TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

Wat is proud of you.

As Harry Callahan said, a man has got to know his limitations.

Here at the job. Humid as fuck. Humid as all diddlefuck. Damn!!!

Must be July. I remember these days when I'm freezing the sack off in February. Really!!!



Happy Saturday!!!

I stopped at J's house on the way home to take a look at the hall toilet upstairs. The roomie's toilet. It wasn't doing right, according to the roomie. Fucked with it for a while and determined that the valve has grit in it. The water line is clear, but it fills awfully slowly. But it does fill, and it turns off.

Hot as fuck today. This is truly the work of Allah. He knows all about heat.

Put the ant traps out and made damn good coffee . . . .



Truth cuts the shackles . . . .

Truth is, Wat is going to work today. This is as Allah wills.

There will be shopping at the box store - for the job.

Things would work more gooder if Jabbas didn't tell lies so much . . . .



Good morning folks. Just dropping in for a bit.

The build project went great save on small, easily fixed, manufacturers defect.

Off the the range early this AM to do our thing. How long our thing is will depend on how fast the temp. come up.
Hey, it's morning here too!
I need some coffee.

I don't even have anything to say, I think I'm here out of habit...

There's a Flying Nun joke in there somewhere.
We finally got rain and that means I'll have to weed soon.
Today's project will be to build some shelves, I bought some
steel frame gorilla ones for garage storage and cut /painted
some wood bases to replace the pressboard crap last week.
The last time I had to assemble some "easy-to-assemble" stuff
it took most of the morning so coffee first.
Wat always has Easy To Assemble shit to build.

Ordered a wee part for the new bike, so . . . Some Assembly Required. Wish I was working on it. At least the owner would be grateful.

Here with the entitled. Some are grateful, some are . . . not.

Gotta go out and hunt down the weasels . . . .



I'm not a fan of personalized license plates, but I do read them, and some of them are funny.

I saw one yesterday: ANALYZE. I doubt that the DMV clerk caught a thing, hence its issuance.

Add that one to a couple of others I have seen here: CUNTY and ZYKLON B.

A regular collection of Mensa members there . . . . :rolleyes:



Mom called and asked me if I wanted a rose bush to plant at the cat's burial site. I said, sure.

They have pink and white. No red.

White it is.

Damn, it's hawt-n-h000mid here today . . . .



That's what I need to pick up, a M1. Never should have sold the one I had. :rolleyes:

A whole slew of them are coming available through the CMP program so I'll pick one up through that.
I should buy another one.

I got rid of one, too, and regret it still. Poor decision.

But it was a particularly dry time, and they made me an offer I don' refuse, so there's that.

Tossed some shit out tonight and put some shit away. HfD engine parts. The old parts for the big bike fit the little bike, so they're keepers. If I need to send out a pair of heads to be ported . . . .



I've managed to put together the orders for the parts I want.

All except the forward foot controls. That may be a wait to get a set (HfD) that's guaranteed to fit. I forgot I had a wee windscreen let over from the first bike I had never installed, and it looks like it'll be perfect for this one.

The wind in the chest with hangers is a bitch.

And on that note, it's oof not to dream, methinx . . . .

Happy Sunday!!!

Woke up too damned early. Got the coffee on and the laundry is going. Drying - washed it last night.

Got a bit of banking to do this morning. It's nice to be able to do it of a Sunday and in the comfort of my own home. Thank you, algore, or whoever really invented the internet.

Hangers are entirely too frequently attached to bitches . . . .



You can, but it still stays in the basket and refuses to put itself away.

And then the cat sleeps on it.

And sheds on it.

I found the cat's folder from the adoption agency last night. I was a week and a half wrong on when his b-day is. When we celebrate to proper day, he'll be less . . . offended . . . .



Ninety-fucking-four. Allah weather, truly.

Gotta go pick up the big bike today from its 5K service.

Clean/arrange some more stuff and maybe tackle this windscreen thingie.

The josh burns for the souls of Allah that suffer needlessly . . . .


