TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

This state might reopen...............around 2022.

It's gotten ridiculous. We're being treated as if we're too stupid to protect ourselves.

I think the most troubling aspect of all of this is that we declared some things essential services because they are too pervasive and powerful and then we told the little guy, "It's just warm rain. You should be thanking us." If someone can be open, everyone should be open, otherwise it's just a pretend pandemic panic.
It sprinkled most of the afternoon yesterday, but it's dry now, which is good because otherwise, I would be out salting the driveway, which reminds me, I neglected to buy salt in the spring, which means all I have is what's left of last year's salt, so I have to get some, if there is some, and also pay full price. For my negligence, I now will pay the price.
Wat is glad that his work is essential but wishes that he weren't quite as essential.

No matter, off we go. Weasels. Wat got sumfin fo' yo' asses . . . .

The cat would kick you out of the house if you weren't bringing home the bacon

(i.e., the GOOD cat food).
The blonde Nordic good-morning weather girl is telling me that it's 34º outside. I just let the hellhound out and it feels a lot colder than that.
It's gotten ridiculous. We're being treated as if we're too stupid to protect ourselves.

I think the most troubling aspect of all of this is that we declared some things essential services because they are too pervasive and powerful and then we told the little guy, "It's just warm rain. You should be thanking us." If someone can be open, everyone should be open, otherwise it's just a pretend pandemic panic.

I can see the store limits on customers to a degree but it hasn't occurred to the idiots in the capital that by closing down the small business they've merely concentrated everyone at the big box stores. If they allowed everyone to remain open, even with the limits, they'd actually be dispersing the population and reducing the chances of contagion.

Re. the "essential" aspect. That has already shown itself to be ripe for abuse.
Politicians have discovered that "lockdowns" are ripe for abuse. Create a fear then take control.

"You have nothing to fear, but fear itself" has transmogrified into, "You have something to fear, and only I can save you!"

Then again, how much does Big Business contribute politically compared to what small-town main street is able to offer by way of bribe?
Politicians have discovered that "lockdowns" are ripe for abuse. Create a fear then take control.

"You have nothing to fear, but fear itself" has transmogrified into, "You have something to fear, and only I can save you!"

Then again, how much does Big Business contribute politically compared to what small-town main street is able to offer by way of bribe?

Exactly. The next round of state elections is going to be an indication of exactly how dumbed down our citizens have become.
Some states are dumber than others. Sadly by creating the right conditions to encourage emigration, they seek to export their stupidity. Those states that have produced that which encourages immigration are the ones in danger of being taxed by stupidity.
Snow, snow... go away!

10 inches today, then a break tomorrow, then another foot Wednesday.

I missed rifle season because of the Corona, but two buddies each gave me a deer. I have over 100 pounds of burger, roasts and tenderloins. That will go well with the Ramp bottoms I pickled in the Spring.
Whoa! I am glad that I am here.
Why did you miss out? Was there a fear of human to deer transmission? Isn't hunting a fairly solitary sport of the outdoors?
I was in bed sick for two weeks!

I caught it around Veteran's day and I still have some congestion in my chest and shortness of breath.
Some states are dumber than others. Sadly by creating the right conditions to encourage emigration, they seek to export their stupidity. Those states that have produced that which encourages immigration are the ones in danger of being taxed by stupidity.

All they seem to be exporting is the productive of society.
All they seem to be exporting is the productive of society.

Unfortunately, the majority of those voted for what they flee but will maintain their attitudes, beliefs and "feelings" in their new homes. They won't assimilate, they will vote to, instead, share their values with their new neighbors.
I think they lurk hoping to catch a glimpse of Endrura, or Barbie, hoping they're feeling sassy.

Congrats on the auction win, Wat.

Don't forget Slivv pops up from time to time too :D

The Christmas rush has all the sass knocked out of me at the moment, a week of sleep and normal programming shall return after the start of 2021

Home from yet another successful day of weaseling. There were no tears, but the PM lit up the roof crew. It rained all night and they drove the machines in the yards. There are all sorts of ruts now and a manlift is stuck. Mired in a bit. Oops, shoulda got a ladder, you silly fucks.

There is a draw inspection and wheels will be here tomorrow and Wednesday. Prolly gonna see some roof goofs wielding shovels in the morning. That'll put the joy of weaseling into them.

There be bonus money come Wednesday, too, thanks be to Allah for all of his manifold blessings and great mercies.

Pifflah drops in about every third thread or so. Yossi is good for once per thread. This sammidge is damn good . . . .
