TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Just passing through.

The drunk plumber hit my truck.

Again. Parked in the same place. Hit it in the same spot. Broke the same tail light lens. I ordered the replacement from the same place. For the same price.

Lightning may not strike twice, but drunken idiots surely do . . . .

Like the old, snoring man, I went to bed with a bump (and a minor abrasion) on my head, but I did get up in the morning.

I was approaching a darkened doorway and tripped on an unseen 3" step about 10' from the door and crashed headlong into a security screen door, breaking the door with my hard head. My instinct was protect my armload and I rung my bell pretty good. The stylish wool fedora minimized what would have been a gash to a minor abrasion, which I treated on-scene with my homemade 2 to 1 99% alcohol / alone hand sanitizer and some gas-station Aleve.

It appears I will survive.
Like the old, snoring man, I went to bed with a bump (and a minor abrasion) on my head, but I did get up in the morning.

I was approaching a darkened doorway and tripped on an unseen 3" step about 10' from the door and crashed headlong into a security screen door, breaking the door with my hard head. My instinct was protect my armload and I rung my bell pretty good. The stylish wool fedora minimized what would have been a gash to a minor abrasion, which I treated on-scene with my homemade 2 to 1 99% alcohol / alone hand sanitizer and some gas-station Aleve.

It appears I will survive.

Wait a day. A friend bumped her head on a Monday, didn't wake up on Wednesday.
Likely to get a spring dump here. Only because the neighbor just had a truckload of lumber delivered for his new shop.
Home/satellite. Got some take-out. No Numbah Wun Fuckee. Haven't looked for a place yet. Seen a couple I won't try.

Left my mouse at the office, so this is fun. Damn it.

Apparently, our senior PM (Jabba) and the property management can't seem to figure out what we're going to do here. So there is squabbling by e-mail, which a body just has to love. Meanwhile, there's plenty of dumbshit to do, so that'll keep Somebody largely outta sight and outta mind. Point being, that's a good place to be.

Infantry survives artillery by hugging the earth . . . .
Dinner time. Salad and baked stuffed chicken breast (bacon wrapped).

The weather clears up and starts warming up tomorrow. Get back to the yard work again.
Wait a day. A friend bumped her head on a Monday, didn't wake up on Wednesday.

Cheerful news. I managed to wake up again this evening a bit later than I had anticipated doing so.

Long text exchange with Mom this afternoon. Now I recall where I got my verbal penchant. Waved to her across the open garage door where I was engineering a solution to close her l8ftgate on her (2013?) Rav 4. The obvious solution is to trade in her four-wheel-drive rav4 that she no longer needs because she no longer has a 20% grade covered with ice to her driveway now that she's in Arizona on flat ground.

Probable screw on some sort of hanging strap. She has shrunk two inches (at least) and cannot reach it to close it. She can barely open it, though the gas struts seem ok.

I pointed out to her that she doesn't need to put anything in the back of the car since she can just call me and I'll go get whatever it is that she was intending to put in the back of the car.

She's going to be 81 in May and values her independence and is really more worried about losing that then not being able to put something in the trunk of a car. She's worried about the virus her next door neighbor's son allegedly has it. Statistically I think that's sort of unlikely. He's probably got a cough and people are assuming.

I don't think she's needed to kill anybody in years so I don't know exactly what she's planning on putting in the trunk of her.

I didn't tell her she is probably right about me needing to go get a possible melanoma looked at. She based her suggestion on merely motherly intuition and the fact that a childhood friend, now commie frenemy, had one removed. Cant encourage her being right like that. Last time she had one of those intuition was three months before I had an appendicitis where she detailed to me what to look for and what to expect when I had one.i was feeling fine when she mentioned it, apropos of nothing in particular, other than the fact my brother had recently had one down in Mexico City.

She might be in actual witch, and just putting curses on me.
Happy Tuesday!!!

Kinda slept like crap, and yet not so badly.

That whole witch though might explain my mother. I wonder why I never considered it before.

I'm enjoying this coffee, however . . . .

Does a drunk get three strikes in your neck of the woods?
Still cold here; the heat is running.
Little stupid is whining.

Life goes on

la la la la la la
life goes on
I normally don't really work my own hood. Not so much because of income levels although that has something to do with it mostly because I'm surrounded by old people and I like working nights. People don't really do much in the middle of the night and if they do they generally need an ambulance, not me.

As you venture out in a radius from where I live I'm surrounded by modest incomes, more likely to be young family. Young families also don't get in too much trouble because they are home bodies. The kids are not enough for the adults to go out and get into some kind of trouble and the kids are in old enough too, either.

Now that everyone is sheltering in place the above logic applies to everybody everywhere. So I figured my as well stick close to home lately and I have found it to be very productive. Now that people don't have to go to work in the morning there free to stay up late and get into violin arguments with roommates over videogames or get drunk and slap the husband and/or wife around, and the not emergency medical stuff probably has lower incident rates but they're are less people chasing it.

It's a little harder to stay motivated though when I'm 3-4 miles from home and can go take a nap anytime I feel like it. Harder to do when your in hour from home.

When I did a a little different but similar work, I worked the west side quite a bit but now most of the neighbors don't really know me because they haven't seen me. I'm that vato blanco loco that lives in that shack that nobody sees. His car is around all day, but you never see him unless he's hanging up laundry.
The drunk plumber isn't actively drunk on the job. He's either hung over or merely suffering the effects of stomping too many brain cells.

Which is tough when Allah didn't give you a lot to start with.

I do have a gaspipe under the seat, and Gaspipe is a kinda cool moniker . . . .
Just chuck an empty container through his newly broken window...


... broke from the dented door.

The weather wench is a witch!
She should have stayed up north;
brought the cold of Canada with her.
It's possible that it might even freeze tonight.
Good thing that I didn't get the plants put out...
It might freeze at home tomorrow morning. Friends are happy that their plants are safe from the (possible) frost.

One source says there could be sneaux. That would be Satan's handiwork.

At work, waiting for weasels.

It's wait-n-see time . . . .

Today's going to be on the cool side. Tomorrow looks promising for some outdoor activity.
I am sheltering in place with the dachshunds.


They did not want to stay out for long.
Hell, little stupid didn't even make it to the grass.
She peed on the sidewalk...
At the first whiff of a health emergency, our hospital and health department went on lockdown (even though we don't have any cases here).

It's one of life's ironies.