TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Fucking politicians in general and Republicans in particular can go fuck themselves. They are worse than the NRA.

It's like feeding stray cats, you just get more.

If I send you some money, it was not because of any ads, emails, texts, or fundraising efforts. I don't need any help figuring out how to send you money. I get fifteen solicitations a day. Many with no opt -out link. The opt-out lines don't seem to un"subscribe" me from harrassment I never subscribed to.

If I can figure out how, I'm taking the money back from the latest races.
I don't donate to politicians they have corporate donors for that and I won't donate to any charity with more than 50% administration costs. Basically I only support small local things :)

And paperwork sucks.
Home with cat. Ice cream for dessert.

Allah damned right, we got half of this building accepted and (almost certainly) will get the other half accepted tomorrow. And Wat didn't have to kill the maintenance idjit. Motherfucker was strutting like a dung hill rooster earlier. The PM sorted his boss which took the wind outta his sails. Gotten so I really like the PM. And there looks to be Sunday off, which is the better motorcycle day this weekend. Schweeet!!!

I may have to bust a cap, too.

Wat is one smilin' motherfucker . . . . :D



Fucking politicians in general and Republicans in particular can go fuck themselves. They are worse than the NRA.

It's like feeding stray cats, you just get more.

If I send you some money, it was not because of any ads, emails, texts, or fundraising efforts. I don't need any help figuring out how to send you money. I get fifteen solicitations a day. Many with no opt -out link. The opt-out lines don't seem to un"subscribe" me from harrassment I never subscribed to.

If I can figure out how, I'm taking the money back from the latest races.

I never open political mail. I just pitch it. I hate both parties with equal enthusiasm. If you give them any money, then you are a case study in getting what you pay for.
Happy Friday!!! Means bupkis here, but it is another day. Gonna be chilly out there this morning. Scraping windows and such, most likely.

The landlady is releasing the barncats back into their barn. All vetted and neutered, they're good to go. I hope that she gets good mileage outta them.

Coffee seems to be like it's gonna git er dun this AM . . . .



Home with cat. Ice cream for dessert.

Allah damned right, we got half of this building accepted and (almost certainly) will get the other half accepted tomorrow. And Wat didn't have to kill the maintenance idjit. Motherfucker was strutting like a dung hill rooster earlier. The PM sorted his boss which took the wind outta his sails. Gotten so I really like the PM. And there looks to be Sunday off, which is the better motorcycle day this weekend. Schweeet!!!

I may have to bust a cap, too.

Wat is one smilin' motherfucker . . . . :D


Too freaking funny...
Good morning folks.

I just found out that Christmas won't be until Jan 8th this year due to the two week quarantine.
Christmas has been cancelled.

I'm still having a turkey and football though.
Speaking of football, the canned crowd noise they pipe in is ludicrous bullshit.
The correct answer is, what if the NFL played and no one came? Now we'd be getting somewhere.

Same with the rest of them, too. Fuck 'em.

Damn brisk start to the day, but at least it'll clear up. 'Bout fuckin' time.

Off to squeeze the weasels . . . .

Stupid government is making noise about closing the schools again and making everything home study. The little one will be joining us for the holiday (along with her dad, the gf's and a couple of others) and if it goes ahead she will be staying until times unknown. The spare rooms are painted and ready so the guys will be putting furniture in them this weekend. By the time Christmas is done here I will need a vacation.
Home. Cat. Grazed in. Ice cream - maybe.

There is one building that I didn't have to lock up tonight. It's no longer mine. Allah be praised!!!

The landlady said that the barn girls are back in the brans and have divvied them up between them. One follwed her around while she fed the big poodles. Oh, and this little fucker sat in the hall and screamed until she came down and spent some time with him. What a fucking con artist.

Good thing that I have only one more day with the co-worker - Monday - until the fourth. Might need a pig farm . . . .

Christmas has been cancelled.

I'm still having a turkey and football though.
Speaking of football, the canned crowd noise they pipe in is ludicrous bullshit.

Not cancelled here. I will pick up the king crab and the rib roast on Tuesday from the meat monger. I need to decide if there's anything else we need from them and have it ordered by Monday at noonish.

No football on the TV, here. We only watch the super bowl for the commercials and use it as an occasion to eat bad but fun food.
Happy Saturday!!!

All seems to be up and running here - early as usual. The landlady is playing on her computer and watching telly with her three dogs, and her cats are hiding somewhere. I was unsupervised while making coffee, which is unusual. Little Shit is grooming and waiting for the heat to kick back on.

Speaking of, it's some warmer today with a chance of rain. Tonight's low will be warmer than the high was for two days ago. The work schedule will be a bit calmer today. May have to take the computer to work and catch up on serial numbers.

After catching up on this coffee first.


Good morning.

Yet another wonderful day in lockdown paradise.

Christmas is a big deal out here, especially with the Hispanics. Candelaria's everywhere along with other assorted Christmas displays. This year? Nothing. Oh there are displays up here and there but for the most part, nothing. This is not a good sign.