't jacked up the prices on breasticle implants. Yet . . . . :rolleyes:

Dogs, I have discovered, will bark at anything and nothing seems to be anything.

I don't get it, but they do.
Happy Tuesday!!!

Been up for a bit. There be barking dogs out there earlier. Allah knows at what. Silly fuckers. Cat cunt be bothered.

Gonna be a busy one. Need to get this building as close to finished as possible. Should be doable.

Should require coffee . . . .



I'm wearing a lightweight fleece-lined jacket and I'm quite comfortable.

I suppose that's not surprising given that according to the car it's 66 degrees out there at 4:30 am.
I feel the frustration. You know that I am in the school of thought that said we overreacted and that overreaction was exacerbated by political considerations (at least here in the US and we tend to be someone to emulate.).

We overreacted here and it's going to cost us economically for at least a decade based on current projections. We've lost more people to suicide than the virus and now because people aren't cleaning their masks enough pneumonia is the biggest threat to those with weak immune systems.

Dogs, I have discovered, will bark at anything and nothing seems to be anything.
I don't get it, but they do.

The neighbours dog was waiting for me when I opened the door this morning, he's never visited before but he's made himself at home on the couch between my two. He's better company than many of the humans I know.

17 degrees here. I’m avoiding going out until it warms up a bit!

Currently 25 and going to hit 38 if they are right today. One of the benefits of living upwind of giant heatsinks

Good morning all.

We're hanging are freezing and heading to 60 today. To bad I put my shorts and short sleeved shirts away already.
Had a McRib the other day in a fit of nostalgia.


Had the small one with me and she always charms. They decided to treat her to an ice cream cone after checking with me. I really didn't want them to do that, but it was a nice gesture so I aceeded.

Two problems: no place to put the cone while she ate her meal, and I noticed on the receipt that the very kind lady trying to comp me an ice cream cone actually charged me for it.

The small one (who doesn't have a rabid sweet tooth) agreed to a coupla bites of the cone so as to not fill up on it, then we tossed it solving problem one.

Nothing could be done about the unfortunate mess that is the McRib. It needs better sauce and less of it.
Under one of those things that go unnoticed, Chuck Yeager passed away yesterday. An aviation pioneer and an all around good guy. RIP Chuck.