TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I thought Larry would like the lion, but his nose was to the ground and he barely noticed. He looked at the monkeys for a bit, but with my family, he's used to monkeys.
This morning I put a Henry .45-70 up for raffle at the Legion. That's a nice gun. I bet 3000 tickets will sell out by the end of the week.

I have friends who carry lever .45-70s for bear protection when fishing. Makes a little more sense than carrying a handgun around these parts.
Wat once considered a .45-70 hot rod gun but never got around to its purchase. Got the ol' Trapdoor and that's it.

Got a fair amount of punch walk done. Got a couple of stoppages in condensate lines. Cheated the off switches so the units will run until I can get 'em done.

Ordered a set of loud pipes for the little bike. Thanks be to Allah that they're actually available. Got something called Neighbor Haters. Those and the new intake should flow lotsa air and make lotsa racket.

Harley-Davidson Motor Company: converting petroleum to noise since 1903 . . . .



I call them wire wheels. It's what I wuz learnt.

The Motor Company calls them lace wheels.

They can call them Fred for all I care.

I haz a pair . . . .
I picked up a lapidary, diamond-bladed wet-saw a vintage Sun timing light, a big, vintage Snap-on Tach, and a Philco ampmeter. I was stashing them in storage and the small one spotted a phone from 1937. It looks plastic, but its resin, plastic wasn't in common use yet.

She says, "A rotary phone!!"

"How do you know what a rotary phone is?"

'YouTube, Top 10 things kids today dont recognize."

Modern technology on a phone filled her in on the obsolete phone.
Happy Thursday!!!

Good for her!!! I think that a lot of kids are smarter than we think. I always enjoyed when Junior connected dots or otherwise has discovered info on his own. There was that conversation we had once about making change. He knew.

Slept pretty well here in Patel-land. I think I'll stick with this place as long as the gringo dollars keep making sense.

The coffee is damned good today . . . .
Looks like we get showers here starting tonight and ending tomorrow around lunchtime. Then the temps go back up.

I'll be an Allah-damned sauna.

In other news, I was able to locate a seat for the new ride, and it took a bit of research to determine if it'll fit. Looks like it will.

Should it not, they offer something called "no-hassle returns," so how bad can it be?
“No hassle returns”

is probably just code for

“we don’t take anything back, so don’t even try, it’s not worth the hassle”.

Hope it fits!
No rain, but it will feel like it anyway.
I was on the interstate yesterday and it rained on me, for about a block.
Perfectly blue sky, a few big fluffy clouds and out of the blue,
one just took a dump on me. Beats the car wash - knocked the dust off the truck...

I no sooner had the wipers on than it was time to turn them off.
Go figure.
“No hassle returns”

is probably just code for

“we don’t take anything back, so don’t even try, it’s not worth the hassle”.

Hope it fits!

They will take almost anything back.
Even when you are a dishonest customer,
you are still a customer, and they do not want to lose future business.
Wat won't fuck them on this.

He did the research, connected a couple of dots, and made an informed buying decision based on reason rather than emotion.

And if he's wrong, they'll take it back and/or exchange it for something which does fit.

And if the miss is small, Wat will "customize" it . . . .
Clearly, Was is the salt of the earth...

... which, btw, is what they did to Carthage
to make sure that nothing would ever grow again...

:D :nana:
Wat tries to be cognizant of what the Essenian said: "That which your brother hates, do not do." It makes sense.

Then there is Psycho Tenant out here. She got me again yesterday. Wheedling. Trying to get what she wants in the manner she wants it, that Wat is the one to ask. Which he isn't. It all must go through Jabba s000per.

So she turned around and stalked off. They all do.

Some people's kids, but she, too, is Allah's handiwork . . . .



So we got showers in spite of the forecast, and our sauna started 24 hours early.

Not too sure that Jabba s000per understands this whole calendar thing, because he says Wat needs to work on a few doodles which are due the 27th and we have lotsa doodles due for the walk on the 21st.

And Jabba senior is all over that shit.

Maybe he's trying to get shit-canned . . . .



Home at the cat's house. Grazing in.

We're going to be playing the Substantial Completion game on the next draw walk. It's not a Wat kind of game. Motherfucker is complete or close to complete with punch.

So, let's play. Then maybe Wat can convince the Jabbas to play a few rounds of Russian Roulette. With a semi-auto . . . .

Naw, I just ride a motorcycle. :mad: :D :rolleyes:



Happy Friday!!!

Yeah, it looks like morning has happened again, and pretty damned early, too. No matter, I reckon. And looks like no rain until tomorrow, but if it's as accurate as yesterday's was, we'll be damp sooner.

The coffee is more ready for today than I am . . . .

And this is why Wat is continuously divorced for 30 years:



Although you will likely get some argument elsewhere, Marriage is 100% the cause of 100% of divorces.

Wat hasn't been divorced but the once since his last marriage, so there's that.


