TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

They're "casual".

Translation: slack


At least mine are . . . .



Woke up to the sound of heavy (metal) thunder...
So, far, no good morning news, no TV, I have to rely on internet weather
which, in and of itself is very spotty, just like these showers were supposed to be.
At least, for ten minutes, the heat and humidity are reduced substantially.
I hope it rolls out of here soon, I have things to do,
some places to see...

I see a few thread titles this morning that scream:

Poor babies...

One wonders why my weather app
is tracking local Coronavirus cases.

But only a little bit,
maybe they keep expecting me to check in...
Happy Tuesday!!! Allah certainly hates an attention h000r for its pussiness.

Slept okay here in scrotelland. That's always nice, since some sleep is a requirement.

Looks like the rain comes here tomorrow around lunchtime. Meanwhile, there be heat, which likely brings a spate of no a/c calls. Makes a body wirsh for competent help. :rolleyes:

The guy who made the coffee this morning slayed it, so . . . .



Morning. Another +105 heat index warning today, toasty.

I’m pretty sure I’m not going to do a damned thing today.
The present is past due.

Just as long as this rain turns into something more steady,
my garden could use some watering, not a washout...
Okay, that's a first, strong lightening just set off my driveway alarm
and reset the TV, turned off the fish tank and made the lights flash.

I suddenly felt the urge to charge all of my devices...

Gneaux Aycee is my old tired h000r/Bond-girl.

I'ma shoot dat bitch inner mutherfuckin' haid.

Some days like this are a bit harder to get up and running for. The wheels came off this job/place long ago.

But the money spends just fine, so . . . .



Our current generation has been inculcated with the idea
that they are the existential threat and they must
eschew politeness; we see it here daily...

;) ;)

... they must purge them.

Prescient Pogo
Social media took away the threat of being punched in the mouth, and any concept of polite discourse right along with it.

It has empowered people to the point of absurdity.
If I had to point to a moment when the pretext of civility was dropped,
wow, what a lot of soft targets, but 1968 looms large for the
rise of the incivility of the Progressive Left...
Social media took away the threat of being punched in the mouth, and any concept of polite discourse right along with it.

It has empowered people to the point of absurdity.

Empowered? Only in their imagination. In the end they're going to have to deal with the real world and all that ugliness is going to come back in spades.
Empowered? Only in their imagination. In the end they're going to have to deal with the real world and all that ugliness is going to come back in spades.

Of course it’s in their imagination, they’re idealists from the comfort of their parents basement.

That doesn’t stop them.
If I had to point to a moment when the pretext of civility was dropped,
wow, what a lot of soft targets, but 1968 looms large for the
rise of the incivility of the Progressive Left...

When Bill Ayer is a "noted elementary education theorist" it's easy to figure out what the fruits of his labors are going to be.
Actually it was Lenin that laid it out. "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." - V. Lenin