TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Home with cat. He's on his heat vent. That means he's happy. Wish it were that easy for pathetic assholes the world over. Wait, do I really?

Got a dent made in the building. Got a-holes lined up for Intense Weaseling tomorrow. Got the rest of our appliances, thanks be to Allah. Of course, they were drop shipped, so that means that Wat has to re-hand the fridge doors for half the units. These fridges are little but the door is a bit of a clusterfuck.

Ain't never had a McRib, ain't likely to start. You lot pretty well bashed it witless.

I thought of CY the other day while driving past his road. He shot down a ME262 with a P51. I'm impressed.


Memories of the "Happy Bottom Riding Club" :)

I met Yeager twice. First time was an introduction at Offutt AFB. The second time was at the Sun'N'Fun fly in the late 80's early 90's. He claims he remembered me from Offutt, I think he was just being pleasant. He had flown his personal P-51 in for the event.

That fly in was like an Edwards AFB reunion. Bud Anderson was there as was Dick Cardenas as well as a few others that had obviously worked with them at Edwards. I had met Cardenas several times at Offutt, he was a bomber guy and was flying in for meetings on a regular basis. He did genuinely remember me. It was the first and only time I met Anderson, he was quite a character.
Happy non-payday Wednesday!!! Cat has eaten his bowl of cheap stuff, so it'll get reloaded here in a bit.

Gonna be a busy one. Intense Weaseling, probably including Whinging also. Got lotsa little dumb shit to do. And some big dumb shit.

Solamente un otro dia en paradiso . . . .

Coffee jumpstart . . . .



Really something that he lived such a long life; he cheated death for a living.
Good morning folks. It's Range Day Wednesday!!!

Anderson and Cardenas are still alive. It's a wonder any of the Edwards pilots from back then made it to their next duty station.
When I needed two tires I ended up buying for because the fourth one was free with a rebate. Which I didn't send in. So it wasn't free.

Being absent minded is expensive.

I had it in the back of my mind that I had a court date, so I was digging through the glove box for a citation. Fortunately that prompting was correct; today was my court date. Got in just under the wire.
Home with cat. Grazed in. Tried to graze out, but it's carr'out only. Man, fuck this fucking bullshit. :mad:

The building looks fairly decent. I wish we had real cleaners, but we don't. No matter, she gives it a try and it'll look more gooder than it did. We did find a few leaks. Water heater and a toilet flange. The flange will have to wait until after the inspection. I hope they take the thing without much fuss-n-bother.

The weather looks to be decent tomorrow, so it'd HfD weather then. Booyah!!!

Not for pussies. After all, Jesus-n-Allah hate a pussy, so . . . .

Wonderful day at the range today. Chilly starting out but quite comfortable after the Sun got up. No wind to speak of and got the ole rifle down to .3 MOA consistent.

Texas has started a firestorm. It's going to be interesting watching this one unfold.
Happy Thursday!!! Cat is on his vent.

It's inspection day, so we'll see how this goes. We haven't had one of these acceptance walks with this owner yet, and he's doing it, not his minions or architects. He did bring his minion at last check-up, but he was kinda useless. The owner is the one who caught that the bath light was 1/2" off center with the medicine cabinet and vanity while sanding 16" away from it. So this could be interesting.

I ordered some stuff for the kids which should arrive early next week. I ordered some shit for me which should start dribbling in today and be finished tomorrow. That'll be nice.

Like this coffee . . . .



Morning folks. And Happy Inspection Thursday to you Wat. Too bad you can't make the weasels stand at attention beside the product of their work. Be like a scene right out of Full Metal Jacket. :D
Home with cat. Grazed in. He's sitting on the foot of the bed and watching the hall. Like some other cat is coming. I closed that door, so they're stuck in there.

Best part of the inspection? I rode my bike to work today. I got into it with the painter/drywall guy because he promises the moon and fails to deliver. He seems to confuse "finishing" with "stopping work on it." So, "I feeenished" means "I not leeef' anoother feeenger." "Jooo got whah jooo get." He felt the need to tell Wat, "I not scarh uh joooo." Wat responded, "perhaps you should be," and then called the guy he subs from to light a fire under his ass.

The owner and minion are best described as Picky Old Wimminz. They tore the paint/drywall to pieces. And the maintenance guy was along for the ride and took the opportunity to throw us under the bus. I knew I didn't like that fucker. Anyway, my boss fired the painter/drywall guy and we have new paint smearers starting tomorrow - like he knew it was going to come to this. Anyway, that bit is over, so we get to do the fucking building their way. This weekend. To deliver Tuesday.

Wat ain't going home this weekend . . . . :mad:



Happy Friday!!! Had to stop and think what day it is. Allah makes lotsa coffee for just such intellectual endeavors.

Today will be a learning experience with our new finish guys. Hope to Allah that they're several steps above the last ones. Problem is, not a lot of these guys know for certain what stuff should look like, so it's hard to expect them to. They have to be shown, which makes them very management intensive. The last guy makes bad decisions to go with his rip-n-snort way of trying to get shit done, so he's really a pain in the ass to manage. I know, scattered ideas, but who cares?

So it's gonna be a fun weekend. Hey, what would Wat do if any old person could do this shit???

It's going to be a pleasant day, at least . . . .



No freezing to death. Frozen Barbie isn't as much fun.

Our cold front rolls in Saturday night, so we'll see.

I'm hoping for a warm spell in January so's I can ride down to see the kids. But I'm driving if that's not an option.

Assuming that I ever get any time off again . . . .

With their typical scientific precision, they’re predicting between 3-12” of it here through Sunday morning.

I believe I currently fall into the 8-12” range of the storm.
So, you might have it anywhere from coming over the tops of your shoes to over your head.

I know, but it's way funnier this way.

The landlady says we get more ice here than snow. I think I prefer snow.

Cat sez "oh hai."

Got our fair share yesterday. I think it's over for a while now.

I'm going to be taking advantage of some new store hours this AM.
I'd like to take advantage of a sit-down meal at a restaurant. Apparently, I've had my last one this year.

Wretched cocksuckers!!! :mad:

