TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!


I know better, but I let my VPN install an update.
It caused the VPN to lockup.
I restarted, shut down, restarted again and all I got was the spinning ball.
I spent a frustrating hour with "customer service" to correct the problem.
They couldn't.
Then out of the blue, just now, it decided to work.
I have no idea as to what is going on.

Numbers and how you present them.

Just read a news blurb headlined, "Over 2 Million Covid-19 Cases Worldwide!!!!" That's certainly a big number and sure to get the attention of the hand wringers'. A lot more impressive than if they'd written the headline like so, "Over .0025% of the World Infected with Covid-19!!!!!"
I've tried to make that point over and over,
but all of those pop-culture board "Scientists"
prefer scary numbers to proper perspective.
None of them seem to have any experience in Science...
Canada's weather fronts must be under the influence of pandemic.


I can only speak for my small corner of the country but our weather has been more political than viral, lots of high winds.

And this pandemic is turning political, the politicians are trying to make it seems worse than it is because people are now asking why did they spend trillions and damage the economies so badly over this bit of flu. I'm not saying it wasn't a bad strain but the hype did a lot more damage.

There is a lot of sad news out there, for example,
because restaurants are closed, they don't need food
so farmers are under duress; destroying crops in the fields.
In the news.

The governor declared firearms dealers as non-essential. Well, a few local owners have just told the governor, "go fuck yourself, we're opening." This should prove interesting.
The farmers here are growing concerned. The asparagus needs to be picked but they
contracted to use out of country workers supported by government payments and they
are still waiting for them to show up. Locals can't do it because they aren't allowed
to car pool or work in groups. Millions of dollars in crops are about to rot in the fields.
The farmers here are growing concerned. The asparagus needs to be picked but they
contracted to use out of country workers supported by government payments and they
are still waiting for them to show up. Locals can't do it because they aren't allowed
to car pool or work in groups. Millions of dollars in crops are about to rot in the fields.

Afternoon tea time.

The consequences keep piling up. People are going to learn the hard way that government can't support an economy, the economy has to support government.
Home. With Small Cat. Took the long way. Got invited over for lasagna. It was pretty good, but then it's kinda hard to fuck up lasagna taste. This one lackec . . . presentation.

My token arrived. It's gorgeous.

The non-essential bike seat company in the northernmost commonwealth finally saw fit to run my credit card number for the order I placed. Last month. Maybe I can get the fucking thing by next month . . . . :rolleyes:

Off to hit the rack . . . .
