TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

The tree is up. I wanted a different one this year. So this one is white decorated with colored lights and red and gold trimming. If I do say so myself, it turned out quite lovely. The house is little more festive this year, with extra lights. Nothing all Clark-like, just more than over the front door.

y'all can just call me Mrs Claus.:)
Tesla AR

"The new firearm will look similar to a standard AR-15 but will in fact be a battery-powered railgun capable of firing 3 million rounds per minute. It will also feature a fingerprint sensor, Bluetooth capability, heat-seeking ammunition, and a chainsaw bayonet."

That might actually fit the definition of overkill. You put half-a-million rounds into someone than there is not a lot left for the chainsaw bayonet. In fact, is this some sort of joke?
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When I took the tree out of the box, I got plastic needles everywhere. I erected it anyway and just covered it with more stuff. Come the week after Christmas, I'll probably be looking for something on clearance for the next few years. I might ask my neighbors if they want this one for small fry habitat. Hell, as a joke, I might even put it out in the forest somewhere.
The tree is up. I wanted a different one this year. So this one is white decorated with colored lights and red and gold trimming. If I do say so myself, it turned out quite lovely. The house is little more festive this year, with extra lights. Nothing all Clark-like, just more than over the front door.

y'all can just call me Mrs Claus.:)

Speaking of festive, don't hear much about "Festivus" anymore. :)
When I took the tree out of the box, I got plastic needles everywhere. I erected it anyway and just covered it with more stuff. Come the week after Christmas, I'll probably be looking for something on clearance for the next few years. I might ask my neighbors if they want this one for small fry habitat. Hell, as a joke, I might even put it out in the forest somewhere.

I like that. :D
Happy Sunday!!! Had a local friend axe me to supper last night, It was a nice and pleasant visit, but had to eat and run because I was gonna go to sleep on the kitchen table. I think they understood.

It's cooler today. We get another front tonight. Rain and cooler still, but no sneaux. The conjunction seemed visible in the sunset sky to the west, so we'll keep watching for that. Since I'll be here, it'll be more visible.

Still only two painters. Good work, but I want 6 more just like them. Gotta get done. Called the boss to give him the heads up.

Clothes are in the washer and coffee is in the cup - briefly . . . .



It's football Sunday. Football Sunday is always happy. Well, as long as your team wins and the Raiders lose.
They should change their name. They give pirates and plunderers a bad name.
Ken Stabler will come back to ha'nt you, Heathen.

Phych(otic)ing up for the day. Pussies beware.

Swear to Allah, they're trying to wear me out. Some days, they succeed a little.


Good morning! As usual, I am late to the party. I hope everyone, yes even you lurker people, has a wonderful day.
Home with cat. He has a guest. The black cat from The Other Side Of That Door. They do get along okay. They're both good boys.

My co-worker and I tid into fixing some of the little dumb niggling crap in the unit that got ripped by the owner(s) last week. The new painters had dressed it up a bit better, but it really pops now with some of the dumb shit repaired. We may actually make this place look like something after all.

Rain is headed in, so "they" say. "They" forecast things so well. It's like a herd of weasels settling down for some Deep Thinking. Signifies as much as most Lit posts.

There's ice cream for later . . . .



I'm often surprised by the view-count of this thread.

I think it's the witty repartee.

Tits can talk, right???


I won my first eBay auction in eons. A 194 year old silver half dollar for pretty damned cheap

I love shit like that.

I think they lurk hoping to catch a glimpse of Endrura, or Barbie, hoping they're feeling sassy.

Congrats on the auction win, Wat.
Canada finally dropped in for a visit. It's right chilly out there. That means that Spring is only six weeks away for us.


Happy Monday!!!

Rain be fallin'. Got moar work. The landlady is chatty first thing of a morning, and about Serious Stuff, too. Restaurants re-open today, so let their be sit-down serve-me lunch stuff. One damned thing after another, and Life goes on.

It's nice that this thread isn't a sausage-fest.

But it does resemble a coffee-fest this time of day . . . .


I see that chimp pic and it reminds me of Lancelot Link.
