TSCLT 9.0: Allah Hates A Pussy, Too!!!

I have materials for a new project
but I really am procrastinating the starting process...

I have a lot of tomatoes to pick today, maybe some peppers too.

J fed me a salad made largely from her produce.

I was apt recompense for having to fuck with her toilet.

Which has stayed fixed.

So far . . . .


It is the season to become a vegetarian.

Never a vegan. Suicide is preferable.

A man in Cincinnati purchased 10,000 pounds of bad pork, at 1 cent per pound, and paid so much per pound to put it through a chemical process, by which it would appear sound, and then sold it at an advanced price, clearing $450 by the fraud. The price at which he sold the pork per pound, multiplied by the cost per pound of the chemical process, was 3 cents. Required the price at which he sold it, and the cost of the chemical process.

Ans. He sold it at 6 cents per pound, and the cost of the process was ½ cent per pound.

Elements of Algebra, page 321.



Already on the second cup of magic bean juice
The shelves went together quite well, I was impressed
and now they are full of excess and the house is a
bit cleaner.
Today's task shall be prepping for the week ahead and
and a luncheon date this afternoon. It will be nice to
get out for a bit.
Date??!? Hmmmm . . . .

Loaded the cardboard on the truck for its ride around the house to the trash cans. Milled around the yard a little.

Which bit to tie into first?

How about the worst bit of all: putting away the clean clothes . . . .

I'll have to rid the pool of acorns at least twice today.
For whatever reason, it's been a banner year for the oaks...
It's making me crazy.
By the time half of the pool is cleared and you go to work on the other half,
then the cleared half fills up and the worst part is the half-eaten nuts
dropped in by the malicious antics of the fuzzy-tailed tree rats...
I'm cleaning the pool twice a day because the little acorns
take out my vacuum as soon it encounters them.

It's a real pain in the ass...
Apparently, there is nowhere enough killin' goin' on at your house.

Mine, either. :(

Took out the boxes, gave part of the kitchen a cleaning while I cooked bacon-n-omelette, and got together the next load of laundry - mostly.

The cat has found his new throne, a spot the Empress would have loved, thereby proving that she didn't die but simply moved into him.



I hate the idea of shooting up into the trees,
you never know where the round will come to earth.
Good Morning!!!Yes it is Still Morning I don't care how long you early birds have been up!
Besides I had a catch up with things call with sis-the-younger this morning, so there's that.
I hate the idea of shooting up into the trees,
you never know where the round will come to earth.

.410 shotgun, just saying.

Good Morning!!!Yes it is Still Morning I don't care how long you early birds have been up!
Besides I had a catch up with things call with sis-the-younger this morning, so there's that.

Plenty of morning left here in Alaska.

Cool out this morning. A bit breezy and rain showers.
Home. Zelda the big bike is home. Ordered a set of forward controls - without paying in advance. The bike service was covered on the service plan, except for the upgrade to synthetic oil. That was $25.

Mom brought the rose.

So I reckon I'll go and plant it.

Damn, it's hot . . . .



The other household had a Wat-style AC failure so I got to spend more time with the small one.

There is something to be said about taking time off versus the steady grind for productivity. Not that I "needed" to, but I caught up for the week anyway by working a little harder, a lot smarter, and putting up with situations that would normally get a life's-too-short-for-this-bullshit pass.

I also have decided that "good enough for government work" is better than spending my time arguing with windmills about how some things are wasteful and unnecessary and what oughtta be rone differently.

Probably doesn't hurt that lots of people are scared of going to work and trying to get a spoon in my rice bowl.
Vox has a piece claiming "without evidence" as the left likes to say that AZ cases are due to Republican govenor bad (they have a point, but only that he is bending to their nonsense) and opening "too early."

You have to open up at some point and you get what you get. They ignore completely different results in other States with the same or earlier tinelines.

I got third hand unverifiable information the other day, (relative of a nurse that works a border clinic.) that some of the cases are coming from test kits submitted by La Migra on border turn-backs which would explain some of the cases without corresponding hospitalizations.

Actually sick illegals are being sent North for treatment according to https://cis.org/Bensman/Mounting-Evidence-Points-Covid-Refugees-Mexico-Major-Factor-BorderState-Spikes?fbclid=IwAR1rq9jxI0hkRvqNP0hsOxJYLh-zY4iJEj9c8qUwgX66u8loc62xboPvB_8 which explains high case counts in La Paz and Yuma counties and hospitalizations up here.

Some possibility that cases are redundant as they are recorded where they are picked up, then again where admitted to a hospital.
Wat's a/c is still chugging along making cool.

Wat's a-gonna need a tuner when all this hotrod shit lands and gets installed. Fortunately, one company makes one that's plug-n-play. Plug it in, let it download, talk to it with your schmahtfone, and then get out there and ride the wheels off'n it. It has an auto-tune setting, works with the factory O2 sensors, and is notoriously simple to use and to adjust.

The big bike is still on warranty, so I'm not sure what or when I'll make that upgrade. The little bike? As soon as I find something compatible with 2020 VINs.

So what will I do with all this tune-a-carb info floating around in my head???




.410 shotgun, just saying.

Real good idea, but my gun safe overfloweth...

Also it strikes me that shooting up into the trees where all the crap is coming from
just might bring down as much crap as I am curing
and speaking of tree rats, I went out to pick blackberries,
and I went to reach for one and one of the little
miscreants jumped right out of the bush and
ran off into the forest. The unmitigated gall!


I heard thumping last night and got up to investigate;
big stupid had crawled over the dog gate again.
Honestly, she has trouble making it up the steps to
get into the house! I think she just gets up on it
and then her weight drags it down.
Oh well, I'll just be shutting the office door going forward...
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I can’t use dog gates, dummy dog is the athletic sort. He can jump right over them without much effort, then expects to be rewarded for it.
Well they’re sort of vertically challenged anyways, correct?

Dummy dog has all sorts of energy and zero common sense to go along with it. Heard coyotes last night while we were sitting out on the deck, about killed him that I wouldn’t let him go investigate.
Happy Monday!!!

It's a waste of time trying to tell Furrbutt where he can and cannot go. He'll sit there and sit the Songs of His People if I do. I haven't even tried. I did with other cats, but what a pain. He doesn't even know that.

More heat-n-humidity, and maybe a few t-storms to go with it. I'll still water then newly planted bush before I go. Allah is a desert god and I am inclined to distrust him on watering plants on my schedule.

He didn't build this coffee, either . . . .


