TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

The hospitals here closed entire floors, are now bleeding red ink
and taking it out on the employees for a number of cases that
you don't even have to take off your shoes to count.

When did Americans turn into such pussies?

The hospitals here closed entire floors, are now bleeding red ink
and taking it out on the employees for a number of cases that
you don't even have to take off your shoes to count.

When did Americans turn into such pussies?


Ginning up for another 100+ shitpost day, Chief? :rolleyes:
I'd post a strongly worded screed on the Facebook, but I'm a pillar of the community and it will be time for after action reports when the devil has left our shores.
The nedical community needed to be pushing back against science by committee. I'm sure they were all excited about getting some of that sweet Corona virus bail out money in never occurred to them that most of that going to be Medicaid expansion side money they're going to get paid for less than the cost of procedures meanwhile there hospitals are going to be shut down for all of their hi margin activities.

I can't wait until it is suggested that the government needs to take over all of these failing hospitals into a national Hospital system
They cancelled all of their profit margin elective procedures
and are now running on loss leaders at a time when
they are still awaiting the Black Plague...
PS - Never did Facebook.

Never did its precursor either.
Was it called MySpace?
It wasn't...
I'd post a strongly worded screed on the Facebook, but I'm a pillar of the community and it will be time for after action reports when the devil has left our shores.

Yeah I started a screed on the roping off of non essential areas in Walmart's. You're already in Walmart your already taking a risk if you need shoelaces you need shoelaces.

I decided it's not worth the fall out.

Best to leave the commentary to my brother the actual Dr.. He's an 80 'sstyle liberal but for the most part he's not a complete idiot. Just don't engage him about economic realities.

He was in medical school when Hillarycare was being written. He was all in favor of the idea.
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I'm in the VA system. My semi-annual tune-up was scheduled for next week. The VA called and said the doctor will be calling me so that I didn't have to come in. I asked what he would be calling me for. The nurse said, "just to do the exam and see if you are sick."

Hmmm... I thought that was fine, although I do like going twice a year (it's an hour drive - or 20 miles in WV talk) because there's a diner across the street that has excellent gravy and biscuits (after the blood work, of course).

I told the nurse, "Well, just tell him I'm fine."

"Oh no!" she says, "he has to call and ask you himself."

I suppose rulz is rulz.

I like my nationalized health care.
lol at the VA.

I talk to my neighbors.
I get enough gossip which sometimes proves to be wrong.

Example: Two young guys living alone holding huge parties
and getting the sheriff called in to break it up. Truth be told,
it was a family and the parents took a weekend trip assuming
they could trust teenagers.


The sheriff was not called, but was driving by and they
had the county road all but closed off due to lack of
driveway parking...
It's been raining since Thanksgiving and I have a taste for some smoked venison. I'm thinking about moving my smoker into the garage and putting a roast on. I suppose I'll also need a sign, "Building is not on fire. Do not call the Fire Department."
Such a thing would be a waste for me. Two of my drinking/golfing buddies own BBQ operations (they actually live side by side and hate each other) and do on site and off site BBQ. One just bought a vacant lot in town and set up his portable smoker so he can do "drive through" BBQ at lunch time.

I'm awash in smoked meat. My small smoker is really just because I like to cook. And I have a freezer full of venison and bear that needs gone.

There needs to be a reality show based in Kansas City: BBQ Wars

Those people really hate each other.
I'm not big on smoking meats...


... unless it's crawdaddy.
Both of these guys are my age (mid-50s) and made enough money to retire. The rivalry started as weekend BBQ'ers cooking for friends and family. Then the Facebook elevated it to catering and now full blown commercial operations.

Neither needs the money and its more a matter of "winning" at this point.

Things really get out of hand sometimes.

It's like those cheesesteak guys in Philly.
Facebook does seem to be a pernicious evil
loosed upon society, now armed with
a quiver full of Twitter...
I'm not normally a Walmart shopper, but why would meat from Walmart make a difference?
Super good morning.
Burning the josh for a new life in this world.

I don't know how cold it got,
but there was no super hard freeze;
frost is not to be seen. The strawberries rejoice.
Dachshunds were not at all interested in being out for long,
but, their fur was dry - thus is today's Bootheel weather report.

On a side, blurt-related note,
How can they perform maintenance
during peak hours while their audience is isolated?

;) ;)

It's a good thing that I have stacks of unread books and free online solitaire.
I'm not normally a Walmart shopper, but why would meat from Walmart make a difference?

In good times, I like to go into the local Walmart Neighborhood Grocery
and pick through the meats for the yellow-tagged items;
meat one day from charity - good for freezing.
If we're going to make our "hard freeze" it'd better hurry. It's a downright balmy 39 out there right now.
Happy Wednesday!!!

I guess that Man000's hamsters got their annual vetting last night. It must have been when the charity vet could see them. Him. Timmah!!!

Pudding goes on vacation for a week. Who the fuck goes from Wednesday to Wednesday? Seriously? But that's our Pudding, and he does what he does in a manner which indicates a measure of oblivion. Kinda like Litsters . . . . :rolleyes:

But this coffee is front-n-center.
