TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

The farmers here are growing concerned. The asparagus needs to be picked but they
contracted to use out of country workers supported by government payments and they
are still waiting for them to show up. Locals can't do it because they aren't allowed
to car pool or work in groups. Millions of dollars in crops are about to rot in the fields.

But foreign workers are allowed?

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Early morning insomnia, so I gave up and got up.
I could have read a while, but I was lacking focus.

Coffee is helping with that. I got a large order of my favorite kind yesterday.
Life is good; coffee is good.
PS - My asparagus has yet to break ground.
I do have plants to put out in the next day or two.
I need to check my back stock of seeds to see if anything is applicable.
Happy Thursday!!!

Up early for a driving back to work day. Weasels. Jabba the s000per is talking about working Sunday. Maybe the weasels will rebel. The tenants certainly might, too.

I was talking big dynamic cats with a friend by text yesterday. She sent me a picture of hers chasing a deer out of their yard. I met that cat, and he seemed like he could be bad news.

Good coffee, however . . . .



I've seen a big grey cat stalking the yard.
I don't think he's up to any good.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

;) ;)
He might keep the vermin away.

Then again, he might give the hellhounds something to chase.

Who knows???

They don't chase anymore.
I don't think they can see anything smaller than a deer or the UPS truck...

My usual driver is the parent of one of my former students.
He calls me by the wrong name even as he hands me a package with my name on it.
It's been going on for years now. I just cannot bring myself to correct him. He seems proud to know me...
The weather girl is phoning it in from home.
All we see is nipples up, so I am imagining
her naked from the nipples down.
It's a lot of fun!

Governmental (predictable) mission creep:

The emergency isolation measures were taken as to not overwhelm the hospitals.
Now, the hospitals got their time to prepare, are not being overwhelmed and,
in fact, are in danger of going out of business, but now we have Governors
in places (of protest) like Michigan and Kentucky who are insisting
that draconian measures must remain in place because
if lifted, people will die...;
my fears, realized.
Home/satellite. Grazing in. Gotta eat some of this shit before it goes south on me.

The bike should be ready Saturday. Looks like I can slide in and get it. Work can wait. Praises to Allah, it'll be like Xmas morning and Santa did bring a pony. About 128 of them . . . .

I may ride down to FL to see the kids on my vacation next month. Places to go are limited. I may print a calendar and make an itinerary. This could be lotsa fun.

And such wonderful use of my stimulus check . . . .

You know, I want to say something about a crack I made a few weeks ago. I was wrong. I mocked Indian Larry's accident, but now I can see what was lost after having done some research. Turns out, the guy was pretty Zen and had some interesting skills and something missing here in our shitty Lithole - humility.

I hope the rest is easy . . . .

The right bike, the right day, the right road, I just pretty much feel
at one with the universe. When I feel like I don't fit anywhere or I'm
lonely or I'm like all screwed up in the head, I get on my bike and go
for a ride and it's like all of the sudden, I'm fixed.

— Indian Larry


Dining in as well. Talking about going south, the salad fixin's I bought on Wed. have ended up in the trash. Seems as if they had been frozen and I missed the signs when I selected the package. Shame on me for missing the signs and shame on them for having frozen their veggies. Bastids.

I'll pick up some more tomorrow. <shrug>

I hope they did their job well for ya Wat.
Yeah, I hope so, too. It's really gonna hurt that poor guy if Wat is forced by deception-n-treachery to have to shove that touring bike square up his ass.

Wat's mean enough to shove it sideways.

The plumber did some good work today. We had to troubleshoot a lack of pressure in a tenant's bathrooms. After all was said and done - with only two holes cut in the ceiling of the unti downstairs - there was the ball out of the old water heater ball valve caught in a reducing tee and blocking the two half-inch legs almost completely. Hain't nivver seen none like it afore.

Ice cream would be good . . . .

Yeah, I hope so, too. It's really gonna hurt that poor guy if Wat is forced by deception-n-treachery to have to shove that touring bike square up his ass.

Wat's mean enough to shove it sideways.

The plumber did some good work today. We had to troubleshoot a lack of pressure in a tenant's bathrooms. After all was said and done - with only two holes cut in the ceiling of the unti downstairs - there was the ball out of the old water heater ball valve caught in a reducing tee and blocking the two half-inch legs almost completely. Hain't nivver seen none like it afore.

Ice cream would be good . . . .

That's one for the ole diary.
Happy Friday!!!

Looks like an okay day, with a bit of rain tomorrow morning.

I'm sure we'll have the usual amount of weasels, and, of course, the usual amount of st000pid. Round up the usual suspects . . . .

The Usual Coffee is pretty damned tasty this morning.

Coffee morning for sure;
up late reading.
I got some stimulus money, go figure.
I put it in saving to let it accrue interest.
It won't beat inflation, but I don't see a lot of attractive investment at the moment.

We're in a warmup phase. Allah be praised.
Good morning folks.

Looking at the week ahead I've got to get serious about the switch over from heat to A/C.