TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Just a reminder:

Anarchism stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion and liberation of the human body from the coercion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. It stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individual . . .

~ Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays


Going to be an all salad night. Big ole mixed greens salad followed by Tuna Salad sambitches.

I'm trying to picture a motorcycle assembled by anarchists.
Going to be an all salad night. Big ole mixed greens salad followed by Tuna Salad sambitches.

I'm trying to picture a motorcycle assembled by anarchists.

I can’t imagine it would end well.

“Don’t tell me it has to steer from the front, that’s the old, establishment way!”

Okay, that's pretty fucking funny, and you two are silly fucks.

Said with only love coming from my coal black heart.

Momma CatMonster needs a black heart emoticon. If they'd just spend a few bucks and upgrade from Manu(re)'s hamster-powered server . . . .


Remember that handgun joke from decades ago with the 180* barrel pointed back at the shooter? So, is that the Anarchy Handgun???

It's been a pretty good weekend here. Necessary errands done and such. I still haven't been told what went on the hub's wish list yesterday, but it will happen sooner or later.
building or buying?

I could not get my mind out of the logistics and efforts to make a ramp
so I took a second look at the problem and set down some spare pavers
to turn to really tall steps (to a dachshund) to four smaller step and now
all I have to do is get them trained because they seem to navigate them
with much more ease, but old habits die hard and I'm not enjoying a
terrible amount of success.

Good morning again folks, shopping done.

This should do it SC. :D

Ride in style.

Very funny. I guess I had that coming...
It's berry berry good here.
Blackberries and blueberries are coming in
and so are the cherry tomatoes. Yesterday I used
the little tomatoes with ambition and some sweet onion
to throw together a good guacamole salad. I still have some
left as well as some new tomatoes and two avocados left over so
today will be a repeat, maybe with some beans and Spanish rice...

It's very hot and humid, so I am switching to siesta hours to get work
done in the morning while the world is still trying to pretend that it is cool.
Picking berries and working on rebuilding some old raised gardens which have
decided to go, shall we say, *ahem*, to employ the word of the day - anarchist.
Happy Monday, which is a day of tossing anarchy back under the bus, picking up the yoke, and resuming a life living under the lash of oppression.

At least it's a short week. It'll be fucking hot enough, though.

I thought that Jabba su000per was s'posed to take a week of vacation, so we'll see if he's there. Running the job by phone, most likely. You gotta love control freaks.

Life certainly is entertaining . . . .



The coffee is flowing, and it’s nice and quiet. Dummy dog is for some unknown reason trying to climb a trellis, I’m thinking another iguana snuck into the courtyard.

Hopefully it’s a small one.
I did tell the hamster story from last week, right? Cocksucker in the kitchen. The monkeys managed to get their shit done without stepping on it.

That was amazing in itself, or more because Wat chased it into the laundry closet.

Got a little bit of work done on the books. Really need to make a regimen and then to stick to it.

But does anyone (besides us) read any more???



According to a recent commercial, they don't have time to read,
so they 'listen' to their books. Based upon impromptu perusals
of writing and communication skills here, I am inclined
to find that to be true...

Good morning all.

Employing the bricks in a different manner would also solve the problem. :devil:

Did you know that there are two international anarchists organizations? I find that there would be even one astounding, kinda defeats the whole idea of anarchism doesn't it? But two? Do they try to out anarch each other? Where do they get their funding? Raffles? Who organizes the raffles? So many questions.
Home/scrotel13. Small Cat is home alone. He'll be fine. He has a well stocked library. The liquor cabinet is scanty, so he'll have to make do.

Today was supposed to be Punch List Day, but Wat got ambushed by no a/c calls. Imagine that on a hot summer day in the eastern Mid-Atlantic. Two of them were veritable motherfuckers. They're still out. Surpassed Wat's abilities. One was a leaking clusterfuck. Bad work left from the install - a broken condensate line.

I have come to wonder if doing shitty and/or half-assed work is a Brazilian cultural thing. I wonder if Google knows. I find the other Latinos will work up to or down to whatever standard you hold them to. I can't get these cunts to follow simple instructions, much less to finish anything correctly.

Then I found the unit where the dryer breaker was trippijng a ll weekend. Semms that changed it for the new a/c breaker instead of the proper one. In spite of what Wat told them . . . .



Afternoon down wind again.

I only worked with one Brazilian in the trades, a tile guy. He was a friggin' artist so they aren't all bad.