TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Stupid government is making noise about closing the schools again and making everything home study. The little one will be joining us for the holiday (along with her dad, the gf's and a couple of others) and if it goes ahead she will be staying until times unknown. The spare rooms are painted and ready so the guys will be putting furniture in them this weekend. By the time Christmas is done here I will need a vacation.

I'm glad the courts are allowing you visitation from your daughter.

The idea of an apparently healthy stranger giving you the WuFlu in passing is entirely wrong. Article in the Blaze about the above study. .7% transmission in household's by asymptomatics. With symptoms it's still relatively low for close contact.

"Mitigation" strategies are nonsense.

The study doesn't reach the same Conclusion.

The findings of this study suggest that households are and will continue to be important venues for transmission, even where community transmission is reduced. Prevention strategies, such as increased mask-wearing at home, improved ventilation, voluntary isolation at external facilities, and targeted antiviral prophylaxis, should be further explored.
Does anyone have anything planned for today? I'm gonna take a nap then go run a couple of small errands. or vice versa,I haven't decided yet.
Happeh happeh!!! The weasels have landed. There be paint activities. No siders and no wood weasel/ carnicero de madera. Did a walkabout and found a couple of his atrocities. Imagine my utter lack of surprise.

Kinda like Hipster Litster musings . . . . :rolleyes:

Mah damn wrist has been acting up again.

I'ma think I'ma make a big vat of s'ghetti sauce for Xmas. I like that most of all, I think. When we get to house . . . .



Does anyone have anything planned for today? I'm gonna take a nap then go run a couple of small errands. or vice versa,I haven't decided yet.

Putting a tonneau cover on my f150, futzing around with some other stuff, staying away from stores and crowds.
Domestic drudgery is on my agenda. I've put it off as long as I dare.

I put off Laundry a month.

I did hand-washing as needed. I've got a coupla weeks of essentials and a month of button-downs.

I finally just loaded it all up in the back of a car and git'd 'er done at about 3 in the morning during some down time in the ghetto at an all night laundromat.

Fortunately, I didn't have any wheelchair assignments that night. That would have been awkward: "Here- can you hold my laundry while I fold up your wheelchair?"
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Does anyone have anything planned for today? I'm gonna take a nap then go run a couple of small errands. or vice versa,I haven't decided yet.

I need to take the recyclables in, pop by the drive-in branch of the credit union to make a deposit, and get the groceries at the curbside pickup at Carrs.

It's snowing, so it'll be a slippery trip.
Went to meet a guy, went to lunch, and then to the box store to score some materials for Monday.

The plumber weasel is a no-show. I'll sic the PM on him on Monday. The carniceros showed up - wood-n-siding. Chingao!!!

The waitress I was kinda flirtin' with at the diner said she was doing something tomorrow with her husband. It's always nice when they toss that in early so's nothing silly gets said or assumed. That's one bell that doesn't un-ring.

The day didn't go quite as planned. I decided to sleep and forego errands until tomorrow. The middle dog found a possum. She wanted to be friends, it didn't. And i was the bad guy for discouraging her from carrying it around. She never hurts them, just carries them around while they're passed out and doesn't understand why she can't nudge them awake and play. Then we had gate needing attention, so I scolded it for being needy while I readjusted the hinge pins and hangers. So, things got done, in the house and in the barn.
The study doesn't reach the same Conclusion.

Sure it does. Households (and probably cubicle-rat warrens) have always been where this spreads. Plexiglass and the arbitrary 6' dance while wearing shaman-approved ceremonial masks to isolate non-febrile strangers is nonsense.

Makes as much sense as wearing a condom inside your skivvies for a trip to the 7-11 to prevent STDs.
Went to meet a guy, went to lunch, and then to the box store to score some materials for Monday.

The plumber weasel is a no-show. I'll sic the PM on him on Monday. The carniceros showed up - wood-n-siding. Chingao!!!

The waitress I was kinda flirtin' with at the diner said she was doing something tomorrow with her husband. It's always nice when they toss that in early so's nothing silly gets said or assumed. That's one bell that doesn't un-ring.


That's not why they do that. That's so it's your "fault" if something "happens."
I shouldn't but I'm gonna:
I don't have a daughter, I have friends and the ones I referred to are offline and live in the real world where I have a real life. Some trolls on here need to get one for Christmas.

My day was spent making a large batch of chilli and then canning it. I will be sending an assortment of jars home with the people staying with us over the holidays.

Tomorrow is housework day and I need to get a tree up.
Happy Sunday!!!

So much for sleeping in. The dogs were out barking at something - maybe coyotes - at Oh Way Too Early. And then the cat decided he had to move around a few more times. Was half awake anyway, so fuck it.

Looks like the rain blows outta here in another hour or so. The sun may actually peek out later today. So might Zelda.

The coffee is right on time today, even if everything else is a bit off . . . .



Good morning folks.

If some coyote were interrupting my rest I'd be treating then to some lead.

I shouldn't but I'm gonna:
I don't have a daughter, I have friends and the ones I referred to are offline and live in the real world where I have a real life. Some trolls on here need to get one for Christmas.

My day was spent making a large batch of chilli and then canning it. I will be sending an assortment of jars home with the people staying with us over the holidays.

Tomorrow is housework day and I need to get a tree up.

You bet, especially with that particular troll.