TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Happy Tuesday!!!

Another busy day, complete with wheels. Draw walk. Company Xmas dinner tonight. Which is up the road at the other job's town. The one Wat was going to be sent to, but ultimately wasn't. Thanks be to Allah.

It'll be a bit chilly today, but most stuff will be inside. At least it doesn't rain until tomorrow.




That's just so sad . . . . :(

Gonna be a long fucking day, so it's off to run weasels ragged.

Good morning everyone.

Speaking of weasels, it looks like it's a bad time to be a Mink. They probably should have observed the "mask" edict.
I'm still trying to figure out how a wild Mink ended up with the Wuhan Flu. And if it can spread into the wild animal population so easily, and quickly, exactly how effective are these lockdowns and other panic measures?
Happy payday Wednesday!!! Shuffling, bills, and so on. Looks like I have a PM or 2 to read. Or moar.

Yesterday was a pain in the ass. Too much time at work with the work folks. Wasn't wild about the restaurant choice. They got a bit liquored up and loud and silly. The PM made a comment to the boss repeating something I had said and I wish he hadn't, but no matter. Musta been the old fashioned talking. :rolleyes:

Looks like rain this morning. And some chilly. We got some sneaux at the other place while riding back to the airport. Wasn't much and amounted to less. Thanks be to Allah!!!

Coffee before weasels . . . .



I'm still trying to figure out how a wild Mink ended up with the Wuhan Flu. And if it can spread into the wild animal population so easily, and quickly, exactly how effective are these lockdowns and other panic measures?

You should see, well, I guess you have, all of the Science deniers in your thread screaming at you...

Science Denier!!!
Minks are mean little critters but so great for farming, they create almost zero waste compared to other farms.

I did some whining today and the guys made me dinner, bbq's chicken, salad and fries. I felt great until they reminded me that I need to start compiling the year-end paperwork for the accountant.

I was in the actual brick and mortar bank yesterday pulling out cash and I mentioned to them that when I see new coins lately, they are often a decade old... meaning there are entire warehouses somewhere that are full of pallets of coins sitting around.

The government loses money on pennies but makes money minting the faux coinage. I suppose they make even more on printing currency, but that is accounted for in made up federal reserve money.

My bank tells me they have absolutely no trouble for filling coin orders. So why are we still seeing signs everywhere talking about coin shortages?

What is in it for the businesses? They lose money when they encourage you to use a debit card instead of cash because of the discount they pay to their processors. Less robbery?
Because dah gummint done sed so.

Home. Scored supper out. Breakfast for supper. Ate too much. As usual at that place.

Work was okay. Got the first two units acceptable. Now for the next three and the last three on Friday, and then the sign-off. Thanks be to Allah!!!

And time to crash. It's been a long month.


I haven't wrapped presents in years but just something I've noticed- I think the small one prefers actually unwrapping them. She seems to enjoy blind bags and annoying, multilayer packaging. I usually do gift bags and tissue paper.

She also seems to prefer small, individually wrapped items then bigger multipart sets so I concentrated on that. That meant lots and lots of wrapping. I'm not any good at it anymore.
Good morning folks.

Your latest photo addition puts a new spin on, "standing around scratching your ass."

Range day was friggin' cold until the Sun was well up.
Happy Thursday!!!

Another day of getting shit done at work on tap. I think that the chaplain comes to visit for Xmas lunch today. He's a fine fellow, and it's always good to see him. And I think that the painters have a good idea of what to look for now, and what we're looking for. I just wish that at least one of them had more Engrish, but it is what it is.

Speaking of, it's gonna be chilly today, which means it'll really be what it is.

This coffee is . . . .



We’ve got about 2-3” on the ground here, but five miles away (further from the lake) they’ve got 6-8”.

They can have it!